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“It’s coming along, as fast as it can!”

Maggie’s ears perked a little in the kitchen, hearing Amanda’s voice raise on a call from her office.

“Just be happy that I’m writing at all. It’s been years since my last book...I think my audience can wait a little longer.”

Maggie laughed to herself. She knew by now what this meant. The call would end, Amanda would be upset, and Maggie was going to need to comfort her.

“I don’t care about the New York Times,” Amanda continued to whoever it was she was on the phone with. “That’s your problem, not mine. They can read the book when it’s done.”

Two weeks had passed since Maggie had introduced Amanda to diapers. Once again, the daily routine shifted and evolved to account for the new normal. In the morning, Maggie would visit Amanda, get her into a diaper, feed her a bottle, and let her spend the morning writing. At lunch, Maggie would check in on Amanda, changing her diaper if needed, and then one last time at the end of Amanda’s work day.

“You and I both know that I’m not sending you any amount of words until I’ve at least completed the first draft. And does it sound like I’ve finished the first draft yet?”

There were a few days when, at the conclusion of her time in the office, Amanda wanted to be changed into a fresh diaper for the evening, but typically, the end of Amanda’s time in the office was the end of little baby Amanda and the return of Ms. Bishop.

It was an unspoken separation of personalities, really. Amanda was clingy and cuddly. Ms. Bishop, while certainly not the aggravated single mother she had once been to Maggie, was at least professional and very adult-like. Ms. Bishop was still the boss, even if Amanda wasn’t.

“I know, I know, you’re just doing your job. You keep saying that. Well you know what? I’m just doing my job too. So you can fuck off until I’ve gotten a chance to actually do my job.”

Maggie glanced into the living room, seeing that Sophia was passed out in her playpen. A little early for her nap - but this was probably for the better. Maggie was going to have to go comfort the other baby now.

She cautiously entered the office. “Hey...everything okay?”

Amanda, slumped over her computer gave a small shrug. Maggie could see that Amanda had tossed her cell phone onto the ground.

“It’s okay if you’re feeling upset, you know. What can I do to help?”

“I’m starting to wonder if this is the problem,” Amanda murmured.

“I’m not sure I know what you mean.”

“I just...I’m having trouble concentrating. I want to write. And I was doing so well, too. I probably told my publishers some things I shouldn’t have about being ahead of schedule and all that. But I’ve just...lost that spark. I sit here at the computer and...nothing.”

Maggie wondered if she already knew the answer, but she asked anyway: “Why are you so distracted?”

“My diaper,” Amanda said, slowly spinning around on her chair to face Maggie. Her face was blushing and tears welled in her eyes. “Just...being a baby. I just love it so much. I want it so bad. It’s just all-consuming…”

Maggie took a seat on the couch, patting the seat next to her. Without another word, Amanda slid off her chair and crawled to the couch, again planting her head on Maggie’s lap. Maggie ran her fingers through Amanda’s hair slowly.

“It’s okay, Baby,” Maggie cooed. “Sometimes you just need to be yourself. And it seems like yourself, right now, is just a little baby. Is that right?”

Amanda nodded, her thumb entering her mouth unconsciously. It amazed Maggie how deep into her littlespace Amanda was getting anymore. In no time at all, she could just instantly regress.

“How is your diaper? Do you need to be changed?”

Amanda slowly slid her thumb out of her mouth just enough so that she could talk. “It’s wet. But…”

“But what? If it's wet, maybe we should get you a new diaper, yes?”

“N-no. Not yet. Please.”

Maggie didn’t question it, but it was curious. For as much as Amanda seemed to love her diapers, she was always looking forward to a change. She kept running her hands through Amanda’s hair, listening to the faint noises of her sucking on her thumb.

There had been something that Maggie had wanted to try, but she was never sure how or when to introduce it. Now, while Amanda lay in her lap, it seemed like it might be the time. She pulled her hands back from Amanda for a moment and she began to pull off her own shirt. This quickly got Amanda’s attention.

Maggie opened her mouth to explain, but thought it might be better to show instead. She reached behind her back, unclasping her bra before pulling it off of her. Her exposed breasts - seemingly perfectly sized and shaped - hung above Amanda’s head. Maggie didn’t have to say anything. Amanda almost immediately seized one in her hands, one hand on either side of the teardrop shaped tit, pulling the nipple into her mouth.

They moaned simultaneously.

Amanda frequently switched between a ravenous suction and a delicate suckling. Maggie’s hands held Amanda’s head in place, cradling the back of her head.

Maggie wondered if she should say anything at all. Would it ruin the moment to say something? But her mouth opened, and she was talking - she couldn’t even help it: “You’re such a good girl. Such a good good girl.”

