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Staring at the murky water beneath my feet, a sinking suspicion spreads over me. ‘This is where they empty their chamber pots, is it not? Aye, of course, it is, where else could I have possibly found myself, but down here with the waste?’

Now uncomfortable and regretting my decision to jump into these tunnels, I resolve to avoid looking down at all costs. Abruptly, one of Earl’s purple walls appears.

After studying the guide, a number appears in the corner of my vision reading, ‘15/100’. 

‘I assume that number is my erysichthon value, as Earl calls it. So if I do not consume “organic material” before that number reaches a high enough value, I could lose my wits and attempt to eat anything or even anyone nearby?’

Earl does not respond, but I can already presume the answer. 

‘Now that Earl has brought it to my attention, I can feel a sense of hunger similar to having skipped breakfast and lunch. If an erysichthon of 15 feels as if I have gone half a day without eating, I am afraid to know what 100 would feel like. If Earl recommends it, I suppose I will need to start looking for a way out of this place to plant this Tower Seed... Earl, can thou at least tell me what this Tower Seed is?’

Although not as good as the “force knowledge” choice, it somehow still seems as if I can understand the information better than before. 

‘It seems Earl made the guide in a way I could more easily understand…’ I study his words very closely. ‘Hmm, the soul seeks eternity? Interesting… Anyway, I suppose, to summarize, I need to plant this seed sooner rather than later. I do not really understand what this recommendation means, but, more importantly, Earl. What does thou mean by eligible locations?’

 ‘A high population area? I do not particularly like that, to be honest. I… I would rather avoid a repeat of Roanoke.’

Pausing, for a moment, to glance around at the stone walls. My mind proceeds to wonder as I remember the stunning sunset on that hill overlooking the forest. Then I recall the small luminescent pool in the tranquil forest grove.

‘But... I do not want to stay down here forever surrounded by waste. Where I plant the seed, it’s going to be somewhere full of trees, where I can watch the sunset. Preferably near the ocean or a lake. Otherwise, what was the point of ever having left that place of darkness…’

With my purpose set, I wander the tunnels searching for a way out. Eventually, I discover another ladder that leads to yet another one of those metal circle plates. Unaccustomed to my hazy body, I lubberly ascend the ladder upward. Upon reaching the plate I hear a countless number of harsh noises through small holes along the edge of the circle.

‘Why would anyone choose to live in a place such as this? It’s noisy, there are gigantic monsters flying overhead, and if that one gentleman from earlier is to be believed, there are even ghosts.’

Placing a violet eye against one of the holes, I can make out naught but a cloudy blue sky.

‘Perhaps, I may simply push this and look outside?’

Removing my right hand from the smooth metal ladder followed by my left, I check my balance. Surprisingly, I find that balancing my new body is quite easy once adequately accustomed to it. With both hands placed firmly against the plate, I push with all the might my body can muster; the more I push, the more a feeling of relief wells up inside of me. 

‘It’s moving; I was afraid I might be trapped down here.’

However, the more I push, the more a strange sensation similar to kneading dough fills my arms. I gaze upwards to find my arms have flattened themselves against the metal plate. My mood drops as I realize the plate has not budged even the length of a barleycorn[2]. I back away, and soon my arms return to their original appearance.

With a bit of disappointment, I note that despite my arms turning into pancakes, I felt nary a hint of pain.

Having made little progress, I begin pondering my next action. ‘If I cannot push it, I shall just have to see if I can find somewhere else to exit.’

So I climb back down and begin wondering the chamber pot tunnels. Like this, I found twelve more metal plates but was unable to move any of them. However, it did not matter which location it was; the outside seemed to be extremely loud, making me worried.

‘How many people are in this place? The amount of activity I can hear outside is mad. Not to mention, I have probably only been down here for half a day, but my erysichthon value has already risen to 25/100.’

Abruptly, the sound of something scraping against stone echoes through the tunnels.

‘What is that noise?’

With caution, I shuffle toward the sound. After rounding a corner into a new set of tunnels, the layout changes—the once square tunnel of gray stone shifts into a circular tunnel of red brick. Strangely, the brick tunnel seems unusually long as I cannot make out any end, despite the strength of my violet eyes. 

