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"Good afternoon,” the blonde haired, rosy-cheeked girl at the door said. “I’m Maggie, and it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Come in. Would you care for something to drink? I could put some tea on.” Maggie entered, following her potential new employer, Amanda Bishop, through the foyer, past the steps leading to the upstairs, and down a short hall to the kitchen and dining area, where Ms. Bishop pulled a chair out for her before taking a seat herself.

“I don’t need a drink. But thank you, Miss Bishop.”

“Mrs. I suppose ‘Ms.’ would suffice too.”

“My apologies,” Maggie said. “In our correspondence I got the impression that you were single…”

“I am, I suppose, for all intents and purposes.” Ms. Bishop sighed, crossing her legs. “Mr. Bishop does exist, supposedly. I rarely see him anymore. I believe he’s in Beijing now - though he may be in Sydney tonight or tomorrow. I can’t keep these things straight.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. That sounds like a burden.” 

Ms. Bishop appreciated Maggie’s words, though she had trouble believing that Maggie sincerely meant that. She could’ve sworn there was something condescending in her tone, but she also suspected that she might have been projecting.

“Mr. Bishop isn’t the only one with a job to do, of course. I’ve put off my writing career for a few years now so I could push a baby out of my vagina. It was the greatest moment of my life, or so I’m told.”

Maggie stifled a little laugh, finding herself amused by the woman’s bluntness.

“And that, I suppose, is where you come in. Not quite a nanny, and not quite a...maid,” she tapped her finger, thinking about that. “Are they still called maids?”

“The title isn’t important,” Maggie offered.

“Regardless, I’m looking for someone dependable to both assist in caring for Sophia and to help around the house. Ideally, you’d live here with us, but if there are reasons you can’t, that condition is negotiable.”

“If I was to serve you and your family, Ms. Bishop, I feel that it would make sense for me to take you up on your offer and stay here with you.”

“Well, you’re off to a good start, aren’t you? Let’s talk a little more about some of my expectations…”

One month later.

“I poured a cup of coffee for you, Ms. Bishop - it’s on the counter. There are some muffins coming out of the oven in a few minutes. I can bring one to your office soon if you’d…”

“The coffee will do just fine, thank you,” Ms. Bishop curtly replied. It was her usual morning blur - zipping from the master bedroom, to Sophia’s room, to the kitchen for some coffee, and then to the office where she wouldn’t be seen again for at least 10 hours. She paused for a moment to add: “Don’t forget, Sophia has an appointment with the pediatrician today at 3.”

“4:00, actually,” Maggie corrected her. 

“Okay, sure. I’ve already made accommodations with the front desk, so there should be no issues with you being there in my place.”

“Ms. Bishop, if I may, are you sure that you don’t want to go to the appointment yourself?”

Ms. Bishop sighed, and for a moment looked frustrated. She quickly composed herself. “I appreciate your concern, Maggie. This is just a general checkup. I wish I could be there for every moment of her life - but that’s just not possible right now. I trust things will be fine and that you’ll fill me in later.”

With that, Ms. Bishop grabbed the coffee and marched off to her office, where the door closed behind her.

Maggie looked over to Sophia, who was happily poking at an assortment of toys in her playpen. Truth be told, this wasn’t a difficult job. Of the babies that Maggie had been a nanny for, Sophia was pretty low-maintenance. Including the room in the Bishops’ rather beautiful house, and the freakishly robust salary - which Maggie chalked up to Ms. Bishop just desperately wanting to have time to herself to write - she felt that she had it pretty well.

It wasn’t exactly perfect. It was a mostly lonely job, working out of town and away from most of her family and friends. And Ms. Bishop was rarely in good company - she was either holed up in her office, or putting in her time with Sophia. 

Maggie would never have called her a bad mother. Ms. Bishop clearly cared for and loved Sophia in her own way. Her own way just, sometimes, seemed a little disconnected. As Maggie understood it, before the baby had been born, Ms. Bishop was a rather accomplished author. Given the frustrated grumbles she’d hear from within the office now...it didn’t seem like her attempts at recapturing that glory had been going especially well.

Still, Maggie did her best not to judge. She was, after all, getting paid rather well - on top of having a rather nice place to live. Maggie had been employed by worse mothers, and for less.

If anything, Amanda Bishop was…

The office door opened: “What is this? Coffee? Are you sure? It seems more like brown water to me.”

...a brat.

“I...do you want me to make another pot?”

“How in the world did you make the first pot so poorly? Please don’t do whatever you did the first time. Yes. Coffee is too important. Here, take this.” She forced the mostly full mug back into Maggie’s hands, some of it splashing onto Maggie’s shirt.

In the kitchen, Maggie took a sip of the coffee, finding that it tasted like it did everyday. 

This quickly became the norm, Ms. Bishop taking out her aggressions on Maggie. Her frustrations never really seemed to actually be Maggie’s fault - but she sure tried to make them seem that way.

“This steak is hardly what I’d consider medium rare.”

“How much fabric softener are you using in the laundry, anyways? It smells like a perfume factory in here.”

“If you’re dusting once a week, why am I still seeing dust on top of the television?”

“What have you been doing that has put Sophia into such a terrible mood today?”

“I gave you a very specific grocery list. I fail to see how it could have been clearer what type of bathroom tissue I want in this house.”

Two Months Later

“Did you really think this would pass as an apple pie when you didn’t even…”

Standing in Ms. Bishop’s office, at her desk, where she had just presented a piece of homemade apple pie in her latest attempt at a peace offering, something finally snapped in her. Maggie dug into her pocket and fished out one of Sophia’s pacifiers. She took a deep breath and quickly pressed into Ms. Bishop’s mouth. Stunned, Ms. Bishop didn’t resist it, nor did she immediately spit it out. Instead, she looked up from her desk at Maggie, who looked less than pleased.