Amanda tried to pull her mouth away from the breast to say something, but she couldn’t quite manage it. Between Maggie’s hand and her own eagerness to devour the breast, she let out a sequence of moans and gasps from around Maggie’s nipple. “Muh...mah...muh…”

It didn’t even matter what Amanda was trying to say. Maggie didn’t think she could enjoy this moment anymore.

Amanda’s lips pulled away again, just enough. “Mom...Mommy…”

“M-mommy?” Maggie asked, blushing. “You...you think I could be…”

“Mommy...I need to tell you something.” Her lips, once again, found Maggie’s nipple.

There was clearly no time to discuss the fact that Amanda just called her ‘Mommy.’ As much as Maggie wanted to tell her how much she enjoyed it - she wanted to know what Amanda was trying to say.

“Of course. What is it?”

“I...want…” Amanda paused and started over. “I have to...do something.”

“I don’t understand. What is it?”

“My diaper, Mommy. I’m going to…”

“You’re going to what, baby? Wet yourself again? It’s okay. That’s what your diaper is for, and when you’re all done here, we can get you changed.”

Truth be told, Maggie was very excited for Amanda to wet her diaper while cradled in her lap, suckling her breast.

“N-no...I…” Amanda couldn’t even bring herself to say whatever it was, and she went back to sucking, her cheeks bright red.

“Are you saying that you might have to...poo?”

Amanda couldn’t answer, nor could she pull herself from Maggie’s chest. She just nodded slightly.

Maggie’s heart raced, as she could imagine Amanda’s had too. She knew this was inevitable - but it had yet to occur. As much as it was always in the back of her mind, she still couldn’t believe this was happening. Now. With Amanda in her lap, suckling her tit. She wondered if it was a happy coincidence or if Amanda had been holding it for a moment like this. It hardly mattered, either way.

Amanda wasn’t sure how to do this. She wasn’t sure if she could do this, even. Years of good toilet habits were her only memories of bowel movements. She certainly hadn’t ever done it while lying in another woman’s arms. Physical uncertainty aside, there was the matter of having that other woman watching her while she shit herself in a diaper. The entire situation was rather surreal, as everything over the last few weeks had been.

She had been holding it for two days though - and there was substantial cramping and pressure on her bowels. She almost had to say something to Maggie about it, or else she was liable to just mess herself anyways. She couldn’t decide which would be worse.

“Go on,” Maggie cooed. “I know you want to. I know you want to fill your diaper for me, don’t you?”

Amanda did. She really did. Her sucking intensified. She was nodding. Any doubt or self-consciousness was slowly slipping away.

“Please?” Maggie continued. “I really want you to…” she trailed off a little and decided to start again. There was that word that Amanda had used before. “Mommy really wants you to mess your diaper for me, Baby.”

Amanda moaned into Maggie’s breast, finding herself completely convinced. She could do it. She would do it. She wanted to do it. She needed to push and fill her diaper. For Mommy - because Mommy asked her to. She wanted to please Mommy.

She pushed with a muffled grunt. Clearly, she had expected to need to push harder than she actually had to - the end result being a loud and sudden burst into the back of her diaper. It was difficult for her mind to even wrap itself around what she was feeling. The thick sticky mess immediately filled the bottom of her diaper, and when she wasn’t done, it spread in any direction she could. The feeling of her dirty business pressed against her skin and trapped in her pants - a diaper - was as intoxicating as it was disgusting. She wasn’t supposed to like this. There shouldn’t be someone else watching her do this. But...she had no regrets.

A hand slid down Amanda’s belly and over the front of her diaper, curling between her legs and feeling the warm heavy bulge in its backside. Maggie cupped it in her fingers, squeezing gently. She couldn’t believe how much Amanda had messed.

Maybe the odor had been there longer than they realized, and their raging endorphins hadn’t allowed that sense to register. But the smell of Amanda’s diaper became heavier by the minute.

“My my, baby. You certainly did quite a big number in your diaper.”

Amanda, blushing profusely, continued to suckle from Maggie’s breast; using it as a figurative security blanket.

“Can you feel this?” Maggie’s hand patted the full diaper. “So very full. I didn’t know a baby like you could even make such a big dirty load like this.”

Amanda offered the slightest of shrugs.

“Such a stinky little girl, too. Do you smell that? The dirtiest little diaper I’ve ever smelled before. And I’ve smelled plenty.” Maggie wasn’t sure if that part was actually true or not - but she was sure Amanda liked hearing it.

Amanda’s hands slowly released Maggie’s breast - where they had been the entire time. With the nipple still dangling in her mouth, she brought her own hands down to the diaper, reaching between her legs to feel the damage for herself. It truly was an impressive load.

“When you’re ready, I’ll change you,” Maggie said. “But only when you’re ready.”

Fine, Amanda thought, feeling her diaper. But that might be a while.



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