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Kat and I sat on the porch sipping some sort of vodka-lemonade concoction of Kat’s creation, fittingly served in quaint mason jars. It had been an exhausting day, but an altogether rewarding one. We had seen some breathtaking views and had some great conversations along the way. Now, as we shared some drinks and laughed about our adventures, we could see Madison’s pickup truck pulling up to the house.

“You finally decided to come home?” Kat teased Madison as she got out of the car.

I put my glass down and went to hug Lily as she got out from her side. We embraced for a moment, pecking each other on the lips. I wondered if her hands would wander down to my ass again - but they didn’t. Maybe that was for the best right now.

“I’m more surprised that the two of you made it back in one piece,” Madison said. “Kat, you didn’t murder him in the woods?”

“I knew that human sacrifice was something I needed to worry about,” I murmured, being reminded of my fake elder deity T’yr’g’d’lrg.

“Any luck in the hallowed halls of antique-dom?” Kat asked, planting a wet kiss on Madison’s cheek.

“Lily found this amazing accordion…”

“...that was filled with mold,” Lily said with disgust. “How does that even happen?”

“Oh! But we did find this. Kat, you’re going to love this.” Madison circled around to the back of the truck to unload her treasure.

“It’s pretty incredible,” Lily added with a wide grin. She gave me a playful jab to the side. “Maybe you’ll like it too?”

My curiosity was piqued as I watched Madison carefully remove the mystery object from the back of her truck. It was draped in a heavy blanket, and while I could see the vague contour of the shape beneath it, without context it didn’t really register as anything in particular. She carefully brought it before Kat and I before pulling off the blanket in a quick, magician-like, action.


It was a rocking horse. I almost wouldn’t have believed it was an antique at all had nobody said as such. It’s natural wood with a high-gloss varnish looked to be in immaculate condition.

“The shop owner mused aloud that it seemed a tiny bit too big for any child that would actually want to ride on a rocking horse,” Madison said with a shrug. “But that was exactly how I knew it would be perfect for my baby.”

Kat wasted no time in sprinting forward and mounting the wooden steed, immediately rocking back and forth on the grass with a look of joy on her face.

“I knew this was going to be a hit.”

“Want a turn on it?” Lily said to me, a little quieter. I was pretty sure I was blushing a little bit, but I remained stoic.

“Maybe...later.” Changing the subject: “Did you have a good time?”

“I really did. We got coffee; we hit up a few shops; we got lunch; we talked forever; hit some more shops. It was honestly such a delightful time. It just felt like...no time had really elapsed since high school at all.”

“I’m so glad to hear that,” I said.

“What about you? Have a good time on the hike?” She offered a sly smile, as if she knew more than she actually did. I’m sure she was full of assumptions, or at least hope.

“I...uh, yeah.,” I said, feeling a goofy grin grow on my face. “It was actually pretty great.”

“Will you tell me about it later?”

“Oh, of course,” I said with a casual shrug. I debated leaving it at that, but added a teasing: “Though, there’s not a lot to tell.”

Her lips turned skeptically and she gave me a playful look. She wasn’t buying it.

“I’ll bring this into the house,” Madison said, as a gleeful Kat slowly dismounted the horse. “C’mon, Baby, let's go see what we can cook up for dinner tonight.” Madison carried the horse into the house, while Kat bounded behind her, leaving Lily and I outside together.

I could immediately tell that Lily was biting her lip, desperate to know if I made good on our discussion from this morning. I wanted to give her that answer, but it was harder to talk about than I expected it to be.

Lily took my hand and started walking towards the barn.

“Where are we going?”

“Just a little walk,” she said with a shrug. “But, if you wanted to tell me more about your day while we walk, I’m all ears.”

“What makes you think there’s that much to tell?”

“Don’t be all coy and mysterious with me now, Henry. I’m...very curious.”

“Well, I’ll say this - if we thought that Kat’s little accident on the porch last night was the result of just being cheeky and drunk…it turns out that she doesn’t need alcohol to be cheeky.”

“Oh, so she…”

“Filled her diapers. Like...absolutely loaded them.”

“Right in front of you?”

“Well...I gave her as much privacy as I could.”

She laughed and squeezed my hand playfully. “Oh come on. You watched it, didn’t you?”

“I actually didn’t.”

“And...she just stayed that way for the rest of the hike?”

“No, no. She had a little backpack - a diaper bag, I guess. She changed herself.”

“You didn’t even offer to change her?”

“N-no?” I stammered.

“I’m teasing,” she said. “She impresses me, you know? She does a good job of making herself look really sweet and shy. But then she goes stuff like that.”

“It was quite the trip.”

“But...did you ask her about maybe getting a diaper of your own?”

“I did…”


“She came through for us.”

“Is it...is it weird that I’m really excited about that?”

I just laughed and shook my head. I had no words at this point. I had done so many mental gymnastics between trying to justify my curiosity towards it and assuring myself that I wasn’t some sort of deranged freak, that I wasn’t sure what else there was for me to say about it.

“Where is it? Back in the room?”

“It’s...uh...yeah,” I said with a casual shrug.

“Is it, like, big and thick?”

“So much more than you even realize,” I said.

She looked into my eyes at that moment - and I swear, if we weren’t married or hadn’t been together for as long as we had been, I doubt that so much could have been communicated with a single look. Yet in that moment, with just that look, I could see Lily’s eyes widen as she let out a curt gasp.

“You...you’re wearing it now, aren’t you.”


