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IHHAT delayed till wednesday, 2 page files got corrupted somehow (reminds me of what happened to one of the pages for Black Circus ;w;) will post asap but Weds seems the likely day.



Black Circus


This is normal :P anymore i don't expect updates until around Tuesday by default, just based on your normal consistency :) *snugs on* For the file corruption, I would strongly recommend regularly using an external drive to keep/maintain daily, or at least weekly backups of current projects and WIP content. far too often have we seen what happens when drives fail entirely.


I do backup weekly, but the new pages did not have a chance to get backed up. I'll work on being more consistent...

Viera Valen

It happens no worries! Your putting out your amazing work for all of us so waiting a few more days because of random bumps in the road is no big deal at all! :) keep up the amazing work Viro, your a talented artist and waiting to see your work is worth it no matter how long it takes :)