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Well the true motive finally appears


I'm curious to see what happens next. Will Skylar play the part of Titus, or will that turn out to be a red herring, and the end result be rather less gruesome?

murray webb

I knew that was gonna happen after the flashback happened... although would Skylar eating her even COUNT as cannibalism? he's a dragon, she's a fox.

Alex Kay

Ah geez, poor Tiff.. The stuffing scene made me wince.. For one thing there's no pork/sausage meat mixed in so it's gonna be dryyy lol. Also, overpacking the cavity so that no hot air gets inside, preventing even cooking? Rookie mistake, Sky! I blame the beer and het-up emotions X3


Tiffany's already a load of hot air *ba-dum tss* :P

Zanon Silvus

And I still don't feel sorry for her lmao, though that's an exceptional ability, he could thin his kitty out and fatten her back up all over again


I'm gonna be the ass that points oput the possible typo on Page 54, panel 5 :P Skylar: I *would* have to be doing this if it weren't for your little stunt" the 'would' should be '"wouldn't" shouldn't it?

John Messum

holy ********** on a sandwich, with a side order of ********** this has gotten so dark now.

Alex Kay

I'd like to solve the puzzle, please: "Holy Tiffany on a sandwich, with a side order of Tiffany this has gotten so dark now." :3


Despite all she did and her nasty attitude, I can't help but feel bad for her xD But that might be from how adorable she appeared during that fattening, a rounded face suits her too well!