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BabyKat & Mommy, Video 239: Another Day on the Farm

The video opens with Kat and Madison standing on the porch of their house. Kat is wearing a pair of overalls, and a small pink shirt under it that just barely conceals her belly. Madison appears to look a little overdressed for the farm - her hair is lightly curled and pulled back behind her head, her face subtly enhanced with make-up, and she wore an almost retro-styled blue dress. She looked how I imagined a mother in the 50s looked, or maybe a school teacher?

“I can trust you to be a good girl out on the farm today?” Madison asked sternly, her hands on her hips.

“Y-yes, Mommy. I promise,” Kat said. Her voice felt...lighter? Softer? It was filled with equal parts exuberance and timidness.

“If you have any accidents out there, I want you to get your little bottom back here to tell Mommy.”

“Yes, Mommy.”

“Good girl. Now go out and play!”

With that, Madison gave Kat a firm pat to the bottom. It was difficult to tell with Kat’s overalls, but there was something suspicious about the way the pat landed. It sounded muffled, like she hit a pillow - and now that he was looking...her ass did seem to be a little plumper than what he expected with her figure.

I wondered if I’d notice the same thing if I looked at her now, but I thought better of it. I didn’t want to take my eyes off the screen.

Madison watched from the porch as Kat playfully skipped away from the house. I could see some white fabric sticking out from the open sides of Kat’s overalls. My first instinct was to say it was her panties, but that didn’t feel quite right. I had a growing suspicion that I knew what I was seeing, but that didn’t seem right. Yet...when considering everything I had seen so far - it was beginning to make more sense.

Was she wearing a diaper?

In the next scene, Kat is petting a baby goat, while feeding it with a giant bottle.

“Ugh,” Kat groaned to nobody in particular. “I wish this was my baba.”

The goat kicked a little, trying to wiggle from her grasp. She gently set it down, setting the bottle down too. She stood up, straightening out her overalls a little.

“I...have to pee,” she said. “But...Mommy probably won’t want to change me so soon. Maybe I should...hold it?”

She squirmed a little, doing a little pee-dance that I, if I’m being honest, found to be pretty cute. She wandered off screen, the video fading to black.

In the next scene, she was outside amongst the chickens, spreading some feed onto the ground for them. Every few steps she’d stop and do another little pee-dance. While the video felt pretty staged and deliberate, there was something very sincere and believable about how she carried herself. Even if Kat didn’t sit around talking about having to piss when nobody was around, I certainly believed that she was one to have these little toddler-like dances while she had to pee.

This continued for a few minutes, with her little pee-dances getting more frequent and lasting longer. While I initially found myself wondering who the audience was for this, I slowly answered the question for myself. I had never once considered anything like this for myself - it all seemed kind of alien to me - but somewhere between her cute mannerisms and the slow building inevitably of what she was going to do with that diaper, I could see exactly what people liked about this.

I glanced up from the phone to Kat’s face. She offered a bashful smile and shrugged.

Back on the screen, Kat had given up on whatever farm chores she was doing and was now squatting as little chickens pecked the ground around her feet. Though it was hard to tell what was happening inside her overalls, the pronounced outline of her thickly padded undergarments settled any lingering doubt I had about that. She sighed in relief, assumedly taking care of that little pee problem she had.

No sooner than she had finished with her long satisfying moan, she was back to standing straight up again, bucket of chicken feed in hand and she went about her chores as if it was what she was doing the whole time. She even hummed a little song as she did so.

The perspective changed to that of Madison, standing atop the hill, watching over the chicken coop as Kat interrupts her work to squat. Madison smiles, crossing her arms and tapping her foot.

I’m actually a little impressed by the production values in the video. If there’s not a camera person, then they’re making good use of camera placement and framing. There’s certainly a consideration for visual storytelling that I rarely see in the...well, the content I watch late at night on my phone when nobody else is around.

