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What brought you here? 

What are you looking for?

What's keeping you here?

What would you like me to try to improve on?

Just curious, I like to pick brains from time to time. Helps with future work.



Your awesome art brought me. Seeing more of your art and what keeps me is the awesome characters 😁😁😁 keep it up


"What brought me here"-Just found you randomly on E-hentai. Not exactly sure why out of the dozens of art pieces and comics I procrastinate by glancing through why yours stuck out the most initially. "What's keeping you here?"- I can say you are the only one out of what must be hundreds of artists galleries I skimmed through over the years you are the only I didn't immediately forget about and not only that but I've been a happy patron to you for months. I might not be able to tell you what really brought me here but I can definitely say some things about what's keeping me here. From a technical side I think what's kept me is constant influx of new content to see and you regularly interact with fans via Discord/streams. But what I think is mainly keeping me is your stories. I know it's easy to look at IHHAT chapter 1, and TrueEnd chapter 6 and only think, "Woah look how great the art's gotten!" But if you look deeper I feel like the story telling has grown just as much in that time! So many unique and interesting characters! I almost compared your world to the MCEU but I think yours is a little different in a good way. I wouldn't call your stories a 'shared' universe but a 'layered' one. With characters like Marci enjoying the top most layer in the sunshine, just having a gold old time getting fat with her new BF- and characters like blake on the bottom most layer with most of the other card holders where the sun never shines, her life a mystery... (That didn't make as much sense as I wanted it to sorry let me try again.) Your characters don't feel like they all reside in one exact same Marvel universe where the heros win while giving quirky jokes, your characters feel like they are are all not only from there own separate stories, but there own GENRES of story. Stories where the good guy win, where they lose, where there is no good guy, where the bad gut is the good guy ect. I adore how different they all are while still interacting with one another. Anyway that was longer then I wanted and might have been more confusing then helpful. Anywho.... "What are you looking for"- I'll be honest. I like weight gain. I like it a lot. But I also like some of your other stories like Buckle. So while I do hope you always continue some measure of WG I wouldn't mind if you focused on other things. In a PERFECT world I'd love to see you tell Blake's story on weekdays, and Skylar's story with his original GFs on weekends. I would literally kill for that. (Seriously just give me the name.) "What would you like me to try to improve on"- Hmmm hard to say. Story wise I'm pretty happy. My only complaint is technical and may be my own hang ups, but sometimes your 'updates' on discord feel unhelpful. Like you'll say "new cream filled page tonight, or "next IHHAT update soon." In my mind is like in 6-8 hours, but in reality is more often then not like 48 hours. And I'm not saying "BAH YOU NEED TO WORK HARDER! TEN PAGES A DAY!" Art takes time and I appreciate the nuance you put in your comics and don't want it to change. But if it's Thursday you're thinking "I can probably get this page out Friday, but if something goes wrong it might be as late as Sunday". Just tell us it'll be out Sunday. Because you'll either give everyone a nice surprise by releasing early, or the 'worst' will happen and you'll release right on time. Seriously though that's my own minor nitpick. The one bruise in a set of perfectly ripe apples. I hope this all helped, and interactions like this with your fan base is probably another thing that's keeping me here!


Fap material. Fap material. Fap material. Fap material. I know this sounds like a joke (which it kind of is), but it's ultimately the honest truth.


For the what brought me here I randomly found IHHAT through DA What I'm looking for: mainly the fats As for what is keeping me here: Don't take it wrong, but to be honest what is keeping me here is IHHAT Vol 1 and cream filled, once both will be finished, I'll probably stop to support, or I doubt that you'll do all of cream filled episode one after the other, so in that case I'll probably stop to support and support back when the next episode would begin. As for an improvement, I don't have anything, except for the update on discord doesn't feel that helpful as someone stated previously.


The neutral ending sized Blake picture. Cute fatty girls. Big girls, requent activity and especially character asks. Not much I can say. You seem to be doing a pretty good job.


yeah pretty much what shapeshifter said

Richard Yates

Because you’re a chill modest down to earth artist producing a weight gain serial. Your storytelling is also quite good, which is a bonus


What brought me here was how good the stuff you showed teasers of on deviant art looked and how good your art is. what’s keeping me here is how good the art is and the style is AMAZING. I'm looking for pretty much any weight gain but one of my favorite characters is Pepper. there is literally nothing I can think of that you could do better.


