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Kat led the way. We head down a well-worn path that curved behind the barn  and some fields before splitting off into the forest. I felt slightly underprepared as I watched her walk ahead of me with her backpack. It wasn’t a particularly big pack, but it made me wonder what she could possibly think that she needed on a trail that I didn’t have myself. A compass? Rope? A gun? I imagined us coming to a collapsed bridge over a ravine, and her pulling a rope out of her backpack like it was the most normal thing ever.

The fantasy didn’t last entirely long, however. As we climbed a surprisingly steep hill in the trail, I caught a good look at her ass, immediately reminded of the thick padding of her diaper under the taught fabric of her pants. I felt foolish for not sooner realizing that the backpack probably wasn’t holding hiking supplies - but more diapers.

“Are you okay back there?” she asked. I wondered if she could here my labored breathing as we reached the top of the hill. I hadn’t thought that I was out of shape - but it was also worth pointing out that I didn’t encounter many steep hills in my normal daily life.

“I’m still here,” I said. “Coyotes haven’t gotten me yet.”

“The coyotes probably won’t bother with you,” Kat said with a shrug.

“So there are coyotes?”

“Well, yeah. But I’ve never been bit by one. So you’re probably fine.” She turned and gave me a playful grin. I smiled back, not feeling completely assured.

The trail extended deeper into the woods than I could see, and there were still no signs of the old railroad tracks. It had been a while since I was on a hike like this, and I had forgotten the scale of this rural country. Imagining a similar span of road in the city, and I could see this same stretch populated by hundreds of buildings. More coffee shops than there probably were in this entire state.

“I apologize in advance if I end up asking you this a thousand more times in the next few days,” Kat said, slowing down so that we walked side-by-side, “but having guests who know about our lifestyle is new for us...as I guess this is all new for you. But, are you okay with everything?”

“I am,” I said as confidently as I could. I felt confident about the answer. It felt strange. And, despite my hesitation to admit as much to Lily, I did have some lingering curiosities of my own about it. But I did feel “okay” with it.

“Okay, good. Please tell us if you ever feel uncomfortable, okay?”

“Of course.”

“It seems surreal that this has all kind of happened so quickly. I guess we thought it was inevitable that you’d learn about this stuff. But I don’t think we intended it to happen so soon. Or for us to be so open about it.”

“It’s felt...surprisingly natural,” I said.

“Comfortable, right?” she said with a smile. We both nodded.

I wasn’t sure if I should say anything at all, but the more I had thought about it, the more I wanted to make sure Kat knew that nobody was judging her for what happened the night before. As we walked together, I could feel it hanging above our heads.

“Hey,” I finally said. “I just wanted to let you know that neither Lily or I were upset about last night. Like, I guess it was...new to us? But it made sense. I mean, that’s your lifestyle. Besides, we were all a little drunk. But...I guess, the more I think about it, the more I’m actually kind of flattered that you were willing to put yourself out there like that. Booze or no booze.”

Kat gave the slightest of smiles and nods, but there was something else in her eyes. A blank confusion. She stared ahead for a few moments, tilting her head slightly while she contemplated what I said - possibly playing back her memory of the night before.

“I...I’m sorry if this is a silly question...but what exactly did I do last night? I just remember hanging out on the porch last night with all of you and then...going to bed, I think.”

I felt my stomach tie itself into a knot. I had assumed that Madison already told her about last night - but clearly that hadn’t happened.

“Oh...I...I’m so sorry, I feel like I’m talking out of turn now.” I felt my face grow warm. I felt terrible for even bringing it up.

“Did I...do something embarrassing?” she said.

“Well. I mean...it probably wouldn’t have been as embarrassing had Lily and I not been there.”

“Oh god,” she said, planting her face into her palm. “I didn’t...I didn’t try to breastfeed from Maddy, did I?”

“N-no,” I said, doing my best to hide the fact that I very much wanted to see what that looked like.

“Well...good. Because that certainly never happens.”

We both laughed, realizing there was no way to put that cat back into its bag.

I figured I’d save her the potential embarrassment of incorrectly guessing other kinky things she and Madison had done together: “We all just watched you...fill your diaper. So to speak.”

