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“Do you know what’s interesting?” Madison said as she peeled potatoes in preparation for dinner.

“Hmm?” Honestly, anything she had to say was probably interesting to me.

“I feel like we’ve gone through more diapers than we usually do in a day or two. I suppose that’s obvious. But I was reminded of that this afternoon when I found an extra diaper that I had to toss into the garbage.”


“It was in the most interesting place, too.”

I felt my cheeks warm, and I considered saying something, though there didn’t seem to be much of a point. We both knew where she was going with this.

“In the barn, of all places. Like it had, I dunno, fallen from the loft or something. It made a little bit of a mess, but it was nothing I couldn’t easily clean.”

“Maddy, I’m so sorry. We didn’t mean to…”

“I’m just teasing you,” she said with a warm smile. “Can I be honest? I’m actually really excited for you.”

I wasn’t sure what to say to that. I shrugged nonchalantly, though that hardly felt like a response.

“Something Kat and I have talked about before is a playmate,” she continued. “Another little boy or girl in a diaper that she can crawl around with.”

“I’m not sure if I’d want to do that on camera though.”

“Oh...I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to suggest it in that context. I mean, genuinely, you and her. Little baby playmates.”

I nodded and smiled. “I’ll be honest, I’m not completely sure what that entails. But I like the sound of it.”

She laughed, handing me a basket of peeled potatoes to dice now that I had finished slicing the carrots.

Kat had taken Lily down to the goats and chickens for some farm-life experience, while I was on dinner duty with Madison. Of course, not before Lily insisted that she help me into a fresh diaper. I would’ve felt awkward asking for a new one myself - so I was happy that it was her idea.

But here in the kitchen, I thought how  it was funny that there was a time I found Madison to be a little intimidating. She had an aura of confidence and sureness about her, for sure, but she had also turned out to be one of the least judgmental people I had ever met.

“Do you have any questions? About anything?”

“Oh...I don’t know. Probably? I’m kind of taking in everything as it comes, you know? Everything still seems so new to me, and everytime I think I know what’s coming next, I realize I don’t know anything at all.”

“That’s fair,” she chuckled. “You take to it all pretty well, though. Are you sure you’ve never daydreamed about wetting a diaper before coming here?”

“Not that I recall. I just don’t think I realized I liked it. I mean, I knew I liked other things and…”



“My first boyfriend after high school was this fella named Andrew.  A nice boy. Shy. He had a penchant for stealing my panties though, and I had never experienced anything like that in my life. Like, at first I was angry. But then I felt kind of sad for him, you know? Maybe he was struggling with that side of him and if my panties made him feel a little better, who was I to get mad at that?”

I nodded, not completely sure where she was going with this tale, but liking the effort it seemed she was making to relate to me.

“So one day we’re sitting down together and I decide to bring it up. I’m careful about it, you know? I reassure him that I’m not judging him - but I do want him to know that I’m aware of the fact that he’s wearing my panties. Does he need panties? I’ll go to the store and buy him some of his own. I’ll buy him a bra. Whatever he wants. And do you know what he says to me?”

I shrugged.

“He confesses that he doesn’t want to just wear panties. He wants to wear my panties. That’s what he actually gets off on. He wants to get caught stealing and wearing my panties.”

I feel my cheeks blush a little. It’s hard to say if I’ve ever had that exact fantasy, but I certainly like it at this moment.

“So I have no idea what to do with that. And so I think about it a little bit. Again, he’s not necessarily hurting anyone, and he’s got this itch that hasn’t been scratched. So I surprised him one night. I took a chance and just ordered him to show me his underwear. And I can just immediately tell that he has something to hide. He’s all blushing and flustered. He’s hemming and hawing. He’s making excuses. I tell him that either he shows me his underpants or I’m going to pull down his pants and look for myself. So...he does it. He pulls his pants down.”

“Is he wearing your panties?”

“Damn right he is. One of my favorite pairs too. They were like this ruby red color with all this lace? And he’s just stretching them out. His dick doesn’t even fit in them.”

“So...what do you do?” I’m embarrassed by how much I’m enjoying her story, but not enough to stop myself from asking for more.

“I decided to give him exactly what I thought he wanted. I sat down on the couch and ordered him over my knees. And for the first time in my life, I slapped the hell out of someone’s ass.”