Proceeding through the halls, the sound of the scrapping grows louder. Finally, under the glow of my eyes, I spot a hairy gray creature digging at the wall. I move closer before realizing the identity of the creature. The creature turns out to be the largest gray rat I have ever beheld. It digs at a patch of dirt where some bricks have dislodged themselves as I stare at it in awe.

‘I have seen a lot of rats, but I had nary an idea they could get so big. That animal has to be nearly two palms long and as fat as a mouser. Any mouser that hunts that creature would have to be closer to a lion.’

Yet, while watching the rat dig, instead of revulsion, a radically different set of feelings passes over me.

‘Nay, why does it look delicious? This is the same feeling I would get when staring at a fresh-baked piece of bread.’

I find myself unwittingly drifting closer to the rat. It is none the wiser as my movements are absolutely silent. Lifting my hand, I attempt to somewhat obstruct the glow of my eyes and flame while maintaining sight. 

Suddenly, it ceases digging and reaches its head into a hole before dragging something from the dirt. Whatever it removed cries loudly as it commences eating it. As I inch closer, I see it seems to be a hairless baby rat indicating this rat is raiding another’s nest. Oddly, while watching the rat, a sense of jealousy rises.

‘Not fair. I wish to eat too, but I…’ I attempt to open my mouth, but nothing happens. ‘I do not know how to eat. I do not even have a mouth!’

The rat stops and glances toward me, but oddly does not find the three glowing balls of light threatening. Losing interest, it sticks its head back in the nest to pull a second baby rat from the dirt. Stretching my fingers toward the rat, I hesitate when some sort of new instinct seems to be screaming out in my mind. 

‘This seems somehow wrong… as if this is not the proper way to go about it.’

I focus on the instinct, and an odd sense of disconnect occurs when in the corner of my eye, I notice the rope of the noose lifting. 

‘The rope? I almost forgot I have been dragging it behind me this entire time.’

The rope wobbles back and forth like a newborn animal striving to take its first steps. The rat abruptly freezes, either due to an instinct of danger, or it simply notices the ropes sway. 

Regardless it is too late.

Faster than the strike of any serpent, the end of the rope expands like a mouth and envelopes the rat. The rat shrieks noisily and struggles desperately, but its efforts are futile. Within the rope, I witness the air around the rat bubble as its fur and skin peel away, exposing the red muscle beneath. A line of flesh-colored haze flows through the length of the rope and into the noose where something I never expected occurs.

A savory flavor washes over me, ‘Taste? I can taste, I thought that would be impossible! Though it’s a little strange, I have to admit… It's as if I am tasting with my entire body rather than my mouth.’

However, my delight wanes a bit as I resume watching the rat shriek even after its skin has bubbled away. The flesh-colored haze advances downwards and drifts into the kiln as the flame within baths in the haze dancing joyfully. The red muscles melt away, leaving nothing but a skeleton until even that evaporates. Finally, when the last of the red haze flows into the kiln, a new purple wall appears.

Having devoured something in such a bizarre and cruel way, I can almost feel a bit of my humanity slip away. This is only made worse by the fact that the thing that had strangled the life out of me for an untold amount of time seems to be my only strength.

‘...There is nary a need to overthink it. I lost much of my humanity in that sea of darkness, and I fear going back if I fail. If I have to use the tool of my execution and the object that tormented me all that time to go on, I shall do it. Although, I would be lying if I said the method did not make me uncomfortable. 

Perhaps I should try to kill things first next time. I saw Sir Mouser play with his food lots of times in the past, yet still, that was a little much. Anyway, I feel quite satisfied. Some people might feel disgusted by eating a rat, but… it’s not the first one I have eaten. I will say I dou—’

My thoughts are interrupted when I feel a small tickle around the shell of the kiln as a bit of residual flavor fills me. Suddenly, one of the Cosmic Systems blue walls appears in front of me.

 'What?’ I stare at the wall. ‘Perception? Stat points?... I am certain that the Cosmic System did not mention anything about this, but this is unmistakably one of its blue walls. Does thou know anything, Earl?’

