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The devil herself has graced us with her time!

Daylock: Let the Havens ask their little questions. Hope they can handle the answers... *drinks a glass of blood*




Your called the devil but did you even want to be the devil?

Jason Tremblay

Are you able to sense hidden desires?


Will you be making an appearance in the next few volumes of IHHAT, striking deals with more people? Second what vintage is that blood?


Daylock: I was created to be the judge of those who die and see if they deserve to go to Heaven or Hell. Being called "the Devil" or "Satan" is stuff people who made up religions came up with.


Wait would that making you more the grim reaper?


Daylock: I don't journey to earth very often since what I do is extremely important. If I do appear in IHHAT again then it better be for a good reason... The blood came from one of the Gateons, er... they're a type of demon, their blood is a bit rich.


Daylock: To put it simply, yes. I do own a black cloak but it got in the way of my wings.


Has there been anyone you had a hard time judging?


Daylock: Not really, some blur in the grey but ultimately I judge without fail.


Is there anyone you love or deeply care for?


Daylock: The only being I care about is Goltanis. He's what you would call "God" but he's actually more similar to me so the best way to classify him would be to just say he's another deity. The real God isn't around any more.


Real god dead i suspected as much so how many more deities are there?


Daylock: She's not dead, she just doesn't care about this plane of existence any more. There are several deities but Goltanis and I are the top ones. Next beneath us would be "Azriel the Lord of Light" and "Endless the Lord of Darkness", but they've been split into seven forms of consciousness. Basically they are what makes light and dark creatures (what you'd call angels and demons) plague this universe as they attack people. I don't really keep track of them as they both end up sending souls for me to judge forever.


So god is a woman you know makes since when you think about hmm this is all interesting so you don't think she will ever return?


Daylock: Humanity fucked that up for themselves. She's uninterested in this reality, including everything she's made such as us divine.


Good thing humanity is ignorant everything would be neverending chaos no point in mortality if your creator has given up on you


Daylock: Oh they're aware of it, they just have worse things to worry about.


What could be worse eternal pain and suffering?


Daylock: well for one, stuff like that is exaggerated. I'm in charge of their eternal pain and suffering *grins*. But realistically, they have to worry about the angels and demons that attack cities and such. Same for everyone else like the Bestials, Seraphs, Daemons, and a few other races that have come up. Survive on your own merit.


So interesting i guess one more thing to ask why do you and the other remain if your creator left why not leave as well?


Daylock: We're bound to the laws of this reality. There are things we can and can't do and following God is one of them.

Sean Nolan

Have you granted others powers like you have skylar? If so what were a few of the others powers?


Daylock: Yes but it was so long ago that I've forgotten. I rarely ever grant anyone something since avoiding fate is an extremely rare occurrence.


Daylock: Not really... depends on the subject.


What's the meaning of life ?


Daylock: Originally there was no meaning. You're just a flame flickering in the void called "life" until you finally blow out. It was later that Heaven and Hell was created just so that there was somewhere for souls to go when they die. Whether or not there's an actual afterlife is left to the imagination.