I felt myself getting hard in my diaper. I didn’t think it was obvious, but I turned my body away from her anyways, just in case.

“I shouldn’t have to tell you that he liked that quite a bit,” she continued. “It was a shame, because it quickly dawned on me after that the only thing I liked about him was that I could slap him around while he wore my panties. But. That kind of ignited something in me, I guess. I had never really thought about my sexuality before or what I wanted...but there was something there that made sense. It’s evolved over time, but it's what brought me to Kat; this blend of nurturing and...authority?”

“That makes sense,” I said. Unfortunately, all I could think about was being over Madison’s knees now. It felt wrong to even think about - yet I could see Lily being onboard with that idea.

“Anyways, I’ve been rambling for a while. Did I...lose the thread of what we were talking about?”

“I don’t think so,” I said. “We’re just talking about...men. In panties.”

“Boys,” she corrected. “And I’m even hesitant to use that word.” She flashed a sly grin. Was it flirtatious or was I just seeing what I wanted to see?

I cleared my throat, trying my best to focus on my meal-prep duties. Yet my heart raced, my imagination was running wild, and somewhere beneath my panties and diaper, I was throbbing.

“I didn’t mean to rile you up,” she said softly.

It was embarrassing that it was so obvious.

She continued: “It’s a little easier than I expected it to be. Maybe it shouldn’t be a surprise, considering how quickly you ended up in a diaper.”

I let out a noise - more than just exhaling, yet not quite a sigh. She just laughed.

“I’m sorry, Henry. I’m just teasing.”

“I-it’s okay,” I replied. “Everything is overwhelming right now. But not in a bad way, if that makes sense.”

“It does. I’ve felt that way before. Kat has felt that way before, for sure. In fact...don’t tell her I told you this, but I suspect that she’s feeling a bit of that right now.”

“What? Really? Why?”

“It’s a lot of new firsts for her too. It’s one thing to do this stuff online, for an anonymous audience. We’re careful and we show very specific things. They see only a certain side of us and our lifestyle. But it’s different now that you and Lily are here. You see all of us. All the sides. That’s certainly new.”

“I...I hope it doesn’t feel like we’re imposing.”

“We invited you, don’t be silly. But it’s more than that.”


“I...don’t want to say too much,” she said. “There’s just...new dynamics in play. It’s new for her too.”

“Me?” I asked. “In diapers?”

She smiled and offered a little shrug.

The homemade pot pies were amazing, and not even just because I had a hand in making them - even if I mostly just cut vegetables and set the table.

“...and then Batman rammed his head right into me and knocked me down the hill,” Lily said with a laugh.

“It’s his love language,” Kat said with a shrug. “He’s a little rough. Some people like that.”

I laughed with everyone else, but I was laughing at the idea of the actual Batman - well, the actual fictional character - resorting to the tactic of ramming bad guys with his head.

“Henry, I want goats.”

“I don’t think our landlord would appreciate that.”

“See?” said Kat.  “Y’all just need to move to the country.”

I laughed it off as a joke, but looking to Lily, I could see something in her eyes. She likely wouldn’t mind that at all. Even Madison was nodding more than she was laughing.

Seems dangerous, I thought. I could see that future now, and it was mostly me crawling around in a diaper.

“As much as I’d like to, it’d be tough to leave everything in the city behind,” Lily finally said. I sighed in relief. “But I’d consider it as a long term plan. Henry?”

I nodded nervously. “I love it here, I really do. To pick up leave our other life - well, that seems hard. Not impossible though. I dunno...it feels like a nice goal.”

Lily smiled and nodded.

Madison lifted her glass of wine. “A toast. To the city folks’ awakening.”

We all lifted our glasses and cheered to that.

I’d be tempted to say that dinner was uneventful, but there was something happening that I couldn’t get a grasp on. I had this paranoid sense that others at this table knew something that I did not. Maybe not Madison - but certainly Lily and Kat. There was something about their smiles, or how they talked to each other. It hinted at conversations I wasn’t privy to. I wondered what they had talked about while tending to the animals.

Of course, nothing in this house - while all four of us were here at once, anyways - seemed to stay secret for long. So it would only be a matter of time before I’d know for myself.

