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These characters I have adopted (excluding the last two) from the artist Saucy. They will slowly appear in various series/comics

Saucy's page




Damn! You adopted a lot. Sweet idea putting them all together in a single piece like this. I look forward to seeing them utilized in the future


Yeah, I have a small pet peeve when it comes to people who adopt characters and don't plan on using them and they are more like collectables. So I nabbed the ones I felt had the most potential for stories I have in mind in the future. >w< Some may make cameos in other stories until then.


Makes sense. I've only drawn a few of the characters I've adopted myself, but I've been using a lot of them in RPs, and do have future story plans for them. 😉


I can't stand when that happens either, I do my best to make use of whatever character I'm lucky enough to adopt. When people adopt a character only to never use them, it feels like they took a lot of potential greatness out of the character for no reason other than flaunting how much money they have to burn or how quick to the draw they are.


Great news! There are really a lot of them and they all seem very different, charismatic and so cool! Curious to know their names)