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Dear Mother,

No doubt you've found the little gift that accompanies this letter in your purse.  It seemed fitting, I thought.  For weeks on end you've been calling me a “big baby” or a “cry baby.”  You poke fun at my weight and my depression.  You play cruel jokes on me.  Did you get a good laugh out of serving my orange juice in a baby bottle the other day?

So I thought I might as well run with it.  Do you recognize the gift?  It’s a diaper, mother.  Just like you, no doubt, think I wear anyways. I put it on, and then pissed myself like a toddler.  Does that bring a smile to your wicked face?  Does it help support your suspicions that I’m just a big baby who never grew up?  Just wait, because there’s more.  Wearing this sopping wet diaper, I realized that I couldn't help myself and just had to empty my bowels into it too.  Wasn't that just the most infantile thing, mother?  I could almost picture you at my door, watching me as I do it, shaking your head in disgust, but with a smug “I told you so” smile on your face.

Anyways, I decided to take that nice dirty diaper, roll it up, and stick it right into your purse with this letter.  You might as well have all the proof you need of my adult-infancy, right?  I wonder when you noticed it was there?  Were you with your socialite friends, sipping your tea, when you suddenly caught a whiff of a foul smell emanating from your purse?  Or were you getting your weekly pedicure while my gift only ripened further?

We’re not quite even, but this brings me more pleasure then you’ll ever know.  



This story was originally published on Tumblr. I have re-edited and partially rewritten this story - and this version is exclusive to my patrons.


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