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As I loaded the last of my belongings into the back of my tiny hatchback, the past year of my life played before my eyes like a movie.  It was a sad and humiliating movie, and one that I should’ve been able to predict the end of long before I did.

In the beginning, there was Julie.  Younger, prettier and smarter than me, I wasn’t sure what it was that she saw in me - even if I had plenty to see in her. I confessed early on, a mistake possibly, that I loved humiliation, and she sought to test that on a near daily basis.  I’d come home from work to find my underwear in the trash, replaced with new lacy panties.  Sex was mostly her pegging me when she wasn’t sitting on my face.  Some days, she only sat on the sofa and watched me do housework, while I was naked or wearing only a thong.   

She would one day admit to me that she was seeing another man.  I hadn’t the courage to stand up to her and either demand that she stop or to have just walked out the door.  Instead, I nodded my head and asked if she still needed me.  

“Yes,” she assured me.  “Very much so.”

And so Matt would come into our lives soon after.  In almost every way he was my superior, and I practically rolled over onto my back like a dog the first night we met.  This was incredibly obvious to both he and Julie as well, and they wasted no time in exploiting it.  Within an hour, my pants were around my ankles as I lay over Matt’s lap and he spanked me through my silky pink panties.  Moments later, I’d taste his cock for the first time, as Julie coached my technique. 

This became the norm.  I never considered myself to be a victim - I hadn’t made any effort to say no.  I was their toy, and a willing participant to their whims.  

One night, weeks later, would further alter the norm, albeit accidentally.  After Julie loaded a plug into my ass, she handed me over to Matt for a spanking.  Intentional or not, I couldn’t say, but his hand had found the perfect rhythm as it struck the plug’s base, and I ended up climaxing...right into his lap.  He was as disgusted as I was humiliated.   

“If this is going to be how it is,” he warned, “we’re going to have to do something about that.”

I suspected that he and Julie talked over whatever the “something” was later that night, because the next day, Julie came home with some large shopping bags.  

“Matt thinks this is for the best,” she said.  There was a hint of sympathy in her voice, but it was buried under layers of her own satisfaction.  When she revealed the large thick adult diaper, I could have died right there.  

This opened up a new world of play for them.  She’d plug me up, wrap me in a diaper, and hand me off to Matt; who would then beat on my ass until I made a “sticky” in my diaper.  Then, I’d be left to sit on the floor in my diaper and watch as they fucked.  But the new possibilities that diapers opened up weren’t lost on them either.  It would only be a few days later that my panties had ended up in the trash, replaced with more diapers.   

“T-the bathroom door is locked,” I said to her one day.

“Purposefully so,” she admitted with a shrug.  “It’s kind of a waste to have you take off a diaper whenever you have to go to the toilet.  They’re kind of ruined once you take them off.  If you’re going to wear them, I think you’re just going to have to use them.  Matt agrees, of course.”

I had held out for as long as I could, but by the time Matt came to the apartment that night, I was on the brink of exploding.  It had come at the worst possible time, with his cock in my mouth, that I finally released my piss into the diaper - flooding it with a loud rushing noise.  Julie held my face on his cock while they laughed at my misfortune, and he’d later make a video on his phone while she changed my diaper after she had been sufficiently fucked. 

They began to make bets as to when I’d end up shitting myself.  It was inevitable, and while neither of them were particularly keen on the idea of aiding in cleaning a dirty diaper, they were relishing the opportunity to mock what would be my most humiliating moment yet.  The moment finally came, conveniently enough, while they fucked the next night.  I had been moaning and groaning for most of the night with cramps, and despite their requests for me to just release it, I had been doing my best to hold on long enough that I could at least let it happen after he left for the night.  I wasn’t so lucky, and my body gave up the fight.  Without even thinking, I squatted down and let it all out, all within view of both of them as he plowed her from behind.  They laughed and cheered, and were very vocal about my stench, but they didn’t stop what they were doing until they were finished.

And this became the new normal. 

Matt moved in, and I was left to sleep on the couch.  Matt brought an old kitchen table he had that was converted to a changing table, and after a few months of getting diapers changed on the regular, I had found myself losing the control I once had over my bladder and bowels - perhaps only made worse by the regular manipulation of my ass.  I had been made into an overgrown toddler, living just to amuse Matt and Julie.  

But it was clear that they were tiring of me.  I had become more of a chore than a guilty pleasure, and I wasn’t even being included in the bedroom as much as I had been.  More and more frequently, I was finding myself humping the floor in a soggy diaper as my only means for getting off.  The tipping point was coming, I knew it. 

Finally, one day Julie emerged from her bedroom wearing a tight dress, and through it I couldn’t help but notice something new...she had a baby bump.

“Y-you’re pregnant?” I said.

“I am.  Took you long enough to notice,” she retorted.

“W-when were you going to tell me?”

“It’s not your concern, as you aren’t the father anyways.”

My heart dropped and I was instantly crushed.  I wondered when it had happened.  Had I been there in the room and watched the time when Matt had implanted her?

That night, when I had come to Julie asking for a diaper change, Matt approached me, grabbed me firmly by the shoulders, and shoved me to the ground.  I was forced to sit in my mess of a diaper while looking up at him.

“You know what’s up now, right?” Matt said to me.  I nodded.  “We’re not going to have two babies in the house.  This is the end of the line for you.”

It would all happen quickly after that.  My belongings packed away.  The bedroom, the bedroom that once belonged to me, was now locked and sealed off to me completely.  Julie didn’t even help with the diapers anymore.  She had no interest in them, or me. 

“But...you did this to me,” I pleaded with her while in a sopping wet diaper.  “I can’t do this by myself. I...I don’t know what to do.”

“It’s not my problem,” she said with a shrug.  “Potty train yourself.  Call your mother and see if she’s willing to do that again for you.  Otherwise, get used to the diapers.”  I was no longer needed - and worse - I had been replaced by an actual baby.  

Now, I closed the door to the hatchback and I got into the driver’s seat, noting that my diaper was wet.  I didn’t even recall wetting it.  Perhaps the issue was worse than I even knew.  

I didn’t have much of a plan at this point. My mom agreed that I could go live with her.  She didn’t know about my newfound problem, of course, thought it was only a matter of time before she figured it out.  That was probably going to be a little embarrassing, if not flat-out impossible to explain.

This story has been re-edited and partially re-written since its original publishing on Tumblr.



have I come to the right place? I thought I was getting full stories, not just intros.? Can someone enlighten me?


I've not heard this before. What browser/device are you reading these stories on? You should have access to the full story since its available to all patrons.


Hi.. it might be that all your stories are really short, but I dont think so. They are ending like not complete.. for example, "Reduced to Nothing" ends with the following paragraph.. Ja takk


I didn’t have much of a plan at this point. My mom agreed that I could go live with her. She didn’t know about my newfound problem, of course, thought it was only a matter of time before she figured it out. That was probably going to be a little embarrassing, if not flat-out impossible to explain.


That is the end of that story, yes! Some of the archive stories do run a little shorter, since my original goal on Tumblr (where that particular story originated) was to have slightly more concise stories. I hear you, though. In the process of re-editing and re-posting a lot of these archival stories, I'm surprised by how short some of them seem. If there's enough feedback about wanting to see a continuation of a particular story, though, I'm always open to it.


OK, that makes sense now.