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This couldn’t be happening.  I looked again, just in case I had somehow overlooked it the first time.  Getting down on my hands and knees, I rapidly swatted through some of the debris under my bed in the hopes of finding my precious box, but it just didn’t seem to be materializing.

Okay. Calm down. This can’t possibly be as bad as it seems. Nobody knows about the box, right? Right. You just misplaced it, that’s all. 

I tried to think back to the last time I got the box out.  It had been a few days ago, when I was home alone while my stepmother Laney and my stepsister Judy had gone to the store.  Then, when I was done with it, I tucked it back under my bed.  I was sure of it.  In fact, I even recalled finding a long-missing t-shirt while putting the box back under my bed.  

So, then, where the hell did it go?

“Everything okay?”  Right on cue, I heard her voice from the doorway. Judy. I quickly spun around, trying my hardest to hide the frustration and worry that must have been on my face.  I was still on my hands and knees from searching under my bed again.

“Uh, yeah, everything is fine.”

“You know, that looks pretty fitting to me,” she said with a smirk.

“What do you mean?”

“Oh, I just mean you on your hands and knees like that.  Like you were crawling or something.”  

“I...I don’t know what you mean,” I said.  I had gone from nervous to terrified.  Her comments seemed to hit incredibly close to the crisis I found myself in. The gears were turning in my mind, and I was beginning to develop a theory about where the box had gone.

“Oh, I’m just saying...I had some suspicions about what you might be up to, and I thought I’d come talk to you about it.  But seeing you like this...well, I’m not so sure we need to have any discussions anymore.”

“Tell me what you mean,” I demanded.

“Do you have a minute?” she asked, innocently; almost as if she was completely naive to the fact that I was about to have a heart attack.

“What is it?”

“I think you should come with me.  I have to show you something.” 

I slowly got to my feet, and I followed her out of my room.  We walked down the hallway a short ways until we got to her bedroom where she opened the door. I followed her into her room and she closed the door behind me.

She was a year or so older than I was, and wasn’t home as often I was.  She lived on campus while taking her college courses, and it was usually just on holidays or extended breaks that she was home at all.  In fact, it had been this way for most of the two years that her mother had married my father.  I still found that I didn’t know her that well at all.

“What is it?” I asked. “What did you want to show me?” 

She walked to her bed and pulled on the blanket that was covering a box-shaped lump beneath it. As the cloth was pulled aside, my fears and suspicions had been confirmed. She had the box.

“W-where did you get that?”

“Don’t act like you don’t know where I found it, silly.  You’re the one who left your secret box sitting out on the floor of your bedroom a few days ago.”

I thought back to that day.  Suddenly, I found that I remembered it a little better than I had before.  I did find that t-shirt...but I found it when I was taking the box out from under my bed, not putting the box back. I had forgotten to put it back under the bed again. 

Not only did she have the box, but she had taken things out of it and laid them on her bed. The first of which, humiliatingly enough, was a large white disposable diaper, unfolded and laying open, as if it was ready for someone to be put into it.  

“Does this look familiar to you?” she teased.

“J-Judy, how did you...why did...but…”

“At a loss for words, Randy?  I suppose you can imagine how I felt.  When I saw the box, I just had to take a curious little looksee.  I was expecting something else, you know?  Like dirty magazines or maybe some weed.  But diapers? Wow. Just...wow.”

“I can explain…”

“I don’t know if I care much for an explanation.  I mean...whatever.  So you like to wear diapers, I guess.  I googled it, and apparently there’s quite a scene of people like you.  That’s all well and good.  But...there were some other things in that box too, yes?”

I swallowed hard and took a step back, contemplating making a run for it out of her room. 

“Not so fast, Randy.  I think it's important that we talk about these,” she said as she pulled something else from underneath her pillow: a pair of bright pink panties, with a ruffled black lace trim.  Truth be told, they were my favorite panties to wear from time to time.  Truth be told...I stole those from Judy’s dresser.

“You see...I...well, it’s like…”

“I swore I was going crazy.  I kept noticing that my panties were disappearing, and I didn’t know why.  Maybe they got lost in the wash or maybe I had some in a box that never got unpacked or something.  But, nope.  As it turns out, it was just dirty little perv Randy who was going through my drawers and taking the panties that he liked.”

“I’m really sorry, Judy.”

“I’m sure you are.  I can’t even be that mad.  I’m just sort of, well, concerned.”

“Concerned?  Concerned about what?”

“Well, I can only imagine how my mother or your father would react if they found out that you were wearing diapers at your age.  Or if they knew you were stealing your step-sister’s panties and wearing them.  Do you think that would go over well?”

“You...wouldn’t tell them, would you?”

“Well, that’s a bit of a conundrum, isn’t it, Randy?”  She smiled.  “I mean, I feel like it would be the responsible thing to do to report this odd behavior to our parents and make sure that you get whatever help you need.”

