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Starting in May it is currently my plan to unpublish the $1 USD tier from this Patreon and replace it with a $3 USD. I have always viewed this as a tip jar level of support that happens to get a small bonus in content, but the time that I put into drawings has been going up over time and with my current work situation if I'm going to put that level of effort into drawing I need to increase the charge.

Another aspect of this change is I plan to start publishing old works that are a year or more old in a public format on social media or other galleries. Currently, this is planned to be a one-time thing. Subsequent drawings (drawings that are currently less than a year old or new drawings from now on) are going to remain exclusive. There is a lot of art in the backlog now and I think it would be beneficial to me if I released some of it to draw attention to the work I am currently making.

There are no changes planned to the early comic access or above tiers. No exclusive sequences are going to be made public as of now.

Everyone who backs me at any level, current or former, has my gratitude. I'm extremely fortunate to produce things that you folks want to see and try to never lose sight of this fact. From time to time I need to do this sort of admin work to keep this support structure from falling into neglect.

In some other news I am still planning on making additional content involving the security guard werewolf, Sam, in an ongoing comic format. The project, now titled "No Place of Honor" will be added as early access content to this patreon, both in a SFW tier that doesn't exist currently and to the $10 tier that currently exists which gets everything. My day job has been providing setback after setback to actually making this content happen.



Sounds understandable. Can’t wait to see what you put out!

Tristan Hankins

Whoo, Sam comic! I'm really excited to see more of her world, since werewolves are known to exist by the general population.