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A couple months ago I used the Business version of Dropbox that would have given me 5TB of space for pics for Patreon. However, instead of charging for 1 account ($15) it instead charged for 5 ($75) and it is not possible to only have 1 (you have to have 5 for whatever reason...). So I'll be switching over to the Pro Version that is about $10 monthly. It'll have 1TB of space which is more than enough for me but I have to wait until the 6th of this month for the Business version to expire so I can switch over.

I was thinking of waiting until that point to send out links after they've been approved since Patreon's processing takes until the 5th so 1 day shouldn't be that big of deal. Nothing will change, links and passwords will still be sent out accordingly but I wanted to give a heads up while waiting for things.

Anyway, thank you everyone for your patience. The current passwords and links for last month have expired now so once I switch over to the Pro version on the 6th then I'll send out new links and passwords.

Have a good weekend :3


Drake Cervantez

I highly recommend Google drive. There prices agree very reasonable as you even get to start off with 15gb