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Alex Kay

Hold up, did I miss the memo where everyone was suddenly okay with the fetishization of young minors? Seriously, guys, Marcail's like 5 years old. :\


And what's wrong with a chunky child, besides Viro saids it's fine as long the child is not a real person and Viro is just gonna make her fat, nothing too heavy on the kinkiness.

Alex Kay

Marcail isn't depicted in the comic as a Loony Tune. She's depicted as a 5-year-old kid. Let's be clear, the FLC serves as kink or fetish gratification for us. It's adult art. That specifically young Marcail was put forward (as opposed to her adult form, say) signals that her age is being highlighted as part of the appeal...


maybe the pic used was just as example and it's going to be the adult one, viro is wise enough to not do minors in the fetish category


But Viro said it was okay as long it's not a real person.


Looks like little Marcail won't be so little soon! 🥰