“No, Judy, no.  Please, you can’t do that.  It’s just a harmless interest of mine, that’s all!”

“Harmless?  You’ve been stealing my intimate garments, Randy!  And diapers?  I don’t even know quite what to say about that.”

“Look, please, you can’t tell them.  You can’t tell anyone.  Please don’t.  I’ll do anything.”

“Anything?  I’d be careful, saying things like that.”

“Yes, Judy.  Anything.”

“Well, good.  I was hoping you’d say that.”  She smiled again and giggled to herself.  She then pointed at the diaper on the bed.

“You’re going to start by taking your pants off and putting that diaper on.” 

“What?” I asked in astonishment.  “Are you serious?  Right now?”

“Do I look like I’m kidding?”  That almost felt like a trick question, as her hands were on her hips in a commanding stance, yet there was this wide smile on her face that was either completely sinister or completely delighted. Possibly both.

“No, I suppose not,” I finally replied.

“Good. Then let’s go. Pull your pants down.”

I did as I was asked - hesitantly, but in fear of what she’d do if I didn’t.  I unbuckled my belt, unzipped my pants, and pulled them down until they dropped the rest of the way to the floor, leaving me in just my t-shirt and my pale blue boxer briefs.

“I’m surprised,” she said, “I was expecting something more...juvenile.  Or feminine, at the very least,” she added with a giggle.  “Ah well, not this time, I guess. You might as well drop those too.”

I felt myself blushing furiously, but I did as she asked, and let the undergarment fall to the ground, leaving just my pathetic excuse for a ‘manhood’ to be exposed to her.  Much to my dismay, she was giggling again as she stared at it in all its current limpness.

“Is it always so...small?”


“I’m sure he’s just a little shy.”  The tone of her voice suddenly shifted to a mock-babytalk, like how a mother might talk to her baby in a crib:  “Besides, that only seems fitting for a big baby girl like yourself, yes?”

The ‘big baby’ dig made me cringe, but the ‘girl’ tacked on to the end really hit me in a way I wasn’t expecting.  I had never felt humiliation like this before. I feltl tears well up in my eyes, though I was able to fight them back.  I was going to have to get through this.  

“Are you ready for your diaper?”

I nodded.

“Very good. Come here to the bed.”  I did so, and she had me lie down on the bed, on top of the diaper.  I would have never expected Judy to have any maternal instinct to her, but she seemed to know her way around a diaper.  She lifted my legs into the air and carefully aligned my bottom into the diaper before taping up the sides tightly.  She had made it seem so simple and natural that I had almost forgotten how humiliating it was to have just been diapered by my step-sister. 

She stepped back, admiring her handy work.

“Oh you look adorable, Randy.  Or should I say, Baby Randy?”  She considered it for a moment and shook her head.  “No, I think we need something a little more girly for your baby name.  How about...Baby…Shelly.”

I sat up on the bed, blushing further.  There wasn’t much I could say, and even if there was, I seemed incapable of opening my mouth at the moment.  Instead, I offered only a simple nod.

“Very good.  Baby Shelly it is.  I’m very excited about this!  You know, the second I saw what was in that box, my mind started racing.  It’s all I could think about!  I would just start thinking about you in your diaper or you crawling on the ground, or you with a pacifier stuck in your mouth, or you…”  she stopped herself for a moment to giggle.  But the giggle turned into laughter that seemed to have taken control of her.  It took her a few moments for her to recompose herself.

“What?” I asked, both concerned and curious.  “Me doing what?”

“Oh, sorry,” she said, collecting herself.  “I was just thinking about your diapers and how you were going to use them.”

“Wait, what?  Use them?”  Now, I had obviously used the diapers in the past for their intended purposes, as it was a part of why I liked them so much in the first place.  But if she thought that she could blackmail me into wearing AND using that diaper, well…

“I would be more than happy to show your father the photos I took of your little diaper box.  I bet you’d be in therapy faster than you could say ‘goo goo gah gah.’  I think you’re going to do exactly as I ask you do do.”

“Please, Judy, don’t make me...do...anything for you.”

“Very sorry, Baby Shelly.  You wanted to steal my panties and wear them? You wanted this dirty little secret?  Well, that’s fine, but I’m going to get what I want too.  And what I want is to see you for the little baby girl that you are.”

“If...I do exactly as you ask...you promise that you’ll keep my secret?”

She didn’t immediately respond, instead she put her finger to her chin and stared off for a minute, as if she had to contemplate something first.

“I promise that I will keep your secret safe,” she replied finally, smiling.

“Thank you, Judy.”

“Stand up.  Let me see you in your diapers.” 