The scene changes again, and Kat is in the barn now using a push broom to clear some debris from the barn floor. Footsteps behind her slowly grow in volume, and as they approach, you can see the concern on Kat’s face grow. I’m not well versed in this brand of kink - but I can quickly piece together what her concern is: “Mommy” had asked Kat to return to her if she had an accident.

“How are your chores going?” Madison asked. Her voice is sweet and motherly, but with a hint of firmness. With her perfect hair and pretty dress, she did look slightly out of place in the barn, though that very could have been the case.

“Uhm...they’re going very well, Mommy,” Kat replied, spinning around to face her. Her face glowed a soft pink - this was no effect, I could see the same blush on Kat’s face now when I glanced up from the phone.

“And your diaper, baby? Is it still dry?”


“Maybe we should take a look, yes?”


“Oh, please. Don’t be so modest now, Baby. It’s just you and me out here. Here, let me help you.”

Madison stepped forward, and with a smooth practiced motion, she unbuckles the shoulder straps from Kat’s overalls. I expect the front of the overalls to fall forward, uncovering more of her ill-fitting pink shirt - and it does. But I’m not expecting the baggy overalls to continue sliding down her body after, which they do. They crumple to the floor around her ankles, leaving Kat in just her shirt and bulky white diaper.

I’m no expert on diapers - that goes especially so for adult diapers as it does baby diapers. But I can immediately see that there’s a discoloration in the front of her diaper that has spread to the underside of her diaper, with a yellow-ish tint. If I had any doubts about how sincere she was being with her pee-dances in the goat scene, they’re instantly shattered.

Kat’s hand grasped the phone from my hand in that moment, taking the phone back from me. I want to complain and say that I’d like to see the rest, but that disappointment doesn’t settle in my mind until later. I respect her wishes to cut my viewing short.

“The rest is...uh...a changing scene. I just don’t know how I feel about you seeing that...and…”

“No, I understand,” I say with a nod. “I appreciate you showing me what you did.”

“I don’t know why that was the video I showed you,” she said, scratching her head. “Hearing it play now, it sounded a little more fake than how I thought it would in my head.”

“Well, I think I have a pretty good idea of what your lifestyle is like.”

“T-true.  I mean...the videos are for an audience. They’re kind of exaggerated, you know? But, like...that’s our lives out here. I’m the baby. She’s the mommy.”

I remembered her jigsaw puzzle analogy earlier, and I found myself using it to describe my day on the farm so far. Catching Kat in the goat barn, squatting by herself in the corner. Click. Kat asking for a change when she believed she was talking to Madison in the garage. Click. Kat pleading for Madison’s help before she could introduce herself to us on the porch. Click.

“Always?” I asked.


“Like...you’re always the baby?”

“Well…” she thought about it, no doubt mulling over how she wanted to answer the question. “Yes. I mean, I wear diapers all the time. She changes me. But I’m not always waddling around like a toddler. I mean, yes, sometimes I am. Sometimes I’m crawling around for hours with a pacifier in my mouth and she spoon feeds me from a jar. Sometimes I’m just a normal adult woman...wearing a diaper.”

“And I assume you like this?”

“Very much so,” she said with a vigorous nod. “We both do. It’s why we’re so devoted to it.”

I wasn’t sure what to say. I didn’t take issue with any of it. In fact, I found it kind of charming. Still, it all seemed quite surreal. I had gone from never really thinking about something like this before to taking a vacation right in the middle of someone else’s carefully laid out fetish paradise.

“I...I hope this isn’t too much,” she said.

“No, no,” I said, trying to sound as reassuring as I could. “It’s new, that’s all. I’m not judging you.”

“You can ask me anything.”

“I’ll think about that,” I said. But that wasn’t entirely true. I didn’t need to think about it. I already had a thousand questions.

“Come on, I’ll finish showing you around the farm. Then we’ll go get some dinner at the house. I’m sure Madison will be more than happy to talk yours and Lily’s ears off about our little life out here.”

We climbed down from the barn loft, my mind already deep in the throes of my questions about what their life must be like.



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