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A note from QH: I've had the pleasure of meeting a few other ABDL story writers over the years, and it's been a joy to build a small community where we can help edit, critique, and promote each other's stories. Recently, Stu posted one of my stories on his Patreon - and so I am returning the favor. Everything that follows is from Stu - including a short intro from Stu. If you like his story, I've linked his Patreon below.

My name is Stu Atkins and I have been writing stories involving female humiliation, usually with forced ageplay themes, for some time now. I recently decided to have a go at earning a little income for it so that I could dedicate more time to it. My Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3954284)currently features both complete and ongoing stories as well as monthly content from other creators. Pricing starts off at just £1.50 for the lowest tier, which I feel is very reasonable. My description promises at least three updates per month but generally speaking, the number is much higher than that. If, for some reason, I am not able to deliver enough content in a given month (which has occurred this month due to needing to repair my computer), Patrons will not be charged. I've included a sample of my work below. It's a story called Hangover, which has a sequel being written at the moment. I hope you like it.

Chapter One

The first thing Amber was aware of as she woke up was that her head was a little fuzzy. She groaned as she realised that she had too much to drink last night. The next thing she became aware of was that she was not in her bed, but on her friend Samantha’s sofa, and Sam was stood over her looking very pissed off.

“Look at what you’ve done,” said Sam.

Amber followed Sam’s gaze down to her crotch, and realised that she was lying in a wet patch. She reached under the skirt she was still wearing from the night before and felt that the tights underneath were wet, and clinging to her.

“I…I don’t understand,” said Amber as she began to realise what had happened.

“Let me clear things up for you then,” said Sam, “You had too much to drink, embarrassed yourself at the party by laying across some old perv’s lap so he could ‘spank’ you, then you came back here with me, because you were worried that your mum would be annoyed if you came home that drunk. You woke up all the neighbours on the way in, and my little brother and sister. Then you collapsed on my sofa and to top it all off, you’ve gone and pissed yourself all over it.”

“I’m sorry. I’m so embarrassed,” said Amber.

She wasn’t lying. The rest of it was quite bad, but wetting herself was incredibly humiliating. She’d never had an accident, at least not since being old enough to remember. Holly, a girl at school a few years back had, and she had been teased mercilessly for it, and Amber had joined in with the teasing. One particular comment was coming back to haunt her now. Amber had told Holly that if she still wet her knickers like a baby, she should wear nappies. Amber had thought it funny at the time. She didn’t anymore.

“You should be embarrassed, and you will be. You’re my friend, and I’ve tried to warn you not to drink so much when we go out. Anything could happen to you. Luckily for you, my parents are away, so I can teach you a little lesson today.”

“Teach me a lesson?” asked Amber.

She didn’t like where this was heading.

“Yes. You won’t like it, but just in case you get any ideas…”

Sam showed Amber a picture on her phone. It showed Amber, lying on the sofa in the school uniform costume she had worn to the party last night. Her face was clearly visible. As if the puddle she was lying in wasn’t telling enough, her knees were up and her legs parted, giving a clear view up her skirt. It was very obvious that she had wet herself.

“Are you blackmailing me?” asked Amber.

“I guess I am,” said Sam. “I don’t want to send this to anybody. If you do as you’re told, you’re going to have a very embarrassing time, but it won’t leave this house. If you refuse to co-operate, then this goes out to all our friends. Your call.”

Amber thought about it, but only briefly. That picture could not get out. She had seen what had happened to Holly, had been part of it, when she had wet herself, and they had all been younger then. She didn’t want everybody knowing her dirty secret.

“What do you want me to do?” Amber asked.

Chapter Two

“Wait here,” said Sam, before striding out of the room.

Amber sat up, but didn’t feel she was allowed to move away from her wet spot. Her headache seemed to be getting worse. With Sam out of the room, Amber took a moment to inspect the damage. The back of her white blouse was wet at the bottom, and would probably stain. She’d borrowed it from Sam as part of the costume, so that was something else that would get Amber into trouble. The back of her skirt was soaked. She lifted it up to see that her sheer tights were visibly wet, and you could clearly see that her white knickers were wet and yellowed too. They weren’t the sort of thing she’d normally wear, but she felt that they went with the costume.

