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The quiet Merissa is willing to answer some questions! Be nice :3




Is that fringe just part of your style, or are you hiding something under there?

Alex Kay

By your grace and poise, I can only imagine that one is of esteemed parentage. May I enquire as to your full family name/appellation? How did one such as yourself become acquainted with Samuel and the Sinclair family?


Merissa: My maiden name is Angellis. I grew up lower-class as a florist and was Bellica's babysitter. Unfortunately my parents were sick due to the bad environment so I worked often to take care of them, luckily the Sinclairs paid handsomely. Samuel was interested in me as I worked for them and eventually proposed adding taking care of my family as an incentive. Now I help run Samuel's businesses and and organize his shipments as well as any homemaking as instructed. My posture and look is mostly from Samuel's influence as I was not raised this way.


Merissa: My husband made it a point that I look proper and high-class at all times. I'm part of a wealthy family and must look and act the part.

Alex Kay

Ah, please excuse my presumptions, although I do hope my mistake is understandable and well-received given your striking elegance. Samuel is certainly a lucky fellow! The social elevation, whilst appealing, is not without its problems, I'm sure you would agree. Do you still keep in touch with old friends and acquaintances? Do they comment on your new life as a Sinclair?


Merissa: It's alright, I'm aware I dress and look a bit... rich for someone's taste. No. My husband had me become less involved with "commoners" as he put it. I wouldn't mind talking to old friends again but it's simply not allowed. If I was given the chance, I don't think I'd have much in common with them any more. Think and my appearance may confuse them for a brief moment.

Alex Kay

It pains me to hear such a thing, but such is the way things are with old family dynasties, sadly. If there was one person from your former life that you could reconnect with, who might they be?


Merissa: I'm not sure... luckily Bellica is someone I enjoyed spending time with so seeing her from time to time does make me happy and know that taking care of her when she was younger was worth it.

Alex Kay

I'm sure for Bellica the feeling is mutual. Alas, I fear I have taken an undue share of your time, so for now I must bid farewell. It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance and I'm sure we will meet again - but that will be a different tale altogether. Until then!


Merissa: *bows* Likewise, may your day be eventful.