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The cutie with the booty has graced us with her presence! Feel free to ask her things while she's here!




Why is your butt so big?


Jam: HOW DARE YOU?! *pissed* If you MUST know, it's simply my body type! I'll have you know that lesser beings praise me for such a round backside! (Though perhaps my diet of golden apples could be the source of my large bottom... nah!)


How much do you spend on pants monthly?


How did it feel being so massive and beautiful after that soul-cleansing session? ♥


jam can you cleansed my sould and you a ver nice big blue booty that i wish i could worship and how many days does it take to take to cleans a soul


Jam: I mostly wear my dress given to me by the Gods. Though Razz and the others do want me to get some mortal clothes...


Jam: Ugh... don't remind me... I've never let myself go like that before... it was... different... I don't plan on doing that again... but... oddly, I'm not against it if I do happen to "binge" again... *embarrassed*


Jam: I could cleanse your soul if I feel like doing so. Umm... thank you, the mortals around here seem to compliment my rear-end quite often, I do like the praise. I doesn't take long to cleanse a soul depending on the size, but usually it only takes a few minutes.

Rhys Lawson

Jam... With the size you gained from cleansing Razz's soul... Do you like it? Would you want more of it?


Jam: Luckily, the weight gain wore off. It was... interesting to say the least. I'm not a big fan of it, but I wouldn't mind if it happened again...

Alex Kay

So what did Razz's soul taste like? Also, whose soul would you like to wrap your lips around next?


Jam: It's like drinking jelly with multiple flavors. Umm... I suppose my twin's if I had to choose... *blushes*