Sam returned, but she wasn’t alone. She’d brought her siblings with her. Daisy, Sam’s little sister, was a sweet, quiet girl. At 12 years old, she wasn’t quite into the awkward teenager phase yet. Danny was the middle child, and he was very much an awkward teenager. He also had a huge crush on Amber, and wasn’t very good at hiding it. Amber had always joked about how pathetic it was with Sam. She knew that at every possible opportunity he tried to get a peek up her skirt.

This was when Amber realised that she was still sat there with her skirt lifted up, exposing her pissy knickers. She dropped it immediately, but she knew that everybody had seen. She looked away as Danny grinned at her.

“Tell them what you did,” said Sam.

“Please, Sam, I don’t want to say it,” said Amber.

“Would you rather they saw it on Facebook?” asked Sam.

“It’s okay, we can see what happened,” said Daisy sympathetically.

“She has to say it,” Sam said firmly.

There was an awkward pause.

“I…I had an accident,” said Amber, unable to look at any of them.

“Look at us and tell us what kind of accident,” said Sam.

Amber lifted her head up and met the accusing stare of Sam, and the Cheshire Cat grin of Danny.

“I had too much to drink, and I wet myself,” said Amber.

Danny went beyond the grin at this point and started laughing hysterically. Daisy looked on sympathetically, while Amber felt the heat rising in her cheeks.

“Danny, this is what can happen if you are reckless around alcohol. There’s a lesson to be learned here,” said Sam.

“Why have you brought them in?” asked Amber. “Why do they need to see me like this?”

“So that you’ll remember,” said Sam. “I’m fed up with constantly having to look after you at parties, not being able to relax. If I make today good and memorable for you, I doubt you’ll be in a hurry to make the same mistake again.”

“I promise, I won’t do it again. I’m so sorry.”

“I’m not convinced of that just yet. Follow me through to the kitchen, we need to get those wet clothes off of you and into the washing machine.”

Chapter Three

Sam walked confidently through to the kitchen, where the washing machine was. Amber trudged along behind, her wet tights rubbing on her thighs and bottom. Behind her, Danny and Daisy followed. Amber’s tights-clad feet felt cold on the tiled floor of the kitchen, and she was desperate for some aspirin, but didn’t think it was the right time to ask.

“Right, skirt off then Ams,” Sam said, as she opened the door to the washing machine.

Amber hesitated.

“But, Danny and Daisy…” she said.

“Yes, they’ll see your knickers. Never mind, they’ve seen them once already. Now, quickly, or do I need to get my phone out?”

Seeing that she didn’t have an awful lot of choice, Amber unzipped her skirt, pulled and down her legs, stepped out of it and put it into the washing machine. She heard fresh laughter from Danny as her sodden knickers came into view.

“And the blouse,” said Sam.

“But I’m not wearing a bra,” said Amber. “I don’t want your brother to see me topless.”

“If I were you I’d be more embarrassed about the fact that you pissed your pants than having a boy see your boobs,” said Sam.

It made sense, but all the same, Amber really didn’t want to strip off in front of Danny. She felt bad enough knowing that he was looking at her knicker clad bum, and didn’t want it to go further.

“Please don’t make me do this,” she pleaded.

“I’m not making you do anything,” Sam said. “You can walk away at any point. That’s your choice. You can either be embarrassed with us, or embarrassed for the whole world to see.”

With tears of humiliation starting to form in her eyes, Amber undid the blouse, one button at a time, before taking it off. She tried to cover up with her arms, but still felt very exposed.

“Oh stop being silly,” said Sam. “They’re going to see your chest, you might as well get used to it. Arms by your sides!”

She punctuated this last comment with a stinging slap to Amber’s rear. Amber rubbed her bottom before realising that she had completely exposed her chest to an ecstatic Danny, and a less enthused Daisy.

“Tights next,” said Sam.

Amber didn’t really see any point in arguing against this. Everybody could see her knickers right through her tights anyway, so she slipped them off without a fuss.

“Just the knickers now then,” said Sam.

“You can’t be serious?! You can’t expect me to let Danny see my… my…,” said a flustered Amber.

“Your fanny? Yes, he’s going to see that. Unless, of course, you’d rather put all your wet things back on, walk home, explain to your mother what has happened, and have to deal with the fallout of that picture I took earlier. Your call.”

For a moment, Amber just stood there, acutely aware of Danny’s eager stare. As she reluctantly put her thumbs into the waistband of her knickers, she started to cry. She pulled her knickers down her legs, exposing her wet, bald pubic region to the room.

