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“You’ve really done it this time, Megan.”

She didn’t respond, instead she chose to just stare at the floor.  She knew better than to talk back.  It was best just to take her punishment, whatever it was.  After all, she had earned it.

“I’m running out of options,” her master continued.  “You were a disobedient brat, so we took away your panties.  Do you remember that?”

“Y-yes,” she said.

“And remind me what we gave you to wear instead.”


“Exactly.  And why was that?”

“Be...because if I was going to act like a baby, you and Mistress were going to treat me as one.”

“Correct.”  He began pacing back and forth, slowly, in front of her.  “And did you like that?”

“No, sir,” she replied softly.

“You didn’t like having the bathroom door locked?  Diaper checks from Jennifer or I?  Getting your diaper changed on the living room floor, even when we had company?  Ha,” he laughed to himself, “remember that one night last week when Jack and Carol were over?  I had never seen someone’s face so red as yours when we had to change that dreadfully dirty diaper right in front of them while they laughed about it.”

She didn’t respond to this, but she didn’t have to.  The bright blushing of her face said more than enough.

“So even with that complete humiliation, you still thought that you would go and disobey us again? You really thought that you could get away with being a brat to us again?”


“Jennifer and I have talked about it, and we see no other choice.  You don’t even deserve the privilege of being a diapered toddler.  You’re being demoted yet again.”

“Wha-what do you mean?”  Her eyes began welling up with tears as she looked up at him pleadingly.

“Come with me. Jennifer has set everything up for you.”

As they walked, Megan wondered what could possibly be worse than the last few weeks living as their full-time adult baby.  The dirty diapers, the humiliation of being changed in front of others.  Being fed by a bottle.  The disgusting baby food.  Still...there was a part of her that loved every moment of it.  It was what she had signed up for when she moved in with William and Jennifer in the first place; she was their willing toy, to an astonishingly humiliating degree.

“Megan,” Jennifer said with a wide smile as they entered the living room, “you’re just in time.  First the good news.”

Megan waited with baited breath, wondering what was behind Jennifer.

“You’re not going to need those diapers anymore!”

There was, admittedly, a sigh of relief.

“But,” Jennifer continued with a shrug, “you won’t really be needing clothes at all anymore.  Except for this.”  She was holding in her hand, a bring pink collar with a bell on it.  It looked almost like...a cat’s collar, but sized to be larger for a human.

“I...I don’t understand.”

“You’re no longer the baby, Megan,” William chimed in.  You’re just our house pet now.”  She barely had time to process that thought before she felt William removing her clothes, even pulling off the diaper she had been wearing.

“So the new rules are quite simple,” said Jennifer.  “You are to only wear your collar.  No other clothes will be necessary.  There are your bowls.  Anything you eat or drink will be coming from there.  You’re expected to be on your hands and knees at all times.  Stay off of the furniture.  You’ll be sleeping in the crate that William will be putting together shortly.”

“Jennifer, you’re forgetting the best part,” he said, an equally devilish smile on his face.

“I didn’t forget, William, I was just saving it for last.”  She stepped aside, revealing the last part of her new role.

Megan’s eyes grew big in disbelief.  “N-no...you can’t really expect...I...but...”

In the center of the room, where Jennifer had previously laid out a blanket to change Megan’s diaper, there was now a shallow wooden box, maybe about the size of an outdoor sandbox.  But it wasn’t filled with sand.

“I’m afraid so, pet.  Say hello to your new litter box.  I’m sure you’ll find yourself actually missing the tiny bit of privacy that your diapers gave you.”

She was on the verge of tears.  This was insane.  Humiliating.  Soul-crushing.

Yet...perhaps the tiniest bit thrilling.


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