“Oh?” She thought about it for a minute, and she must’ve found a memory, because her face lit up so quickly that I could’ve sworn I saw a lightbulb over her head. “Oh yeah...I do kind of remember that now. I was in Maddy’s lap, right?”


“That was...a lot. I remember Maddy taking me upstairs to change me too.”

“It’s really okay,” I assured her. “We didn’t judge you. Honestly.”

She shrugged, obviously trying to play off how embarrassed she actually was. We tread deeper into the forest together without saying much for a few minutes. I kept stopping myself from providing more reassurance. Maybe it was best that I finally just keep my mouth shut.

“I suppose it was inevitable,” she said. “Though I wish I didn’t give y’all quite as much of a show.”

“It’s really okay,” I laughed. “Like I said, it was weirdly flattering to know you felt that comfortable.”

“I would argue that I wasn’t exactly in my best headspace,” she retorted.

“Do you regret it, though?”

“Well. I’m feeling like a fool. But...no, I suppose I don’t.”

“Good,” I said with a smile.

“So, you mean that?” Kat asked.

“Mean what, exactly?”

“That it didn’t bother you to see me do that?”

“No, not at all,” I said genuinely.

“So if I did it again…?”

“Are you planning on...doing that again?”

“It's going to happen eventually,” she said with a shrug. “And being a little hungover, and drinking coffee, and having that breakfast...maybe it’d happen sooner than later. Like while you and I are out on this hike.”

I nodded, unsure of exactly what to say. None of what she was saying upset me, but I wasn’t sure what reaction she was looking for from me.

“I’m well prepared, of course,” she continued, patting her backpack. “So I may just need to take a pitstop at some point to take care of that. I just...wanted to make sure that was okay with you.”

“Of course,” I said. “Do what you have to do. I won’t judge.”

“I like you, Henry. You and Lily have been so sweet. I can’t tell you how much it means to us that you don’t treat us like freaks.”

“I mean, that’s the thing, isn’t it? We’re all freaks. We just don’t all get to live in the middle of nowhere and make a utopia out of it.”

“You’re a freak too, huh?”

I sighed, debating the best move. On one hand, I hadn’t actually intended to start rattling off the weird kinky things I wanted to experience. But on the other, after learning so much about Madison and Kat - and knowing that they couldn’t possibly judge me - it felt almost selfish to keep it all to myself.

“Can...I show you something?” I asked.

“Show? Uh...sure, I think,” she said with a giggle. “But...you’re not just going to show me your penis, right?”

“No,” I said with a laugh. “It’s probably worse than that.”

She watched as I nervously unbuckled my belt and unfastened my pants. Looking back up to her face, I could see that she was nervous about whatever it was I was going to show her. I slowly shimmied my pants down to my knees and then stood straight up, revealing what I had been wearing under my pants.

“Oh my gosh,” she said, pointing at the floral print panties I wore. “Are those…”

“Panties? Yes,” I said, helplessly blushing. “Lily’s panties, at that. She put them on me last night.”

“Oh. Oh my.” I was surprised to see that the woman wearing a diaper could be shocked by anything I was capable of.

“See? I’m a freak too.”

“I had no idea,” she said.

I pulled up my pants and we continued our walk together. “Honestly? I didn’t either until we got here. It was one of those deep-seated thoughts that just always felt like a fantasy.”

“Was Madison and I a little bit of an inspiration then?”

“I’d say so.”

I wanted to say more. I wanted to bring up that I did actually have a little bit of a curiosity about the diapers. Somewhere, Lily was keeping her fingers crossed that I’d actually ask her for a diaper. I thought about how I’d bring it up, and I was cycling through variations of what I might say in my head when she interrupted my train of thought.


“I’m sorry?” I asked, not sure what she was trying to say. I could see her straining a little. There was a look of tension on her face. It occurred to me that I could probably guess what was happening. “Are you...wetting your diaper?”

“Oh...uhm. Gosh, no. I’ve done that, like, twice while we’ve been out walking. I...I’m...pooping my pants…”




I just love that last line, her admitting that she's pooping her pants and trying to sound like it's perfectly normal to be admitting that, like it's something everyone does 😂