Chapter Four

“Okay, you’ve had your fun,” Amber sobbed. “Now are you going to give me some clothes?”

“Danny, does Amber sound like a girl who is very sorry for her actions, or like a stroppy little girl who doesn’t realise she’s not in charge here?” asked Sam.

“I’d say she sounds like a stroppy little girl,” said Danny.

As he stressed the word ‘little,’ his eyes went once again to her hairless pussy.

“I’m sorry, really I am,” pleaded Amber, “but you’ve already made me show them everything. How much further can this really go? I just want to get dressed.”

“Oh don’t worry, you will get to cover up a bit,” said Sam, eliciting a disappointed look from Danny. “But first we need to get you cleaned up. Unfortunately Daisy has an errand to run, so she won’t be able to help.”

Sam gave Daisy a £20 note and Daisy nodded before leaving the room. A few moments later, Amber heard the front door close. Sam grabbed Amber by the ear and pulled her along to the bathroom. The pain in Amber’s ear made her forget all about the idea of covering up on the way there, meaning she gave Danny quite the show. He followed them into the bathroom, smiling the whole way.

When they got inside, Amber could see that somebody had already run the bath. It must have happened before she woke up, she reasoned.

“Get into the bath and sit down,” said Sam.

Most of the fight seemed to have left Amber. While the prospect of taking a bath in front of Danny wasn’t very appealing, the fact that she was already naked in front of him took the edge off. She climbed in and sat down as instructed. She was, however, a little bit surprised when Sam dipped a wash-cloth into the water, and started washing her back for her.

“I can wash myself,” said Amber.

“I should imagine so, at your age,” said Sam, “but then, until last night I would have imagined a girl your age could keep her knickers dry too.”

Sam smirked as she said this. It seemed that she was at a point where she was enjoying things now. Amber reasoned that she’d just have to put up with it. She was committed. It was too late to back out. There was no way she was letting Danny see her naked and letting the world know that she had wet herself. She was just having this thought as Sam reached round and starting washing her breasts, soaping them up in front of Danny’s wide eyes. Just as Amber was getting used to the idea of riding this out, thinking that the worst was surely over, Sam said something that made her reconsider her position.

“Okay, up on all fours, bottom up and face towards that wall.”


“You heard me,” said Sam. “You need cleaning, so get into position.”

Amber reluctantly positioned herself on all fours with her bum facing towards Danny. He now had an unobstructed view of her most private places. She could only imagine what was going through his head as her friend soaped up her bottom thoroughly. She suffered the indignity of being poked and prodded on her most sensitive areas.

When the humiliating wash was over, Sam delivered a sharp slap to Amber’s wet bottom.

“OW! What was that for?”


“You told that old perv last night that you like being spanked,” said Sam.


“You said it turns you on,” said Sam.


“Are you turned on now?”


“No,” murmured Amber in a burst of fresh sobs.

Sam delivered a few more smacks to the sobbing girl’s behind, before helping her out of the bath and drying her off with a towel.

“Sam,” said Amber.

“Yes?” said Sam.

“Can we have a minute without Danny? I need to go to the toilet.”

“You can’t use my toilet until you’ve cleaned my sofa,” said Sam. “I want it thoroughly scrubbed.”

“Please, I’m not sure I can hold on that long,” said Amber.

“It’s a good thing we’re prepared for that then isn’t it?” said Sam.

Danny stood up and produced a pink pull up with Disney princesses on the front from behind his back.

“You have got to be joking,” said Amber.

“No joke. You’re not using the toilet before you clean my sofa, and I don’t trust you to hold on, given recent events,” said Sam.

“I can hold it,” said Amber, but the fact that she was shifting from foot to foot as she said it wasn’t particularly convincing.

“Put it on, or face the consequences,” said Sam.

“Fine,” said Amber.

She turned towards Danny, expecting him to hand her the infantile garment. Instead, he opened it up and held it down by her feet for her to step into. Not wanting to make matters worse, she stepped into it one foot at a time. Amber let Danny slide it up her legs, aware that he was looking at her hairless vagina the whole time.

When the pull up was in place, Amber looked into the mirror. She was ashamed to see herself, naked but for what was essentially a nappy. The fact that she had a freshly spanked bottom underneath wasn’t helping either. The pull up felt bulky and unfamiliar between her legs.

