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Hey everyone, I wanted to give an update since I’ve not been as active lately. Things just seem to be getting worse every year, don’t they? Regrettably, I’ve still been struggling with aggravated tmj pain after my wisdom tooth removal surgery, as well as eye tension from looking at a screen too often, developing chronic headaches. They’ve settled down recently after doing some stretches and lowering my screen brightness, so that’s good at least. I’ve felt depressed and frustrated for being so behind on everything because of it. I’m having a move soon too, but to make matters worse, the IRS took what ever I had left in my checking account to pay off taxes I didn’t account for, even after I did them last month. Might have to do something with my health insurance after updating my income to them a few weeks ago. On top of that, political tensions, economic tensions, etc, have been stressing me out, just the thought of a war…

This sounds so first world though, considering how bad things are getting for the people in Ukraine, I’ve got nothing to complain about compared to them, which is why I felt ashamed to give an update on my situation for a while. I also feel like I’m just making excuse after excuse, but I can’t bullshit you all.

Honestly I’m terrified to think what I’d do if it weren’t for my Patrons. You all are my financial pillars, you deserve more from me and not some Whiny, depressed, slacker that lets life get him down so easy. I can’t thank you all enough for sticking around even during these rough economic times. And to my commission que, I thank you for your incredible patients with me. It’s a long wait, but I will be sure to make it worth it.

Thank you for reading.


Lucas Shepherd

Hey man, you're fine! I usually lurk around the social space due to anxiety, but.. I just want you to know, life is not perfect and you can't make it out that way no matter how hard you try. Thing's will happen and you just have to push your way through them, one step at a time. Time is no issue either, especially when it comes to your health, so don't fret about that. We might support you through Patreon because of our interest in your art, but that doesn't mean that we only care about that and not yourself. I'm sure all of us here understand what you're going through and are okay with waiting as long as need be for you to recover. And if anything, I myself more appreciate the fact that you went all out with your honesty to us about your current situation, even with everything going on in the world. And don't think that you aren't what we deserve. We're here for you, not just for what you do. In short, I wish you the best in all of this and hope you come out of it strong, healthy, and most of all happy.


Man, all I have to say is that I’m glad you’re still here. Even if you haven’t been able to do as much due to outside circumstances, which I completely understand.

Joe Borgon

Take a break dude! Come back when you’re ready and are able to enjoy it! I’ve had to take a break from stuff too recently. Lots of change going on for everyone right now. Keep it light!


I love you Mr. Fox ❤🦊and I just want you to know that I'm truly glad I'm your patron and that I hope all this war stuff will end soon so everything can go back to normal and also that all that money you lost cause of the IRS the patreon money will bring that back cause you didnt deserve that and it sadden me to hear that that happend to you 🧡🧡🧡


Yeah for real he seriously deserves a long break and tbh if I was him I would take one but idk he may be afraid that he'll lose supporters but honestly tho if after hearing him say this stuff about what's going on in his life and they still leave there clearly not a true supporter and don't deserve to be apart of his fan base anyway, but that's them tho if he takes a break imma still stay subbed cause I understand life can be hard and some days you just need a break from everything especially with what's going rn in the world


Just throwing this wild, controversial concept out there: You're a human, not a robot. Things happen, because you're not an automaton who exists outside the realm of reality. You have feelings, and things that will happen outside of art and the internet. Make sure you take care of yourself physically and mentally, dude.


Don't worry. Just get your health in order. That is what matters. Politics and war doesn't, because you have no control over that. I'm saying that as a Hungarian close to Ukraine. It's a bad situation there, but our lives should not stop because of it. Focus on what you have control over.


don't worry, at least you send a message to say what's happening to you and you don't leave us in the dark like many artists for several months. After the war... well being French yes it's true that it's a problem. Especially when you're a big Fallout 4 player like me! We imagine the worst necessarily! But if you're depressed, go see a doctor or a psychiatrist. Believe me, I'm coming out of a big disappointment / depression because of an artist I've loved since I was 10 and I'm 31. It's hard to see someone you've seen evolve, improve etc and finally see that he's the biggest asshole in the galaxy. When you want to be an artist to do like your idol, it hurts. So without consultation and without anti-depressant, I think I'll already be serving to fatten the maggots! Courage, we are here to support you! And not only for animations, human relations are the basis of trust between an artist and his patrons.


Hey, I think everything will be fine in the end. I know things will not automatically be solved by themselves, but we will become stronger every time we overcome some hardships. Like, you already tried to help yourself by let us know your circumstances and it is really not a shame to do so. Many people are too afraid about rejection from others so that they stop solving problems. Although I could not feel the bad feelings you have right now but I also experienced some bad moments recently. Just want let you know that you are not alone. Sometimes we are just not that lucky but everything will be fine. A small suggestion from me is that exercise may help you to solve the depression.


Thank you for the advice, I appreciate it. I do see a doctor for my depression and am on anti depressants and Adderal, which helped really well when i first started them, but eventually my body starts to build tolerance to them and they become not as effective as they used to. I'll probably speak to my doctor about changing things up so my body doesn't adapt to one medication, but I get worried about withdrawl or possible overdosing. My next appointment is next month, but i might call the office to get an earlier date.. I know how you feel about artists or people you look up to ending up being assholes, I've dealt with that my self, it's an awful experience for sure.