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A question that pops up now and then is “What inspires you?” 

The answer is usually: Just about everything. 

There are some obvious things, of course. Personal experiences or conversations with pant-wetters like yourself. Going to the store and daydreaming about what would happen if the woman walking in front of me suddenly and deliberately used a diaper. Seeing a great photo from a fellow ABDL content creator on social media and trying to imagine the circumstances that would lead to the moment that photo was taken.

But it’s a lot of pretty vanilla things. Movies and TV shows. Comic books. Novels. Really, any narrative medium. Sometimes good storytelling just inspires me to change up my formula a little.

A friend of mine, another writer, and I often joke that our next story is always just going to be a rip off of whatever it was we watched last. Sometimes that's a little more true than it probably should be...

I’ve been re-watching The Sopranos recently. It’s an interesting time capsule of pre & post-9/11 America, for sure. But it's also a show that’s extremely adept at storytelling. “Show, don’t tell” is a common mantra repeated in the advice traded between writers, and the show is just so damn good at it. Things will happen in the background with little explanation, or there will be entire unspoken conversations with just facial expressions and reactions - and the context is all there, it's just up to the viewer to piece it together. 

I’m probably not going to write a diapered mobster story (Unlesss…), but these are the things that inspire me more than anything else: good worldbuilding, good characters, and a respect for the audience.

Here are a few other things that have either been inspiring to me, or I’ve just been infatuated with lately:

  • Decorum - a comic book by Jonathan Hickman and Mike Huddleston
  • A Hero’s Death - an album by the band Fontaines DC
  • Q36 - an album by the band The Rentals
  • The artwork and comics of Raquelle Jacqueline (@raquellejac on IG) and @sternythunder (on IG)
  • No Man’s Sky - A space exploration video game - and really the only game I’ve made time for in the last month or two.

What’s been inspiring you lately? What can’t you get enough of?


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