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Heya folks, thanks for all the support!  It has been a little bit since I did a text post so I wanted to update everyone on what's been going on and what to expect going forward.

Overstay updates have been slow the past several months.  There are a lot of factors contributing to this.  I think my work schedule was a part of that.  In theory that should be improving going forward, but there are other contributing elements.

I've been pretty anxious about finishing the comic.  I want to end it really well, but when I think about finishing the last two or three scenes I get nervous and I'm not entirely sure why.  I've got the ending written out and have a nice epilogue planned, so it is just a matter of executing on plans.

My current intention is to resume weekly updates on Sundays as I finish pages.  This is how things were for the first couple years of the comic at least.  If I can maintain that rate the comic will be done in less than a year.  A lot of things could get in the way of this panning out like I hope, but that is the plan right now. 

I appreciate everyone who has continued to support me despite the output being lower than it once was.  I am very lucky to be able to make things I enjoy making for people who also enjoy them.

The monthly exclusives, the pinup and the sequence, should remain unchanged.

I am not currently planning on accepting any additional commissions in the near future.


Herb Cline

Good speech !

Khristopher Heiss

Slight question. Might help, I understand all good stories need an end. But perhaps while you end this one you could make a spin off series of the characters adventures. Or make a second comic to make a new story for said characters. Sorry I just really like the art or overstay, and found the magic elements and story fascinating and would love to read more or see a bigger story with the characters.