Earl does not answer. ‘Ah, well the answers were nice while it lasted. I do not understand, but I assume this is one of those stat things that was in the forced knowledge. There was nothing about them individually, though…’ I shake my head. ‘Yet, more things I must learn of to survive.’

Pushing my thoughts away for currently more important matters, my attention turns to the noose that is still wobbling lubberly. Oddly I notice my sight seems a bit sharper after receiving the point, but the noose manages to keep my notice.

‘Aye, now what about this? Can I control it, or is it merely moved by instinct alone?’ Seeking to move it consciously, it flinches as if my innermost instincts and mind are battling one another for control. Eventually, I gain the upper hand and force it to wrap itself around my chest at an angle, partially obscuring the flame’s light. ‘It would appear that, aye, I may control it. I suppose I should think of it as my claws and fangs from here forth.’

Gazing into the murky water, I study the rope: it runs over my right shoulder, loops around my left hip, and once again back over my right shoulder. It does this three times, giving me three full loops of rope. 

‘I would say I have approximately ten feet of rope to work with. More importantly, I need to practice if I hope to use it effectively to defend myself in the future. Hmm, also…’ I make some adjustments to the rope to better cover the kiln’s flame. ‘That should both hide the kiln to some extent, and also help my stealth. Now, Earl, what is it thou said I acquired?’

A few minutes pass as I study the message closely. Finally, I nod.

‘Aye. I already knew about the essence, although the part about the food is comforting, but there is a bit of new information there. What about this Nebula and Vitrum? Are they truly so rare? Why can I produce them…? More importantly, how would I go about refining these materials?’

 ‘Hmm, well…’

**Squeak. Squeak**

Hearing a noise and glancing down, I notice the half-eaten baby rat struggling near the murky water. My thoughts shift, and I consider putting it out of its misery when suddenly a weird feeling spreads over me as if something is detaching itself from me.



Abruptly a black and purple paste-like substance falls from the kiln and upon the baby rat. Some of the substance dissolves in the water, but the majority has covered the rat. Taking a closer look, I notice the kiln seems to have peeled away from its outer layer.

I tilt my head and lower myself. ‘This body is so strange. I suppose this may be some sort of way for it to cleanse itself?’

Staring at the sparkling slop on the floor, I can see it seems to be a bit dirty compared to the kiln within my belly. Inspecting it a bit more, I find it does not seem to be anything more than just a mix of glass and whatever managed to make its way onto the kiln. 

‘Did the kiln, perchance, shed its skin like a snake?... It does not seem any bigger, though? Earl, does thou know anything, perhaps?’

 ‘Ah, so it’s natural. That is a relief; I was afraid I might be dying again. After so many near-death experiences, I have turned a bit numb to things such as this…’ I shrug, dramatically. ‘Well, let us be on our way, I suppose.’

As if I am some sort of phantom of the chamber pot tunnels, I continue onward in hopes of finding my way out or, eventually, another meal. 

When this turns out fruitless and having thought about it for a bit, I return to my previous conversation with Earl.

‘Aye, Earl, I am going to take a break, so let us do this refining thing while I have an opportunity.’

 The glass kiln abruptly brightens with a purple blaze. The flame within spreads making the interior of the kiln resemble a raging inferno. A few moments later, my body suddenly begins itching furiously, yet scratching myself is impossible. The prickly itch drives me mad as I desperately attempt to find relief from the sensation.

 Darkness rapidly overtakes me.




I awaken angrily. ‘Geh! Foolish Earl, I wish thou wouldst have warned me that I would lose awareness. How long was I unconscious!?’

 As unhelpful as ever, Earl ignores my question, but something different puzzles me.

‘Five? But I have merely consumed a single rat…’ Pondering Earl’s numbers, my mood sinks when I realize the origin of the material. ‘Oh... It is from the people of Roanoke.’

My mind now tired, I sit in utter silence until I abruptly recollect that I had forgotten about the baby rat.

‘Geh! I… I suppose, I should return to the creature to ensure it is not suffering.’


Chamber Pot Tunnels Examples:


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