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The guys in the gang decided to give me a tour around their lounge, which also happens to  be where "the boss" keeps his sleigh. They let me climb aboard and things just got a little crazy! Think it started when Blitzen asked me if I'd like to get an early Christmas surprise before calling his bois over. Dasher however doesn't seem interested. The old timer said we should help him load the presents onto the sleigh and that we all need Jesus, only for Blitzen to make a smartass remark. Prancer and Dancer went up after Blitzen took me for a ride so he's flaccid and chilling now. Rudo and Donner are shyer but I bet they'll be more affectionate.

Hope you all enjoyed the holidays! Let me know what Santa and his hunky bucks helped bring you all for Christmas. Sorry again for this being posted late, but I wanted to make it perfect! 

Ganna rest my wrist now, see you all next year after new years! Cheers!




god damn this is amazing! Such great work kiddo!\


Thanks big guy <3 if you were at the northpole I know you'd call dibs and wreck that sleigh under us.


Always worth the wait this is amazing. Something about the headphones gets me going, like I'm just an object lol. Glad I support you. Hope you had a nice holiday and have a great new year!


This is awesome! I hope you had a great Christmas and have a happy New Year!


Godly work as usual! Happy New Years <3


This is genuinely impressive wow. Incredible job with this piece holy cow