She released my hand and in the same half-second, her hand had managed to wind up behind me before giving my ass a thunderous slap. The sound was so loud - and so unique - that it seemed all too obvious that she had struck white gold. Instinctively, I looked around us, anxious to see if there was somehow someone around us who would’ve heard the humiliating noise.

“Oh my god,” she said. “You are! You’re wearing a diaper right now.”

One would think that my cheeks would have been exhausted at this point, as I feel like I was blushing for the 100th time on this day alone. I offered a small shrug, well aware that between my face and the sound of her slap, she had all the answers she needed.

“Can I see?” She asked. “Please? I want to see.”

Again, I found myself looking around suspiciously, as if there was someone in the trees. Perhaps the nigh-impronouncable elder god of my worst fears, himself, was watching.

“Here? Now?”

“Who do you think is going to see, you weirdo? Kat obviously already knows and I’m your wife. That’s ¾ of all the people in a 25 mile mile radius.”

She had a point - not that I hadn’t already figured this out for myself. And so, for the second time that day, I was pulling down my pants to show a woman what I was wearing beneath. In some ways, this was easier because it was Lily. In some ways, it was worse. I pulled my pants down and stood straight up again, bracing myself for her critique.

For a moment, she didn’t have anything to say. She didn’t have to, as I could read her face perfectly. For all of Lily’s expectations and, no doubt imagined fantasies, it was clear that this moment was surprising to her. Her mouth dropped open, and as it slowly closed again, it twisted into a wry grin. She tilted her head, further studying my condition. Once the look of satisfaction washed over her face, it never went away.

“Wearing my panties over your diaper? That was a nice touch,” she finally said.

“I thought you’d like that.”

“It’s...so thick.”

“You have no idea. I feel like I have two towels shoved between my legs right now.”

“And how long were you going to keep this from me?”

“I figured you’d figure it out sooner or later. Actually, I thought for sure you’d notice the second you stepped out of the truck. I feel like every single movement I make causes this thing to crinkle loudly.”

“I guess I didn’t think to listen for that before.” She stepped closer, running her hand over the panties, feeling the bulky plastic diaper beneath it. She circled around me, giving my bottom another playful slap, giggling at its hollow sound. “Is that...baby powder I smell?”

“I didn’t want any, but Kat insisted I use some.”

“Did she help you put it on?”

“No...can you tell?”

“Well, I was going to say that it looks a little sloppy. I mean, clearly you need help if you’re going to wear any more after this.”

“If? I mean, I barely committed to this one.”

“Sure...but, let me ask: Do you like it?”

I paused. I felt like I might have known the answer, somewhere deep inside myself, but I hadn’t processed everything enough just yet.

“You know what?” she said. “Don’t worry about it. Let’s just concentrate on giving this diaper a test drive and then we can worry about more later.”

I chuckled to myself and nodded. Giving the diaper a “test drive” caused me to imagine Lily following behind me for the rest of the evening with a checklist. Durability? Absorbency? Loudness? Susceptibility to being patted or slapped? Smell containment?

“I guess you can pull up your pants now,” she said. “Though maybe you’d rather just toddle around in just a diaper for a bit?”

“No...I think I’ll go with the pants, thank you very much,” I said, pulling them up as I spoke.

We walked around the farm a little more. I shared some of Kat’s origin story, while Lily shared some tidbits of her day with Madison. There were moments when absolutely nothing felt out of place. This was just another day, and just another walk. Every once in a while, I’d hear myself crinkle, or she’d put her hand on the back of my pants, and I’d be reminded of my current condition.

I dwelled on her question. Did I like the diapers? It was an interesting question, albeit a deceivingly simple one. Yes or no, ultimately. Well, I liked the thrill I got from asking Kat for one. I liked how she teased me about it. I liked the satisfied look on Kat’s face after I came downstairs from my post-hike shower, obviously coming to terms with the new awkward bulk in my pants. I liked Lily’s excitement towards my diaper. I liked the feeling of knowing how happy she would be to see her panties stretched over the diaper.

But did I like the diapers themselves?


The sun was getting closer to the horizon, and we circled back towards the house. I was pretty sure that my body couldn’t handle another night of excessive drinking, though I did wonder what the night would hold for us. What any of the next few nights would hold for us, really. Three days ago, I hadn’t even given the idea of an adult willfully wearing diapers a second thought, and now I was wearing one. At this rate, I was going to find myself being enrolled in a daycare by the end of the week.

“So,” Lily said, mercifully getting me out of my own head, “do you think you’ll...use it?”

“Do you want me to?”

“I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do,” she said.

“But if I did? What would you think? Would you be disgusted?”

“No,” she said curtly. “Not at all.”

“Would you like it?”

“I think so. Is that weird?”

“No weirder than wearing a diaper.” We both laughed. “I guess it kind of makes sense, right? Why would you wear one if you weren’t expecting to use it?”

“Well, if you wet your diaper, I promise to change your diaper.”

“Deal,” I said, blushing. “But...what if I…”

She gave me a curious sideways look, hoping I’d elaborate.

“What if I...messed the diaper? Would you change that?”

“Oh. Is...that something you want to do?”

“I can’t even imagine doing that,” I said with a laugh. “I kind of meant for that to be a joke.”

She gave me a skeptical look and smiled. “Well...if that was something you actually did, then yes. I’d even change your big smelly poopy diaper.”

We laughed, continuing to walk back towards the house. I prayed that the diminishing sunlight would hide the look of humiliation that felt plastered on my face.



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