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As part of wanting to grow my output as an artist I wanted to put the series I had to shelve  when I started back at my day job up as a goal for this page.  The support overstay has received is more than I ever hopped for, but I have more ideas than time and both want to branch out and to be able to focus on long term projects more than commissions.  To this end Regalia will return as an ongoing comic series if this goal is met, updating weekly with a four week lead time before pages are available to the public.

Not listed, but technically still there, is the goal of $2000 where I quit my day job and just work on comics full time, but that's a pipe dream for the moment.   For now I am very content to produce work as I have for the past few months.

I owe a lot to the people who have been supporting my art and I intend to continue to create my content regularly for as long as people want to read it.


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