She didn’t have time to dwell on it long before Sam grabbed her by the ear again and was pulling her back to the living room. Danny appeared moments later with a scrubbing brush and a bucket of soapy water.

“Get scrubbing then, pissy pants,” said Danny.

Ordinarily, Amber would have never let Danny speak to her like this. However, she didn’t feel that a comeback would be particularly effective when she was dressed as she was. Instead she started to scrub the wet patch, increasingly aware of her need to use a toilet. She was also aware that as she got down onto her knees to scrub, it was impossible not to point her rustling bottom at Sam and Danny.

By the time that she felt she had done a good job of cleaning up she felt like she was about to burst.

“Okay, it’s done,” she said, glad that she’d finally get to use the toilet.

“No. That’s not good enough. Scrub it some more,” said Sam. “Oh, and be quick. You won’t like what happens if you can’t keep that pull up dry.”

Amber couldn’t believe her ears. She thought the nightmare was about to end, but Sam clearly had no intention of taking it easy on her. The sofa was fine, she was sure of it, but she set about scrubbing it some more. While she was attempting to clean the sofa for a second time, Amber heard the front door open. Shortly afterwards, Daisy walked into the room. When she realised what Amber was wearing, she looked down at the floor.

“Don’t be embarrassed Daisy,” said Sam. “She might be wearing one of your old pull ups, but you haven’t needed them for years. The fact that Amber needed one last night, at her age, is embarrassing, but you don’t need to feel embarrassed.”

Amber had never had any idea that Daisy had been a bedwetter. She only briefly acknowledged this new information, as the thing that was most heavily weighing on her mind was the increasingly real possibility of wetting herself again, this time in a nappy and with an audience. She was now at the point where she was grabbing her crotch to hold it in.

“There. It’s clean,” said Amber. “Please, please, please, can I go to the toilet now?”

“Looks like it needs a bit more work,” said Danny.

“He’s right,” said Sam.

It was at that point that Amber realised that Sam had been playing her for a fool. She’d never intended to let her use the toilet. She was just going to make her scrub and scrub until she wet herself in front of two children.

“Please,” Amber said again, her hand in her crotch, “Please, please, please.”

As she was begging, tears in her eyes, the dam burst, and she started peeing into her pull up. It was audible, and everybody in the room knew exactly what happened. Amber had wet herself for the second time in a 24 hour period, but this time it wasn’t her knickers that she’d soaked, but a pull up meant for children.

Chapter six

Amber stood, speechless, with her feet apart so that her wet pull up pressed as little as possible on her crotch. She wanted the ground to swallow her up. For a moment, nobody said anything. The silence was broken by Danny laughing hysterically.

“I can’t believe she actually did it!” he blurted out.

“Well, she has,” said Sam, “and you know what that means. Daisy, go and get the stuff.”

“I’m not sure we should…” said Daisy, hesitating.

Amber’s heart was pounding. What could they possibly have in store for her now?

Daisy came back into the room with a large carrier bag, and passed it over to Sam wordlessly. Sam looked inside, seemed satisfied with the contents, and turned her attention back to Amber.

“Lie down on the floor,” said Sam.

Amber made the most of the opportunity to cover up, and laid herself face-down on the floor.

“On your back, silly,” said Daisy.

“Why?” said Amber as she turned over. She didn’t see the point in arguing anymore. She’d let things go so far that backing out now would be unthinkable.

“So that we can get you into a fresh nappy. Or do you like the way this one feels?” asked Sam.

As she asked, she squeezed the crotch of Amber’s pull up.

“No,” said Amber.

“No what?” asked Sam.

“I don’t like how it feels.”

“How what feels?” asked Sam.

Amber realised that Sam wanted her to say something embarrassing in front of Danny and Daisy.

“I don’t like the way my wet nappy feels,” said Amber, which elicited fresh giggles from Danny and a look of sympathy from Daisy.

“Silly little girl. You’re not wearing a nappy,” said Sam. “That’s a pull up. These are nappies.”

She pulled a package out of the carrier bag and Amber saw exactly what she meant. She had been incredibly embarrassed when Danny had slid the pull up over her legs, but at least that was how they went on, like regular knickers even if they didn’t look the part. They could also be pulled down, because in a pull up you were expected to try to get to the toilet. The nappies that were being shown to her now were clearly for people with no hope of getting to the toilet. They had tapes on the sides, just like the ones a real baby would wear.

