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Usually, before I start a chapter of Overstay, I like to have most if not all of the script written so it can be revised as I go into the final version which ends up on the page.  I have some scenes worked out, but haven't got it all meshed together yet and still have a lot to write.  With this in mind there might not be another page of Overstay until a good bit into next month.

This is the final chapter of Overstay so I want to touch base and re-affirm my plans after this.  Where Overstay is concerned, I have ideas and rough mental outlines for two side stories involving Sara and Alex.  One is a horror short story/comic where Sara has to deal with a dangerous creature.  The other is an epilogue for Overstay which may end up being part of a print version.

When Overstay is complete I intend to make an editing pass to catch any errors which remain and then Kickstart a print version of the comic.

There is an additional idea I've been tooling around with in the Overstay setting for an Adventure/rpg/visual novel game.  Right now it is pretty difficult to imagine being able to produce it while maintaining a full time day job as I do now, but I have never been short of ideas.  It is time that is the issue.

Once Overstay is complete I will begin re-writing the first chapter of Regalia, starring the tiger-shapeshifter, Gillian.  I intend for Regalia to replace Overstay as my main, ongoing form of comic output.  This will be a NSFW comic set in a more high fantasy setting, but where overstay is a very narrowly focused comic (It's basically just about Sara and Alex and their interactions), Regalia will be a much wider-scoped story.  It is going to be much more of an action/adventure genre comic than Overstay is.

I have a lot of plans which I am excited about and it is just a matter of time until I see them to fruition.  It is difficult for me to express how much the support of my readers has meant these past few years, and though I don't say it enough, you all have my thanks.  I am at a place of artistic progress and confidence I've never been and a major element of that is how positively my work has been received.



Sounds like a plan (yeah very original I know)



Herb Cline

How long will it take to see the first page of chapter 5?