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https://twitter.com/MetalFoxT Just going to say, I've never felt as defeated as I do now, knowing all the following I've worked hard to build on that site for 7 years, 33.2k followers will be gone and there's not much I can do about it. If I can't get this permanent suspension appealed, I worry I'll start losing more Patrons than I'll be gaining since I lost a huge chunk of exposure, all because of one profile pic. I filed an appeal, but I fear it will only get rejected. I feel so cut off and anxious from the uncertainty of the situation, it's sending me into a deep state of depression. 

I'm gonna try and keep working on the commissions I owe so far, I don't want to give up, I want to hold hopes that I can still make a living making animations. 




We're here for you man. We know you got this dude! >:)


Didn’t think that it was a permanent suspension so sorry if what I said came off as mean-spirited. I didn’t mean it that way in the first place. We’re here for you.


Somebody wasn't a fan of egg-nog 😔


It shouldn't be a permanent suspension, they only have two strikes for this rule, last time I got warned was last year. I'm sick of treading on egg shells with these big tech platforms.


I'm confused, what's wrong with the picture?


Probably too sexual. I thought adding an eggnog carton would give the impression it's not cum, instead it's... well... eggnog. Twitter didn't buy it I guess.


Sorry I can't see it, shouldn't they give you a warning first?


I've seen worse than that. But to permaban you is crazy.


Don't worry I'll support you.


They did, last year for the same image, but the last time I did it, it didn't have an eggnog carton, though I also thought it might have been my banner at the time too. It's such a dumb reason to completely exile someone from a platform honestly.


here's what pisses off about this, ok so there are multiple I mean multiple accts with more vogue shit, and there are also ALOT of fucking porn accts on Twitter and they don't ever get a warning or anything but as soon as certain accts post anything they don't like Twitter comes and rains down hell onto those accts which is so fucking stupid. But ah yeah sorry it just irritates me to see stuff like that happen to people I love....anyway I hope you get this situated and fixes so you can keep your acct🙏


How? Your posting lewd gifs and vids already on twitter. How is THAT picture giving you trouble? Like…twitter has no prob when we all post our lewd/weird art pieces. Why did twitter now have a problem with you posting gay furry art? Those platforms make less sense with every passing day


Because Twitter is completely braindead. Nothing that they do surprises me anymore, hasn’t for quite a while now too.


Not to mention the fact that the absolute lowest scum on the planet (morality wise, not based off some political biases of mine. I don’t wanna talk about them in detail, but I’ll give a clue: they’re the least respected people in any prison.) are allowed to have a platform unfettered.


This is so .... nonsensical. They might have a case because of alcohol consumption, but that isn't part of their policies. I seriously hope that your appeal goes through, but I'm not getting my hopes up. It's clear that Twitter is currently running a campaign against everything adult, and that they are using every chance they see to get rid of folks that don't cater to toddlers. This is, of course, because of pressure from some manically religious groups that have a stake in payment processors such as mastercard and visa, and see it fit to enforce their kind of "morale" onto the rest of the world. Fox, I am seriously sad this has happened to you. Rest assured that twitter or no, you have and will keep my support. If there's anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to ask. Please feel hugged.


Aww, that sucks. Fingers crossed you can get it appealed!


So great, now Twitter is getting involved. Are we just not alot to have fun. First Porn Hub now this


A lot of people get banned for no good reason. If I had to guess, the bot banned this picture because it may appear that the character is dead. Don’t get discouraged. Make your case on something like “he just had too much eggnog” I think you have a good chance that the appeal will be successful.


What the actual shit. You got permabanned? I've seen actual porn on Twitter and they banned you because of this? It's so stupid. The internet continues to let me down with their sensitivity and knee-jerk reactions to, in my opinion, harmless art. I just recently started supporting you and I'm not going anywhere for a bit.


Geez that sucks! Hope you get to appeal and fight for your account!

Solitary Hyena

Jesus. Yeah twitter tends to do this dumb shit. But hopefully j can get it back. If not, another platform may have to work.