“Please, can I have another pull up? Please don’t make me wear a nappy,” pleaded Amber. The words were out of her mouth before she realised that she had any intention to beg. If you had told her yesterday that she would be begging to wear a children’s pull up, she would have laughed at you.

“We did try you on pull ups sweetheart,” said Sam, “but you weren’t grown up enough for them, were you?”

Sam gave the crotch of the pull up another squeeze, before getting down to business. She didn’t take the pull up down Amber’s legs, but ripped the sides instead. Amber realised that the sides were designed for just that purpose, so that girls who wet themselves could be changed easily. Sam slipped it out from under her, leaving her completely exposed. Next, Sam retrieved a pack of baby wipes from the carrier bag, and used them to wipe down Amber’s pussy and arse. She did it surprisingly gently, but the wipes still felt cold to Amber.

Next came the dreaded nappy. Amber started to cry fresh tears as Sam unfolded it. She felt Sam grab her ankles and raise them up, exposing her recently spanked bottom as the nappy was slid under her. Amber was convinced that Sam would tape her into the nappy and that they would be done, but Sam reached into the bag and retrieved a bottle of baby powder. She started liberally sprinkling it on Amber’s hairless crotch.

“You know, Amber, you might want to try not to use this nappy. You see, next time you need to be changed, it’s Danny’s turn,” said Sam.

Amber couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Surely Sam couldn’t really expect her to let Danny change her nappy? As she was thinking this, Amber didn’t notice that Sam had opened a little silver package. She did, however, feel an intrusion when Sam placed the contents into her bum, pushing it in as far as she could with her finger.

“What are you doing?” screamed Amber.

“Oh, does the baby not like taking her medicine?” asked Sam, as she pushed the glycerine suppository into Amber’s back passage.

Chapter Seven

Amber didn’t know what had gone into her bottom, but she knew immediately that it couldn’t be good. As Sam secured the tapes on her nappy, Amber once again pondered whether she should have just gone home before it all got this far. However, she was committed now. Backing out at this point was unthinkable.

‘Right,’ said Sam,’ your clothes are probably done in the washing machine. Let’s go and get them dry.’

Amber got up and followed her to the kitchen, excited about the prospect of actually getting her clothes back at some point.

‘Get them out then,’ said Sam.

Amber did so without complaining knowing that she was giving Danny a perfect view of her padded behind. She did, however, take umbrage when Danny reached out and gave her nappy a squeeze.

‘What the hell do you think you’re doing, you little shit?’ she shouted.

‘Oh dear,’ he replied, ‘the big baby used grown up words. That’s not allowed, is it Sam?’

‘No, it’s not,’ said Sam, delivering a couple of slaps to the back of Amber’s thighs for emphasis. ‘I think you’ve forgotten your place Amber, which surprises me given all I’ve done to make your position clear this morning.’

With that, Sam reached under the sink and took out a fresh bar of soap.

‘Guess where this is going?’ she asked.

‘No way… You can’t mean that,’ said Amber.

‘Open wide,’ beamed Danny.

‘Sam, I don’t want to. I really don’t want to,’ said Amber.

‘Well, it’s up to you. If you want to go home, you’re welcome to do so. You might get a few funny looks though.’

Defeated, Amber asked, ‘What do I have to do?’

‘Hold it in your mouth for… oh, shall we say ten minutes? But if you drop it, it goes back in and the time starts again.’

Reluctantly, Amber opened her mouth, much to Danny’s amusement. The soap was pushed in, and Amber had to fight her immediate reaction to spit it straight back out. It was even worse than she had imagined. After what felt like an eternity, but was probably closer to thirty seconds, Amber realised that the soap was getting slick with her saliva, meaning that she had to bite into it to stop it from dropping out of her mouth, which seemed to intensify the taste tenfold. She also found, to her own disgust, that she was unable to keep herself from dribbling soapy suds down her chest, something which Danny gleefully pointed out to her. Daisy attempted to clean her off with a piece of kitchen roll, but Sam told her not to bother.

While Amber was suffering through her very apparent humiliations, she gradually became aware of another. A deeply uncomfortable feeling in her tummy helped her figure out the nature of what Sam had put in her bottom. As time went on, she became increasingly aware of the prospect of soiling herself in the most hideous way, and was even more distraught when she remembered Sam’s warning that if she needed her nappy changed again, Danny would be the one to do it.