“Any thoughts on what we’d like to do this evening?” Madison asked. “I mean...we’ve got enough alcohol in the basement to last a second ice age, but I’d hate to assume everyone wants to spend another night getting silly on the porch.”

Lily and Kat looked to each other and giggled.

“We were thinking...uh…” Lily trailed off, seeming unsure of how to finish the sentence.

“Right, see...we talked about maybe…” Yet Kat seemed no better at it, and both were giggling again.

Madison looked to me and we both shrugged. It felt good to have somebody on my side - especially the person who usually seemed to be more in the know than anyone else.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Kat said, doing her best to collect herself. “We’re just being silly.”

“Care to share with the class, girls?” Madison asked. Her voice was peak-teacher. It really worked for me.

“Oh...we were just talking before. Outside,” Lily said. “It was just this silly idea of...Kat...and Henry...playing together.”

“Like, you know, a playdate or something,” Kat said with a shrug.

Madison and I looked to each other again. I felt myself starting to blush again as I watched a curious smile spread across her face.

“I mean, it certainly sounds cute,” Madison said. “But what does a playdate even look like?”

“I...I dunno,” Kat answered. “It was just this cute idea, I guess.”

“Like...two babies being left to play with each other in a playpen, I guess,” Lily added. “Maybe it’s not quite as exciting in practice as it was in our imagination, but…”

“I do like the sound of that,” Madison said, clearly mulling it over. “But that might also be asking a lot of our newborn. Henry? Thoughts?”

I swallowed, looking around the table at everyone’s eyes on me. Honestly, I was torn.

“I have to be honest,” I finally said, “I’m still not entirely sure what you’re expecting to happen. We sit around and...play? With toys?”

Madison looked back to Lily and Kat quizzically, as I did, interested in seeing how they’d elaborate on their idea.

“Maybe...we were just thinking out loud,” Kat said, blushing brightly. “Sorry…”

“No...don’t apologize,” Madison said, putting her hand on Kat’s shoulder. “I think we all like your idea. But...some of us are new to their diapers and maybe that’s a lot to take in all at once.” She looked to me and offered a supportive smile.

I wanted to tell everyone that I did actually like the idea, but I didn’t know what to say or how to say it. I figured maybe it’d be best to keep my mouth shut for now. Maybe later this would come up again and I’d have a better handle on how I felt. Hopefully it’d come up again.

Desert was just some ice cream and coffee - more than enough, really. I would be coming home with this trip with a diaper fetish and 10 extra pounds at this rate.

Kat and Madison were out and about on the farm early in the evening, and Lily and I sat in the living room. I had grown fond of these moments this past week - coming together and checking in after having our own little adventures.

“I don’t want to pressure you to do anything you don’t want to do,” she said. She didn’t have to define what she was talking about - it was the same thing that was on my mind.

“I guess I just don’t know what I’m expected to do. Or what I’m allowed to do. Or...I don’t know, whatever it is we do, it’d be weird to have an audience.”

“What if I told you that there were no limits?”

“I’d be skeptical,” I said with a laugh.

“Fair enough. But...I mean that.”

“That’s still pretty vague,” I said.

“We’ve...kind of talked about this before, right? Seeing other people? Or, being with other people?”

“Are you saying that you want me to…”

“No, no. Well… I mean, you could. If you wanted to. That’s all I’m saying. She was telling me all about how she had this fantasy of being with someone else who was also...in a diaper. And here’s you...and you’re in a diaper. Look, if nothing else, it might be fun to explore that part of yourself with her, right? And whether you just end up crawling around and sucking on a pacifier, or you end up...you know...getting into her diaper… It’s all good with me. In fact, it’s encouraged.”

I nodded. I wanted to ask “why,” but I already knew the reason. While we had grown a little stagnate in our relationship, a simple byproduct of years in the same routines, there was a time where we wanted to experience exploration and adventure in our sex lives. This week on the farm was that. There’d never be a better time for it, and by taking these chances there was a good chance that we’d be changing our lives for the better moving forward. But if we didn’t take these chances...we’d probably never do it again.

“I don’t want it to be awkward,” I said. “Don’t push us into a room and lock the door behind us.”

Lily laughed and shrugged. “Well, I can’t promise that’s not Kat’s plan. But I just wanted to make sure you were okay with the idea of it. So, in case it happens, you’re okay with that?”

“I am,” I nodded. “Promise.”




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