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With the start of the new year, I'd like to get started on my resolution of being more organized and timely with content. I'll be trying out a new weekly schedule for myself to help make things easier. So for now, at least for this month, here is the plan:

Fridays - Mainline comics (IHHAT and Black Circus) will be posted.
Mondays - I'll be doing solely line art for comics. Working on mainline stuff first before anything else.
Tuesdays & Wednesdays - I'll be working on colorings/shading for comics. Ideally, I should be done with pages by then.
Thursdays onward - I'll be using that time to work on any other projects (such as SECRETS and art sets) I either am already working on or working on new things.
In other news, this is what I have planned for this year:

World Gates & Buckle Reboots - I've decided that these will be restarted (hopefully the last time I do this) as they just don't fit what I have envisioned for them especially since IHHAT and other series have become a thing so they need to be more in line with the continuity in those series. That and I just don't like them as they are and feel they can be much better.

Buckle: Slave & Monster - I'd like to remake the series as more horror. The premise of the original version with still be part of the story, but I want to go a different route such as changing/removing characters and likely a change in art style. The series will also be in black/white with occasional color pages. The original version will still be available.

World Gates - This series I'd like to remake and continue the original version (or in my case the 2006 version). Some characters will be removed or repositioned in order to line up with continuity of other series. Will likely have full color pages as other series such as IHHAT will either have a change in rendering style or will be in black/white after the current Volumes are finished.
Other content
Things like art sets, auctions, side-comics, and whatever else will still be worked on. Days that are not me working on comics will be the days for me to work on such content. There is no update schedule for them and will be released when they are ready, though ideally for side-comics I'd like to try every 2 weeks if not sooner.

Anyway, this is always subject to change to I'll be trying hard to keep up the schedule. Both to put out stuff for you guys and to continue on stories and a more timely manner that doesn't take several years. Of course life stuff will always be a factor, but I'll do my best to not let things like that hinder me too much.

Thank you again for your patience and I'll get to work~


Thomas Ross

an excellent model for your comics Viro! i might have to try something similar for my projects and hopefully my main comic!! glad to see you continuing your World of Gates story again! and i hope you can find a new supporting role for the overly-pierced xiaturoh girl in World gates VI! i never meant to steal her from you outright, and i hope she'll be able to help xiaturoh Viro in his quest when the story gets there! and there even may be time for you to make fanart of various characters and robots from shows and games on the side! i would be so happy for some new character pics from your old Sonic Genesis comic, even if the comic itself won't continue. i absolutely ADORE your designs of Dulcy and Lupe and would love to see full pics of them whenever they appear if you have the time! maybe with the full Rascal team!( and maybe Wave since she showed interest?)


YAY! That means new pages of Black Circus every Friday instead of every second friday! 😊