After what felt like an age, Sam came and removed the soap from Amber’s mouth. Daisy approached her afterwards, offering a glass of water.

‘Thanks,’ said Amber, ‘I’m surprised it’s not a baby bottle, to be honest.’

‘If we had one, it would be. Consider yourself lucky,’ said Sam.

‘Yeah, right. Lucky,’ though Amber.

‘Right, pick up the clothes, we need to hang them out to dry,’ said Sam.

‘Surely you’re not expecting me to go outside like this?’ said Amber

Chapter Eight

‘I suppose it would be a bit cruel to send you out like that. After all, I did promise that your punishment doesn’t go further than this house, didn’t I?’ said Sam.

‘Thank you,’ said Amber.

‘Come upstairs and I’ll let you borrow something.’

The ‘something’ that Sam let Amber borrow was a dress. The issue with it was that it was a dress which Sam had grown out of a fair few years back. It was a bit more pink than Amber would have liked, but the bigger issues were that it would be tight and short.

‘Try it on then,’ said Sam.

Amber put the dress on to find that her fears were not unfounded; there was a tell-tale bulge on her bottom and if she bent even slightly, she would give anybody looking her way a view of what she was wearing underneath. Ordinarily, this wouldn’t have bothered her too much. She’d never been too precious about people getting a glimpse of her knickers. However, given that she wasn’t wearing knickers, but was instead wearing a nappy, this was something of an issue for her.

‘It’s a bit short, Sam,’ said Amber.

‘Well, beggars can’t be choosers. Would you rather go out in just your nappy?’

‘Of course not,’ said Amber.

Amber had to resist the urge to bend over in order to alleviate the cramps. Now that she had her nappy covered up, she wanted to keep it that way.

‘Out you go then,’ said Sam.

Sam, Danny and Daisy watched from a window at the back of the house as Amber trudged up to the washing line. Her gait was awkward, as she still hadn’t got used to the padding between her legs and was desperately trying not to let her dress ride up, all while carrying the washing basket and pegs.

Luckily, Sam’s garden was bordered by a steep slope on two sides and the house on another. This left only one side on which somebody might see Amber. What was less fortunate, was that Sam’s neighbour was, indeed, in their garden. Seeing Amber over the fence, he waved. Amber waved back and tried to smile. To tell the truth, she didn’t feel much like smiling. Her stomach was cramping badly now and it was taking all of her will to not give in.

She had managed to get the tights and skirt hung on the line, when a particularly bad cramp hit, and she unintentionally passed a large amount of gas. She was fairly confident that it was only a fart, but less confident that would be the case next time. Next she hung up the blouse, followed by her knickers. They had an unfortunate yellow stain in the crotch, meaning that if somebody saw them, it wouldn’t take a world class detective to determine what had happened. As she put the final peg in place, it happened. Sam froze, her face turning bright red as, for the first time that she could ever remember, she shit herself. She tried not to react, aware that Sam’s neighbour could see her, but when she realised that her nappy was now hanging down below the hem of the skirt, she started, still pooing, to waddle back towards the house, as Sam’s neighbour looked on in amazement behind her.

Chapter Nine

By the time she got back to the house, Amber was in floods of tears. Despite all the previous humiliations she had suffered that day, soiling herself in such a disgusting way was definitely a new low.

‘Why are you…’ started Danny, before his nose told him what the problem was. ‘You didn’t?’ he said, in disbelief.

Sam smirked, knowing that she had caused Amber’s ‘little accident,’ however, Danny had no idea and Sam wasn’t going to tell him.

‘You’ve actually crapped yourself?’ he said.

Amber was so mortified, so disgusted in her current state, that she made absolutely no effort to maintain any sort of dignity. As far as she was concerned, that was a lost cause.

‘Yes, I crapped myself. Please change me.’

With this shocking turn of events, Danny had completely forgotten that he was next in line to change Amber.

‘Can you change my nappy please? It’s disgusting. I’ll wear whatever you want, do whatever you want, just please change my nappy.’

Danny approached Amber and took off her dress leaving her in nothing but her, very obviously soiled, nappy.

‘Lay down on the floor,’ he said.