I slowly slid off the end of her bed and landed on my feet before standing straight up.  The diaper was fitted perfectly to me - better than anytime I had ever diapered myself.  I was blushing still, but that seemed unavoidable now.

I was feeling a completely new wave of shame in that moment, though. Despite the humiliation I had already endured, I was becoming aware of a very evident erection inside of my diaper.  Sure enough, Judy was staring right at it.

“Oh, look at this,” she said gleefully as she marched over to me.  Before I could even react...before my brain was even capable of formulating how to react...her hand reached to it and began gently stroking my erection through the plastic diaper.

I moaned softly.

“Oh, does the baby girl like this?  Baby Shelly, getting her little pee-pee touched through her diapers?”

“I...uh...maybe,” I managed to stutter.  I didn’t even want to make the slightest of noises.  She had so much on me already, it didn’t even seem fair to give her the satisfaction of knowing that she was able to turn me on right now by touching me while I wore a diaper.

“Come over to the bed, Baby Shelly,” she cooed in my ear before stepping back to her bed and sitting down on it.  As if I was entranced by her words, I stepped towards her and the bed.  She patted the bed next to where she sat. I nodded and sat down next to her. My brain seemed to be in autopilot, and I was willing to do anything if it meant that Judy was going to treat me like this.

She placed her hand on my thigh and rubbed it gently.  I smiled through my blushing and looked to her with both confusion and enjoyment written all over my face.  She smiled back and her hand slid up my thigh to my diaper, where she ran her hand along the plastic before finally settling her hand on my padded crotch. Almost instinctively and most certainly out of my own conscious control, I found myself pressing my crotch into her hand, almost as if I was begging her for more.

“Oh, does the baby like this?” she cooed.  I was far too embarrassed to actually say anything, but I managed to offer the slightest of nods.  She paused for a moment, leaving her hand on my diaper though, while she seemed to mull something over.  

I was too nervous to say anything, let alone do anything.  I had wanted this for so long, to be babied like this.  I don’t think I had ever expected it to be my step-sister who was at the reins, but I wasn’t about to complain.

“Does this feel good?” she asked as she slowly slid her hand up and down my thickly diapered bulge. I had no words to offer, but I nodded enthusiastically. She smiled and laughed a little, continuing to let her hand gently glide back and forth across my crotch.

I knew this was wrong. But I wanted it. I wouldI happen again. And again. 

I realized that I was a lot closer to exploding into my diaper than I thought I would be. I wasn’t sure what to do. Should I say something? Just let it happen? Should I just…

“I think we’re done here,” she said smugly, removing her hand from my diaper.

“Wait,” I said. “But...I…”


I wasn’t sure what to say. I knew what I wanted to say, but I wasn’t sure how to make my mouth actually beg her to make me climax in the diaper. 

“If you really thought that I was going to make you fill your pathetic little pampers with jizz, you’re more pathetic than I thought,” she said before laughing.


“Let’s be clear about something: This is simply entertainment for me, and you’re just my little toy. When I want to have fun with you, I’ll let you know. And when I don’t, you better stay out of my way with your sissy diapers. And out of my room, lest you think I should just text a few pictures to our parents. Got it?”


“Now take your box and get out of my room.”

I sighed, feeling a confused mix of sorrow, humiliation and regret. I grabbed the box from the bed, but as I peered into it, I noticed something.

“Judy...the box is...missing something.”

“Oh? What's not there? Well, besides my panties, which I’ve taken back.”

“My...the rest of the...diapers.”

“Right, right, your diapers. Well, I’ve decided that they’re mine now. I suppose you could go buy some more. Or, if you’re a good baby girl, maybe I can give you some of mine.”

I didn’t say anything, my mind already weighing the options of having to ask her for diapers versus the stress of ordering adult diapers online and not having anyone in the house know when they arrived for me.

“Why don’t you think it over. If you want another one of your precious diapers back, then you should leave your door open tonight. Of course, when I stop by, I’d be expecting you to be wearing the same diaper that you’re wearing now.”

“But that's like...hours away.”

“I suspect you know how diapers work, Baby Shelly. Now, get out of my room.”

Clutching the box tightly, I slowly waddled towards her door, stopping for a moment as she tossed my shorts and boxers into the box - a shameful reminder of the state she was leaving me in now. As I passed the threshold of her room and stepped into the hallway, I turned one last time, thinking I’d make one last attempt at convincing her to just let me have my diapers back. The door slammed in my face. I sighed again and slowly walked back to my room, my thick - and well applied - diaper, forcing me to rethink how I walked.

I had a lot of decisions to make in the coming hours. But I thought that maybe I’d put them off for a little bit and finish what Judy had started when she rubbed my diaper...the thought of her hand on me still weighed more heavily than anything else.

This full story is exclusively for my Tier 2 and Tier 3 patrons. Y'all are the best. [insert heart emoji here]



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