1- Fatties 2- More fatties 3- the WG stories 4- More fat shape type, like double-belly rolls


Found IHHAT up to Ch. 3 or 4 on Luscious and really liked the storytelling and characters, so i set up a patreon account to read more of it. Whats keeping me here, well the pages are coming out at a resonable pace for one person and there's much more to explore, just seeing Hillary makes me excited about her twisted mind. So much potential, i just like it here. Since you're stepping up your game with IHHAT Ch.6 i would suggest improving some of the lighting details, Ch.6 Skylars living room wallpaper looks so flat, no reflections despite a tv illuminating the room. Obviously some pages get more love than others, like at the end of Ch.5 really nice ambient lighting outside after the buffet, but inside everything is just blue... Looking forward to whatever comes next, Cream Filled and IHHAT ,definetly my favourites.


What brought you here? Heard about you and the weight gain art and comics on U18 chan or some other bbw / fur image board. Took a look and enjoyed the content, so I signed up. What are you looking for? Pretty much enjoy all of your content. Happy to see you keep working hard and improving and have added full color and shading to many things. Wouldn’t mind commissioning in the future but I forget where you take these, maybe its FA. What's keeping you here? Uploads are consistent and there is great communication with patrons, though most of the work is spread between multiple projects perhaps that’s best as it keeps different types of patrons all happy with updates. What would you like me to try to improve on? Whatever you feel you need to do. You’re the artist and I’m not creative but I think the art is great. If you had the time and money, it would be cool to see more art and comics coming out in full color form or possibly offering full physical prints for sale of completed chapters or complete works.


1. Wanted to compensate you for the hard work on IHHAT, and I also wanted to see the extra material that wasn't floating around. 2. Weight gain content, and so much of it. Your characters' attitudes and personalities around all the world building make it worth coming back and seeing what they all have to say. Also the potential for other kinks kind of related to weight gain such as cum inflation. 3. Definitely more cream filled content and interesting ways to tie in weight gain. 4. Marketing and selling yourself! Your art is top tier and can compete with all the other big hitters in the community. Take a breather after your next milestone and hype yourself up on all the social media platforms you're available on. You have so much room to grow yourself because your talent is full of potential. I'm talking you're on par with Stunner and Garuda Six and Gill panda, and I just get excited at the thought of you succeeding.

Matthew Casey

I came here after finding your artwork on sites like deviant art and furaffinity. Mainly stumbled upon the comic if hell had a taste im it's early days. With the talent and skill you have in drawing this weight gain series from characters story and artwork is absolutely incredible. When you started up a patrron account i jumped on board to give my support to help support new content. What im looking for in all hosenty is fatty characters and weight gain is just my thing. Anything to do with fat characters wether its human or furries i think is great. That is what is keeping me here also. Marcie's story in IHHAT and the new cream filled series and anything else that comes out in the furture with that type of content. I think your doing an amazing and wonderful job and your skills have improved so much as time gose on. Having coloured pages are fantastic and with all good art it dose take time to create and we can all be understanding to give you all the time and support you need with the amazing job you do :)


What brought you here? IHHAT What are you looking for? Weight gain content What's keeping you here? Great Weight gain content What would you like me to try to improve on? more weight gain based "fanservice"

Cecil Kane

What brought you here? Discovering IHHAT on FA, bingeing it to the end of it's at the time content (just before the final chapter of Neutral path) and wanting *moar* of the awesome that you (Viro) dish out so frequently! What are you looking for? More of the Awesomeness you produce with seemingly no effort! I love all your work. What's keeping you here? You mostly, the chill awesome of Viro on top of the wonderful content makes me happy to pay to enjoy~ What would you like me to try to improve on? There's always room for Improvement and new tricks and skills to learn and master, but I am not a artist or critic so I have no words or ability to critique or commentary beyond that. I figure if you feel your getting better at your work and you still enjoy doing it that's all that matters. x3


What brought you here? IHHAT What are you looking for? Weight gain content What's keeping you here? Great Weight gain content What would you like me to try to improve on? More weight gain based "fanservice"


1) Just an e-mail that was sent to me, from you and Patreon... but I'm glad you are asking about us. It truly shows you care. 2) So, what am I looking for? I always do like a good weight gain content.... but yours?... heh, your stuff is amazing! It's almost inspiring for me. So, I thank you! 3) The kind of work you are putting out. I understand that, it takes time to do the amount of work, so I would never want to rush you on the excellent work. 4) Honestly, I can't really think of anything, personally. You continue to keep up the good work. I don't regret a single dollar on what you do.