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Dear Ms. Thorne,

Thank you again for the opportunity to stay at your home and watch Eric while you were out.  I know he has had quite the reputation for being a handful with the other local babysitters, but I found him to be no problem at all.

That’s not to say that he didn’t try to make trouble.  An hour into my arrival, I had advised Eric that I would need to check his diaper, per your instructions.  However, he refused to allow me near him, insisting that he was not a baby, that it was cruel that his own wife would treat him this way, and that she would hire a babysitter for him.  I assure you though, he lost his rebellious spunk after I had grabbed him and pulled him over my knees for a firm spanking.

But Ms. Thorne, I think you would find it most curious what I had discovered when I pulled down his pants.  There was no diaper there as you had promised me there would be, just an adult’s boxer shorts. I gave him a swift and fierce spanking, to the degree that he was left crying as he lay there in my lap like an infant.  His humiliation only seemed to intensify after I let him stand again, as he was so upset that he ended pissing his big boy boxers as I sat there and watched.

Without a doubt, he needed to be put back into diapers right away, and I wasted no time in dragging your pissy husband back to that beautiful nursery you had managed to craft from what looked to be some form a “man cave” previously. I swatted his red ass a few more times before making sure to seal him into one of his big baby diapers.

Needless to say, future diaper checks were not nearly as eventful as the first, even if he did somehow end up with two more soaked diapers by the night’s end.  Perhaps I should feel blessed that he didn’t further soil himself, as you had warned me he may - though that seems inevitable, should you plan on utilizing my services again, as I suspect you will be.

I look forward to your next call, Ms. Thorne.  Tell little Eric that I look forward to seeing his pathetic little diapered bottom again soon.


This story has been re-edited and partially re-written since its original publishing on Tumblr. This version exists exclusively for my Patrons. 


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