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Je vous partage aujourd'hui mes premiers portraits faits au moyen format. 

Avec le Mamiya RB67



Anya Twerk

Iconic beauty 🖤


Ms. Biechy is excellent in these images (I'm not quite sure if there are two images or the first is cropped from the second). I hope she'll forgive me if I jump into the camera and film experience for you, Ms. Lenski. Warning: I am NO photographer. I had to research the terms, the formats, the Mamiya RB67....so...forgive my ignorance on these comments and questions. What was it like using the Mamiya? Are you already a frequent user of film vs. digital? What changes did you have to make in things like your positioning the camera either closer, or farther away, from Ms. Biechy? You were obviously in the studio but did you need more light -- or less light (and I won't even 'expose' my ignorance when it comes to light-metering, which I THINK you have to do yourself with this camera, correct?) Everything depends on what you intended, but it seems the darks were deeper than I remember from your other work. Am I way off the mark here? The results are very good but I wonder how much extra work you had to do to adjust to the format size, the metering/lighting situation, and capturing the intimate feel of your other portraits that I've seen. Anyway....congratulations on using that monster Mamiya (it's a monster-size to me, at least)!!