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“So, Mitch,when they promoted you, what did they tell you about the bathroom situation?”

It had only been a few days since Mitch had taken on the new night crew position at his company.  It was just a staff of three individuals that oversaw the company’s networks and ran a few reports; nothing glamorous, but it did mean that he got to work with his long-standing work crush, Martine.

“The...bathroom situation?  Nothing.  Is there a...bathroom situation?”

“Well, it’s just that they usually close down the north wing at night,” Kim, his other co-worker, explained.  “So you can use the south wing restrooms...but it's a hell of a hike.  Especially when it’s like, 2 in the morning and you’re in the middle of three server reports.”

“Jeez,” Mitch said nervously.  “How the hell do you and Martine manage then?”

“Do you really want to know?” Kim asked.  Her voice had lowered a bit, like she was already prepared to tell him a secret, even though there was nobody else around.



“What?  Seriously?”

“It's true.  Every night before we start our shift we each put on a diaper. I mean...it's not every night that you have to use it.  But when you really need to...you’re so happy that it's there.”

“I don’t know about this...”

“Look, I’m just saying, you should really consider it.  Nobody will ever know.  Do you think Martine and I want other people to know this about us?  It’ll be our little secret.”

“I’ll think about it.  It’s just that...”

“Well...here, take this,” she said reaching into her shoulder bag and pulling out a large adult diaper and shoving it into his hands.  He almost dropped it out of sheer surprise, his face blushing.  “Just try it, okay?  Don’t feel afraid about it around Martine and I.  I’m telling you, we do it every night.”

Kim left to tend to some of her work, leaving Mitch to ponder what to do with the diaper.  He considered throwing it in the trash, and he also considered stuffing it in a desk drawer and never thinking about it again.  But now he was curious, and maybe Kim actually had a point:  if it was going to be that hard to get to a bathroom, maybe this just made sense.

Plus, he told himself, maybe this was just what he needed to win over Martine’s acceptance.  He could see it now, him winning over respect by sharing the same secret as she did, without any questions asked.

Alright. He had himself convinced.

It was a little later. Kim and Martine had just settled in at their desks when Mitch entered the room.  Kim gave him a knowing smile and wink, and Martine offered a friendly wave.  He was about to sit down at his own workstation, hesitated, and finally decided to just be upfront.

“So,” he began, “I did it.”

“Did what?” Martine asked in a completely friendly and innocent tone.

“I decided to give the diapers a try.”


“Yeah.  You know, I wasn’t going to at first, but I just think it makes a lot of sense when you consider how busy it probably gets in here.  Kim says they’ve been really good for you two right?”

For a moment, Martine didn’t say anything at all.  Her face wasn’t one of happiness and acceptance, nor was it one of shame or embarrassment.  It was worse:  a look of complete confusion.  Martine’s head shot back to where Kim was sitting.

“Do...do you know what he’s talking about?”

Kim erupted in laughter.  “You...you didn’t actually do that, did you?” she asked Mitch.

“I...well...you said that...”

“Oh my god,” Martine said, a smirk slowly building on her face.  “Did you seriously convince him that we wore diapers?”

“Well...”  But she couldn’t even finish the sentence without laughing further.

Mitch, defeated and humiliated, didn’t even know what to say as he sunk into his chair.  If his shift hadn’t already started, he would’ve ran out of the room to get the garment off of him.  For now, he was stuck with it.

An hour had passed, and as he typed away on the computer in a room filled with an awkward, mocking silence, Kim excused herself to get something to drink.  Martine swung around in her chair.



“Look, I’m sorry...I didn’t know she was going to do that.  But...how about I make you a deal.”

“A deal?”

“You wear that all night, and I’ll wear one all night tomorrow.  Fair?”

“Fair,” he replied with a slight smile.

“Maybe Kim was onto something after all, without even realizing it.”  She turned back to her computer, leaving Mitch the opportunity to finally sigh in relief.


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