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Ask the mysterious Madam Blanc some stuff!

Madam Blanc: Don't waste my time...




Sorry if this is too personal, but we're in some type of freak accident from which you sustained those ... injuries?


What story behind the mask ? I just love a mystery m’lady

Sean Nolan

Were you born the way you are or did gain the powers you have through some kind of magic?


Madam Blanc: A story for another time I'm afraid. But don't forget me by then hm? *strokes your chin*


Madam Blanc: A bit of both technically though not through magic. Let's just say I didn't have it originally.

Sean Nolan

Thats a good start though would lose the tech stuff. Imagine the fetus mutating and growing ending up as something that crawls around on all fours like a bug and instead of controlling dead bodies its mouth opens up and its tongue shoots out injecting something into any living thing that slowly and painfully mutates them into the same thing but with characteristics of the thing injected. Anyway I'll move on from that. Were you roped into the buisness or did you go into it knowingly?


Madam Blanc: I'll let him know your thoughts... Been doing it for years. Now that I have my... abilities... just makes it easier to do.