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Here is the cover for the first in what I imagine will be a series of comics that are all going to be posted first on Patreon on a weekly update schedule and then uploaded elsewhere two weeks thereafter.

Overstay is a short story about a werewolf who ends up having to crash at a friend's house on a full moon and the situation that results from them being stuck together.

What I am trying to do is produce positive and fun smut which caters to transformation and furry art fans and all the themes of the comics I aim to produce will be along those lines.



Rook (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-29 12:42:17 This looks like it's gonna be so wholesome <3 I'm excited to see it
2020-05-24 15:20:16 This looks like it's gonna be so wholesome <3 I'm excited to see it

This looks like it's gonna be so wholesome <3 I'm excited to see it


I am glad you are looking forward to it! I am aiming to produce wholesome smut, I feel that isn't entirely an oxymoron.