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Mmm I see the very first victim loves the chicken 😈


I was afraid that was going to happen :c Let's hope it works out well in the end...

murray webb

Woo, one of my questions got answered

Alex Kay (edited)

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2022-07-03 17:23:55 I'm glad to hear it♥
2017-01-30 18:27:39 Hey, it's the sequel, "Return to Gumbo Town: Draconic Boogaloo" :3 That "Arghmmmph!" is hilarious by the way. [eating intensifies]

Hey, it's the sequel, "Return to Gumbo Town: Draconic Boogaloo" :3 That "Arghmmmph!" is hilarious by the way. [eating intensifies]


i didn't get a link

Alex Kay

Hey, if you've just signed up - welcome btw! - you're gonna have to wait until Friday I'm afraid. New links are released every Friday.

Alex Kay

Let's lead a discussion! So we see that Mars learns of her brother's wondrous talents in the kitchen, whilst Skylar will swiftly learn that he needs people like Mars in order to test his newfound abilities (since he can't partake of his own cooking).. So! Place your bets, peeps! Will the pair explore and share this weird gift together, as good siblings should? Or will Skylar end up exploiting Mars' trust for his own sinister purposes? Personally, I hope for the former - a sibling bond forged by this power that ends up corrupting them both :3 It kinda depends on whether you think Skylar's sinister shift in personality has manifested completely from the outset, or if it's a creeping influence, slowly twisting him over time and he's still relatively the same good kid as before...


I figure Skylar's corruption happened the moment he made the deal. I hope there's still the old Skylar in there, but at this point I've little hope. I'm betting Skylar will exploit Mars' trust to experiment. I hope I'm wrong though and Mars calls Skylar out and they fight resulting in them splitting up or something similar. I don't want his sister to end up a bloated lizard.


Well...that got far more dark, far faster, than I thought...and yet...I WANT TO SEE MORE

Alex Kay

Yeah, the more I think about it, the more this feels like it has "Greek tragedy" written all over it... X3 Assuming she snaps out of her reverie, I can easily imagine Mars realizing the potential dangers of Skylar's awesome power and grow understandably wary of it, despite the lack of obvious ill-intent. This could become a source of conflict for the two. Mars may have sealed her doom by stating that she was soon moving out. Skylar needs her. He can also fix this problem... [insert DO OM noise here]