She did so, barely recognising the fact that she was topless, only knowing that she desperately wanted to be out of her nappy. Danny grabbed the changing supplies and knelt down between her legs. He undid each of the tapes on the nappy but then hesitated before pulling it down. If you had told him yesterday that he would be stripping Amber naked, he would have been ecstatic. He might have been less enthusiastic if you had told him that she would also be smeared in her own faeces.

After a dramatic pause, he lowered the front of the nappy. He wrinkled his nose and turned his face away for a moment as the stink intensified. Danny realised that this was going to take a lot of wipes. He used the inside of the front of the nappy to make the first wipe, then got to work with the wipes. Amber showed no resistance as her best friend’s little brother wiped her bum. She lifted her legs when she was told to; she didn’t even complain when the job was clearly done but Danny continued to wipe the folds of her vagina and between her crack. She was simply happy to feel clean, even if that meant being completely exposed and allowing Danny to clean her most intimate areas somewhat overenthusiastically.

When Danny was completely satisfied, he slid a new nappy under Amber. By this stage, Amber knew better than to protest this. She lay there, perfectly compliant, despite her blushes, as he liberally powdered her hairless genitals and drew the front of the nappy up, before sealing her in. What he did next surprised her. He leant down and gently kissed her on the stomach. More surprising than the gesture from Danny, was that Amber didn’t mind at all.

‘What now?’ she asked.

‘Well, you can’t go home until your clothes are dry,’ said Sam. ‘It shouldn’t take too long. It’s a bright day. Afterwards, you’ll be able to go home.’

‘And that’s it?’ said Amber.

‘Well, yeah. I always said that was the deal. You’ve been punished here. You will be until you leave. Once you get home, it’s all over and hopefully you’ll have learned something from it.’

At Sam’s insistence, Amber spent the next couple of hours drinking plenty and wearing nothing but her nappy. It was clear that Sam wanted one more wet nappy before Amber went home. After what had happened to her previous nappy, wetting didn’t seem like such a big deal to Amber any more. She resisted slightly, but once she became desperate, she quickly gave in, saturating her nappy.

‘Okay, who gets to do the honours this time?’ Amber asked, stood in nothing but her clearly wet nappy.

‘Nobody,’ said Sam. ‘Wait here.’

With that, she went out into the garden and retrieved Amber’s clothes. When she came back in she started by handing Amber her tights.

‘Put these on.’

‘Won’t I be needing my knickers first?’ Amber asked.

‘No you won’t. You’re already wearing the underwear you’re going to walk home in.’

‘That’s not fair!’ said Amber ‘You said that it wouldn’t carry on when I left.’

‘You’ll have your clothes on over the top; nobody will see. You don’t live far away anyway. As soon as you get home you can get changed into a pair of big girl knickers.’

‘And we never speak of this again?’ asked Amber.

‘I can’t promise that,’ said Sam, ‘It will be hard not to ever remind you of the time you crapped yourself in a nappy, but I won’t ever bring it up in front of anybody who isn’t in this room right now.’

‘Neither will I,’ said Daisy.

‘Nobody would believe me anyway,’ said Danny.

Amber took the tights and slid them up her legs and over her wet nappy. Next came the bra and white blouse, followed by the skirt. Amber looked every bit the naughty schoolgirl that she had dressed up as the night before, despite the wet nappy which threatened to peek out from under her skirt.

‘What happens to my knickers?’ asked Amber.

‘I was thinking that I might let Danny keep them as a reminder,’ said Sam.

‘Whatever,’ said Amber, ‘they’re not the sort of thing I’d normally wear anyway. Just part of the costume.’

‘A bit too grown up for you?’ Danny joked.

‘Ha ha,’ said Amber sarcastically. While she was aware of her wet nappy, being covered up was helping her get some of her confidence back.

Danny’s confidence around her had also grown. This was particularly evident when, as Amber bent to put on her shoes, Danny reached out and gave her nappy one last squeeze. She let it happen.

Amber began the walk home with two thoughts occupying her mind. The first was a desperate hope that she could get all the way home without anybody discovering what she had on underneath her skirt. The second was the prospect of getting home, taking her nappy off, having a nice long shower and getting changed back into her normal clothes, including a pair of her sexiest knickers.



...if I may suggest a pertinent edit?... in "chapter eight" you have Sam soiling herself when it's Amber wearing the nappy...