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Jo-Ann's lovely girlfriend is up for answering some questions for today. Be nice :3

Janet: Umm... hi? *waves*



Sean Nolan

Whats religion like over there? Like is Christianity different over there then it is here?


Janet: It's mostly the same but with the inclusion of other races such as Seraphs and Daemons, they are a bit more varied now. I think it's mostly cause things like aura and using elemental stones along with advanced technology has made it so not everything is so far-fetched. My family is mostly Christian taking from what the Havens had already established.


How are you able to know about our dimension?

Sean Nolan

Interesting I've really enjoyed learning about where your from a lot ^^ What has your experience been when you learned that your a lesbian? I'm hoping good.


Janet: Well it is rumored that God split "the original world" from ours. We share the same history but after "Judgement Day" almost everything was reset. So the Havens, Beastials, Seraphs, and Daemons went to war for a few years until the Gateons and Avix began appearing and we all needed to work together. I think that was a few thousand years ago now. I wasn't very good in history so I'd have to look it up to see if I'm correct on that.


Janet: It's been good, though mostly because I haven't told many people. I'm mostly scared to see what my family thinks about it. I'm just not ready to tell them. But my relationship with Jo-Ann has been great and she helps encourage me to want to talk to my family about me being gay, but still I want to take my time before I finally tell them.

Sean Nolan

Yea thats not something you want to rush. Only do it when your comfortable. I still haven't told my parents that I'm bi. Do you have a job to? If so what do you for work?


Janet: I mostly work in retail. The bigger jobs are mainly in the higher cities and it's kinda of expensive to live there so I make due with what I can get.

Rhys Lawson

Tell me, Janet... Is there an especially favourite part you'd like to see Jo-Ann play?


Janet: I think it would be cute to see her play a detective :3


How long and did you know Jo-ann?


How did you meet her?


Janet: We've known each other since high-school so about 8 or so years I believe


Janet: we had a few classes together and started to hang out more when we'd get assignments together and often went to the library for studying.


Janet: Well "magick" is sort of hard to explain. If you mean like alchemy or creating things out of nothing or teleportation that sort of thing, those don't exist as far as I know. We do have teleporters but those were made with technology. Sort of a long story but at some point in history people came from other planets and shared their knowledge so large advancements were made. Before that, there was the discovery of elemental stones and Aura which is using your soul as an energy source. Some people have special skills when using Aura like making armor or summoning. Kind of a long answer and I've barely scratched the surface heh... X3

Rhys Lawson

Any especially form of detective? I couldn't see her being a psychological one like Poirot... Maybe more the Sherlock Holmes type?


Seeing as Jo-Ann is an aspiring actor, I'm curious, have you ever considered acting yourself? If not, what would you say is your dream job?


Janet: I think the Homes type would be fine, something simple but can still be deep.


Janet: My dream job was to to be a veterinarian but a bit too much school for that heh X3


Have you ever shown an interest in acting like Jo-Ann has been trying to do?


Janet: For myself no, but I hope it works out for Jo-Ann


How long have you & jo-ann been together?

Alex Kay

Wellp, this polite conversation over tea is lovely and all but, c'mon, who are we kidding here.. ¬___¬ So then! Sex. With. A. Snake! S'kinda weeeird, no~? :3 Who approached who? How did you feel about it the first time, and have things gotten more "creative" since? Would you ever think of going back to regular bestial stuff, or has Jojo put the squeeze on your mojo now? ;)


Janet: *blushes* W-Well to be honest, I sort of approached her first heh. I mean she's kind of like having an over-sized sex toy that knows how to press my buttons lol. And since she's a snake, she tends to wrap around me tight so I sort of get that bondage kink lol. Gosh this is embarrassing... I probably wouldn't mind going back to humanoid people but Jojo's always gonna have my heart in bed. I'm still getting used to her having a cloaca, but it's really no different than when she does mouth stuff with me.


Janet: You know... oral stuff... like when she eats me out... *face turns red*

Alex Kay

Alright alright, let's take this down a notch before we set off the sprinklers or something.. X) Speaking of mouths, you got cheek pouches? How many dough balls d'you reckon you can fit at once? :3 Y'know, for science.

Rhys Lawson

She would definitely have the confidence to pull it off! I think you'd make a fine Dr. Watson, myself. You seem most loyally attached to Jo-Ann, and she in term seems in need of impressing you and proving to you her talents. Just as Holmes would doubtless have been lost without Watson tomhumanise him by being a reminder that man is not a solely thinking machine, but that emotions are a constant in all things.