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Pick my dad up from work? Marci has a father?! After her mom, and she was home alone all that time, I just assumed her mother was a single parent. Will we get to see her dad at some point? Also, hi, Becky! Nice of you to turn up again.


Marci's dad was mentioned in chapter 2. He works in the city so he's rarely at home at times due to work. Hopefully he'll get a better job. Becky: ...hi...


Ah, must have missed that. Does he know about Marci's dramatic size increase? Also, if she's picking him up, does that mean Marci drives?


Not at this time, but will soon. No Marci doesn't drive yet, her and Blake took a bus in chapter 4 so even if she had a permit she'd require her parents with her.


He's in for the shock of his life. It's not every day you come home to find your daughter has ballooned to five times her original weight! Ah, this is true. Can Blake drive?


Yes, Blake can drive but she doesn't own a car yet