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Jo-Ann trying hard to please her new followers!




Wow! You already have a page from Vol. 4? Dude, you're still on Vol. 1. Definite props for the interesting visual, but kind of an odd time to have this little preview when we won't be learning the context for quite a long time. I also find it interesting that your snake character only appears to be halfway anthropomorphized. She can clearly speak and exhibits human intelligence and emotions, but she retains a mostly feral shape without even being given the addition of arms. I'm actually somewhat fascinated to see how she'll be interacting with the world around her without the use of limbs. Keep up the good work, man!


Thanks, the Volume and page numbers are intended to be a joke but the rest is basically what her story will be about. Having no limbs is definitely part of her story as well.


Ah, it would appear that I've been made the April Fool. Well played, good sir. With that being said, I take it this character will be appearing much sooner than that false page number implies. I look forward to seeing and learning more about her.


If she's voted on then sure she can have her story soon. She has technically appeared as a message in Vol. 1 Chapter 3 :P

Alex Kay

0_0 I'll admit that ya caught me off-guard! Cool that you've finally revealed the identity of "fallenSTAR". I'm getting the impression that Jo's story may end with a "bang".. Call it a gut feeling, ho ho. ;3

Alex Kay

scumbag director: "If she ruptures we'll fix it in post!"

murray webb

for some reason... I was expecting fallenSTAR to be male. dunno why