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Time to ask any of my characters something and it may get drawn! I will pick 2 questions to get answered!

Pick a character and ask them anything!

This will be taking over the Ask the Casts on Discord. Can still ask questions on Discord though they may be answered via text. If there isn't enough variety posted here then a question from Discord may be chosen.

Questions will be chosen on the 8th!


Dark ninja

To the cream filled cast, who has caused the most property damage, be it through excessive weight, strength, size, or whatever else.


To Razz: Know any good party tricks.

Jonah Lucedo

To Pineapple: What are your plans for Mayternity?

Caleb draper

To SE Blake: I hear summers right around the corner. Any plans for you or your new girlfriend?


For the Berry family: Have you seen Dragon Fruit with his true weight?


Ms. Wolf: Would you ever eat someone for money?


For True Ending Epilogue Skylar: have you ever fattened your children up?


To Eden and Fig: has Yor'Jedath ever made them fat?


To Pepper: Do you miss Skylar's food or just having an obedient boyfriend?

Neon Lizard

To Pepper Crush- What are your brothers like?