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The car ahead of him lurched forward a few feet, and Andrew followed suit. He was now the next car in line. He sighed and wondered, again, why he hadn’t yet put a stop to this whole charade.

Sooner or later, there would be a point where he was going to have to say that enough was enough. There’d be a point where things would go too far or things would get too dangerous. And if this wasn’t that moment, he wondered what that moment would be.

He could hear the car in front of him ordering food through the speaker box of the fast food drive-thru. This was getting very real.

He checked himself in his rear-view mirror. Pacifier firmly planted in his mouth. Bib covering most of his head. A thick layer of blush on his cheeks. He did actually look like a giant baby, and that was without mentioning his pastel pink onesie that barely did a thing to conceal his thick diaper. This was all he wore.

On the dashboard, his mounted phone was pointed at him, recording him as he nervously kept checking the mirror. Just as it had been recording him on his drive over here, where confused motorists laughed and gawked as they passed him by. One guy, with his backwards hat and sunglasses, just about dropped the cigarette out of his mouth as he asked the driver of his car if he could see “the giant baby-man in the car over there.”

He’d be lying if he said he didn’t like the attention.

It was challenging to rank this particular task with the rest. It was certainly worse than the time he simply had to go buy packs of adult diapers from the pharmacy. But it might have been easier than the time he was made to go to the gym and ask one of the employees at the front desk if they allowed the adult members to wear diapers in the pool.

Still. This was different. Before, there was at least the chance that nobody suspected his ulterior motives in humiliation when he performed his tasks. This time, there’d be no doubt. He’d be seen as a pathetic baby - and that was the best case scenario.


It was a text from Daddy, who was somewhere watching all of this unfold. Andrew nodded, knowing Daddy would see it.

The car ahead moved up and it was his turn. He swallowed, dropped the paci into his hand for a moment, and pulled up.

“Thank you for choosing Extra Burger today,” a chipper feminine voice said. “How may I serve you?”

“Uh...hi. Can I get a…”

Children’s meal, said Daddy’s text, reminding him.

“Children’s meal.”

“With nuggets, or a burger?” the employee asked.

Nuggets, obviously.


“And would you like fries, apple slices, or carrots?”

Apple slices.

“Apple slices.”

“And your drink?”


“Milk please.”

“And will that complete your order today?”

Could you ask if they have a bib?

“I guess, uh, do you have a bib, by chance?” He blushed brightly, not that anyone could see, with his cheeks already quite colorful.

“Of course, sir. I could throw a plastic bib in the bag for you today.”

“Then that will be all.”

“$6.35 then, and you can pull up to the first window.”

“Th-thank you.”

His car slowly rolled ahead, waiting behind the car in front of him again. He felt his heart beating in his chest so hard that he worried it’d burst.

That wasn’t so bad, was it?

“That was the easy part,” Andrew said to the phone.

Pacifier back in your mouth. Unless there’s a reason for you to say more than one or two words, let’s keep it there for the rest of the drive.

Andrew did as he was told, sliding the pacifier back into his mouth.

He didn’t know who Daddy actually was. He didn’t know his name, and he barely knew what he looked like, short of a blurry picture that might have been half of his face. But whoever he was, Andrew liked Daddy’s control on him. Daddy promised to keep him feeling humiliated and pathetic, and he had more than lived up to that promise.

The rules were simple: complete the tasks that Daddy offered, and more would come. But if he failed to complete a task, Daddy said he’d be gone, and they’d never speak again. Daddy claimed he had done this before, for many baby boys and baby girls. He had provided photographic proof too. A young man in a diaper standing in the front yard of his house. A woman in business attire lifting her dress on a busy elevator to reveal a thick pink diaper. A man on his knees in a dress, getting pissed on from someone off camera. “This could be you,” Daddy promised. Andrew wanted that to be him.

His car moved forward again, and he edged up to the first window, cash in hand. He hoped this would be a quick transaction - the person at the window would remind him of the balance, Andrew would hand it over, and then he’d quickly drive forward to the next window.

“That will be $6.35 then,” said a young woman at the window, whose chipper tone he had heard earlier in the speaker box. However, as she had completed the sentence, he could see that she was only now beginning to process what she was looking at. Her mouth dropped agape, and she quickly did her best to compose herself.

His arm shot out the window, handing her the cash - exact change. She took it without a word, her eyes continuing to be fixed on him while she deposited the cash in the register.

“Uh...thank you,” she finally said. “The food...uhm...your food...will be at the second window.”

He nodded in thanks.

I think she knew the children’s meal was for you, Daddy teased.

Andrew was ready to slam on the gas and move forward - only to see that the line ahead of him hadn’t moved. He was stuck here now at the window. He didn’t want to look back to the girl in the window, but his curiosity got the best of him. Sure enough, he could see that she had stepped back a few feet and was in the middle of a giggle fit with another co-worker as they stared and pointed out the window and into his car.

I would say we got exactly the reaction we were looking for.

Andrew nodded.

Finally, the line progressed forward, letting move forward enough so that he was in between the two windows now.

You did very well today, Daddy’s text read. Was this challenging enough?

Andrew nodded again.

You handled it better than I thought you would. That may be the best I’ve ever seen someone apply makeup to their cheeks. Have you done this before?

Andrew shook his head no.

I think we’re going to have a lot of fun together.

The car ahead moved forward and he was able to pull up to the second window.

There was an older man at the window, waiting for him with the bag of food in hand. He looked less than pleased.

“Look, kid, I don’t know what your goal is here. I don’t know if this is a prank or some sex thing… But I can’t have you coming around my restaurant looking like a baby. Your food is in the bag. I put your...uh...I put the bib in the bag. I put some extra nuggets in there too. So take the bag, get lost, and don’t ever come back here looking like that again, do you understand?”

“I…” Andrew tried to offer an apology, but the pacifier in his mouth not only thwarted him from talking well, but only seemed to add fuel to the man’s point. Instead, he took the bag and nodded.

He drove from the line, quickly merging onto the road and tried to put as much distance between him and the restaurant as quickly as possible. A minute or two had passed before he even remembered that other drivers on the road could likely still see him - not to mention that Daddy was still watching.

There was an incoming call from Daddy. He spit out the pacifier and answered.

“Are you okay?” Daddy asked.

“I...I just…”

“Be honest with me. How do you feel right now?”

“I just wet myself, Daddy.”

“Good boy,” he said with a laugh. “I think you’ll be just fine.”

Someday, Andrew thought again later, there would be a task that would be too much. He’d be pushed too far. It hadn’t happened yet. And he hoped that it wouldn’t happen anytime soon.



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