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Just wanted to take the time to say thank you everyone for your support! I know I've been a bit slow as of late but I'm working on getting better with my scheduling so that I can get stuff out at a decent time. Currently finishing up on some commissions and will be posting more individual art for art sets. 

WARNING: Cream Filled will be worked on later tonight and likely released tomorrow morning and then move on to the next series update.

Thank you again for being interested in my artand I hope to do more interesting work for you to enjoy :3




Its ok you work hard just don't burn yourself out ok?


You are my first patreon, and it's been at least a year lmao thank you sir


Your artwork are great, take your time and do your best. We appreciate what you for being amazing

Alex Kay

Null sweat, chummer.

Spicy Noodles

No prob man! Ya do good stuff, and quite a lot of it as well!