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“Kiss me,” she said, drawing herself closer to me in the bed.  I wasn’t prepared for her advance, but I didn’t need much time to be.  I quickly tossed my phone aside, cringing a little as I heard it bounce off the floor.  

Mental note to self:  Check damage to phone later.  

My lips moved closer to hers, but they could reach her, she had already wrapped her arms around me. Soon after, her mouth was on mine.  Forcefully, passionately, she kissed me.  She bit my bottom lip.  Her tongue teased mine.  Her hands ran up and down my spine and to my sides. Then to my arms.  Then to the sides of my face.

Finally, her hands ventured south.  They ran over my chest, across my bare belly before finally stopping at the waistband of my shorts.  Instinctively, I took a deep breath.

“Stop worrying,” she cooed in my ear, her lips leaving mine long enough that I could still feel them tingle.

Her hands didn’t plunge into my shorts, as I expected.  Instead, she grasped the waistband in her hands and pulled them down.  She could only reach so far, but it was enough.  I was exposed - or at least my diaper was.

“What is this?” she whispered, again.


“Don’t be bashful.  Why would you bashful around me?  Aren’t I the one who put that on you in the first place?”

“It’s...my diaper,” I replied, feeling my face blush furiously.

“That’s right,” she said with a satisfied moan.  Her lips were so close to my ear, her moan sent shockwaves through my body.  “Have you been a good baby?”

“I...I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?”  She let out a brief giggle before enveloping my mouth in hers again.  Her hands caressed the thick plastic diaper, her fingers running over the bulge in the front of it.  I could sense that she immediately felt at least one thing different about my diaper.  Maybe two things.

She didn’t say anything immediately, she just kept groping me through the garment while her lips worked their magic on mine.

Finally, she came up for air.  “You’re quite aroused,” she teased.

That was the first thing.

“And you’re soaking wet.”

That was the second thing.


“Pissed yourself?  That’s why you’re in diapers, silly.”  She kissed my nose playfully.  “Do you want to be changed?”

“I...well...not yet.”

“That’s what I thought.”  She rolled off of me and onto her back, kicking off the blanket as she did so, revealing her complete lack of panties.  “Make me cum, baby,” she said, “and maybe then we can think about changing that soggy diaper of yours.”

It was her turn to be surprised, as I was between her legs before she had even finished speaking.  


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