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I was greeted at the front door by my wife.  “Oh good, you’re just in time.”

“Just in time for what?” I inquired, but I hadn’t even finished my question before she disappeared into the house.

My second question would’ve been “Why are there so many cars parked near our house?” but entering our home had provided an easy answer to that question:  there were quite a few people in our home.  I had no idea she was throwing a party today but I did my best to smile and put on a good face.

A quick glance around the living room suggested that these were all my wife’s female friends.  Cynthia.  Elizabeth. Morgan.  Shantee.  Diane.  Yet, there were a few people who seemed out of place.  Why was my ex-girlfriend Taylor here?  What was my co-worker Bonnie doing here?  Was that my cousin Samantha?  I hadn’t seen her in years.

“Hi,” I said nervously to Morgan as I walked past her.  She didn’t respond so much as she tried to conceal a giggle behind her hand.  Strange reaction to being greeted, I thought.

Walking past the kitchen, I could see my wife pouring some more glasses of wine.

“Okay, what’s going on here?”

“Have you been in the den yet?”


“Oh, we’re just having a little get together.  Go check out the den.”

I wasn’t fond of how mysterious she was being, and I certainly didn’t appreciate the smug grin she shot at me as I was leaving the kitchen.  And the way that all of my wife’s guests were leering at me…something seemed up.

It was as I made my way towards the den that I heard something that seemed both alarmingly familiar and quite impossible.  It was the sound of a woman’s voice:  “Oh my, did my little baby make a dirty diaper?”

No, this can’t be, I thought.  Nonononono.

But it was.  When I entered the den, there were more women huddled together on and around the couch watching our large television as it displayed footage of a grown man, lying on a bed with his legs in the air as a young woman pulled back the legband of the large diaper he was wearing.

It was familiar, I realized, because the man in that video was...me.

“Pe-ew!” taunted the young woman in the video playfully, waving her hand in front of her face.  

“You really did a number on that diaper.  What a baby!”

The girls in the den laughed loudly at this.  I caught a glimpse of my ex Taylor wiping tears from her eyes as she laughed so hard.  I wanted to run from the room – or at least run to the TV and turn it off.  Instead, I was paralyzed from shock.

This cannot be happening.  This. Can’t. Possibly. Be. Happening.

“I think before we change your diaper, baby,” the young woman cooed, “you need to be taught a lesson about what big boys shouldn’t be doing in their diapers.  Come over my knee for a spanking.”

“Oh my god,” shouted out one of my wife’s friends.  “This is so crazy!”

“Do you like my cinematography?” asked my wife, approaching me from behind.  “You’re stupider than I thought if you didn’t think I’d find out about your little ‘babysitter sessions’ that you’ve been spending our money on.  Well, I decided to spend a little money as well on a camera for our bedroom. “

“Look, I…”

“Don’t bother explaining yourself.  Enjoy the show.  Just like everyone else here is.”

As I felt tears of humiliation welling in my eyes, I could do little but watch everyone’s looks of delight and satisfaction as the hired nanny’s hand collided with my full diaper over and over again; each time with a sticky splat.

My wife. My ex. My boss.  If not everyone I knew, then at least everyone who had connections with everyone I knew – they were all watching me at my most humiliated.  And I had no idea what would come next.



This is amazing!