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“So this is it, I’m afraid: your punishment.

“Now now, don’t be cross with your wife...er...mommy.  It’s not my fault you got yourself into this predicament in the first place.  I think, all things considered, you’re quite lucky.  Chelsea wanted to file charges against you when she found out you kept stealing her panties out of her dresser.  Seriously now, I still can’t believe you’d do that to our poor live-in nanny.  Alas, she decided to not only keep that little secret in this house, but she’s agreed to help me with your punishment.

“Since you certainly can’t be trusted to act like an adult while in our home, I’ve seen to it that you don’t have to.  We’ll take your adult clothes out of storage when you’ve earned them.  In the meantime, there’s plenty of big thick diapers in the bedroom just like the one I’m making you wear right now.  I’ve also taken the liberty of having the locks changed on the bathrooms.  Now, just Chelsea and I have the keys for them.  I imagine you’ll need your diaper changed sooner than later, at which time Chelsea will be willing and able to change you into a new one.  I’d suggest getting over any embarrassing hesitation as soon possible, of course.  Do you really want to get a diaper rash?

“Chelsea will also see fit that you’re fed whenever the baby is fed.  We’ve stocked up on plenty of extra baby food for you, and we’ve even picked up some extra bottles.  I’m a little disappointed that the large high-chair I ordered online hasn’t arrived yet, but that’s only a matter of time.

“Now, I know what you’re thinking...perhaps you don’t have to put up with this, am I right?  And that’s fine. You’re welcome to leave at any time.  Go off and tell whoever you’d like about your big bad wife and her crazy plans to keep you in diapers.  But...I should warn you, Chelsea does have some rather incriminating videos of you jacking off to her panties in her bedroom.  I’d like to keep those secure, wouldn’t you?

“So buck up.  You might as well get used to it as soon as you can.  After all, if getting closer to Chelsea was what you had wanted all along, I think you’ll get plenty of chances when she’s cleaning you up when you’ve soiled yourself for the third time in a day.”



This appears to be the same story as "Power Princess" from Nov 17?