“Now, Ms. Bishop, while I think you’d be hesitant to say such a thing out loud, I feel that we both know I’ve done an awful lot for Sophia and your home. And I also think it’s fair to say that I’ve been on the receiving end of your frustration for the last few months, is that right?”

The pacifier slowly slid out of Ms. Bishop’s mouth, onto the plate of pie. She opened her mouth wider, as if to say something, but no words came out. For the first time in Maggie’s recollection, Ms. Bishop looked ashamed.

“Look, I know that you’re going to have some words for me in a minute, so I’m bracing myself. I just...I’m trying to do my damn job. And you’re the most difficult part of it. I’m sorry if your writing isn’t going as you thought it would. I’m sorry that your husband is never home...even if I’m still not completely convinced he exists. But, please, I ask you to treat me with one iota of respect. In a relatively short time, you’ve pushed me to my breaking point. Now, I don’t want to have to quit, but I will if I…”

“N-no,” Ms. Bishop said. She slowly picked up the pacifier from the plate, rotating it in her hand. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I’ve gotten so wound up in my work that…” she trailed off for a moment. “It’s just...nobody has spoken to me like that in a long time and…” Then, to Maggie’s astonishment, Ms. Bishop slid the pacifier back into her mouth.

For a moment, Maggie wasn’t sure how to react. She expected Ms. Bishop to spit out the pacifier again and complain that it hadn’t been disinfected enough or something. But instead, looking more vulnerable than Maggie would’ve ever thought possible, she just looked up at her while sucking on the pacifier.

“I see,” Maggie said finally, taking a stab at what she was going to do with this. “So I have two babies to take care of now?” 

Ms. Bishop started to move her head - perhaps it would’ve been a nod - but paused, unsure of really what she was trying to communicate.

“Maybe you need to take a break from all this adulting you’ve been attempting, yes?” Maggie asked. She felt like she was improvising every word, and she had no idea where she was going with this.

Ms. Bishop nodded.

“I could get you...some milk?”

Ms. Bishop considered this for a moment, and nodded again.

“I would serve it to you in a bottle though. You know...like I do for the baby.”

Ms. Bishop blushed, but nodded again.

“I see. So you’d like that? To be bottle fed like a baby?”

She nodded. 

Maggie was starting to feel a little more bold. She could feel a surge of power that she hadn’t felt in a very long time. She wondered how far she could take this. “Why don’t we take a break from the computer, yes? Why don’t you sit on your couch, and I’ll bring you a bottle.”

From behind the pacifier, Ms. Bishop tried to say something: “Thothia?”

“Sophia? She’s sleeping. Honestly, you’re probably overdue for a nap yourself. But one thing at a time.”

Ms. Bishop nodded, and slid off her chair, slowly walking over to her office’s couch before sitting down.

Maggie left the office and quickly walked to the kitchen, her eyes wide and her brain was on the brink of implosion. What was happening? How long was this going to last? What was going to happen when Ms. Bishop finally snapped out of it?

She took one of Sophia’s plastic baby bottles from the drying rack and poured some milk into it before screwing the lid onto it. This all seemed very surreal. Was it more surreal that she was interested in seeing where this would go next? 

She walked back into Ms. Bishop’s office, expecting to see her back at her computer again. She could almost hear her now, complaining about how Maggie had somehow wasted her time. Instead, she was still on the couch where she left her - the pacifier still in her mouth.

“I brought you some milk, Ms. Bishop…” No, that didn’t sound right. “Amanda.”

She sat down next to her with the bottle in hand. Ms. Bishop, or perhaps just Amanda now, hesitated for a moment, but leaned back into Maggie, resting her head on her shoulder. Maggie pressed the silicone nipple into her mouth, and within moments, Amanda seemed to be blissfully sucking away at it.

“That’s...very good,” Maggie said. She almost stopped herself, but suddenly the words were coming: “Could this have been your problem all along? All this time you were being rude and condescending towards me, and really you just needed to be treated like a baby? Had I known you just needed a bottle in your mouth, I would’ve done it the first week I moved in.”

There was no response, just the gentle sucking sounds coming from Amanda.  

“Hm. No, actually, if I wanted to deal with a bratty little girl, I’d sooner put her over my knee and give her a good paddling before I gave her a bottle of milk.”

Amanda stopped sucking from the bottle for a moment. Her head tilted a little towards Maggie. 

“Oh? Do you...think that’s a good idea?”



“I...have been a bit of a bitch. Maybe I deserve that…”

“Fine. We’ll save the bottle for when we’re done.” She withdrew the bottle from Amanda, setting it on the floor. “Come now. Over my knees. I’m sure someone of your demeanor has been in this position before at least once in her life.”

Amanda blushed, recalling a few times when her husband had also deemed it necessary to spank her bottom into submission.

Without missing a beat, Amanda quickly rolled herself over Maggie’s lap, her chest and face hanging off one side, while her curvy rear was perfectly positioned on the other. Either she had done this before, Maggie noted, or she just really wanted this.

“I’m not going to be polite about this,” Maggie said.

She could see the back of Amanda’s head nodding in acceptance.

“And I feel like your leggings are just going to get in the way of the punishment you deserve. So, I’m going to slide those down.”

There was no notable reaction from Amanda, but Maggie took the lack of disagreement as a sign to proceed. She carefully pulled Amanda’s leggings and her black panties down to the tops of her thighs.

This is the first in a series of chapters for this story. The chapters will be published monthly, exclusively for Tier 3 members. I may provide the story to Tier 2 members in the future - a few months after all chapters have been published for Tier 3 members.



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