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Hi guys! Sorry this month' s video is a bit late. I hope you enjoy it though! It's full of camera/lens tapping, face touching, whispered rambling, and more. :) As always, thank you SO much. Love you guys!!


Patreon Exclusive ASMR | Camera Tapping, Face Touching, & Other Triggers

Hi guys! Sorry this month' s video is a bit late. I hope you enjoy it though! It's full of camera/lens tapping, face touching, whispered rambling, and more. :) As always, thank you SO much. Love you guys!!



Catching this video late but I LOVED IT! You talked about this near the end but the way you weaved(wove?) the face tapping into the life update (which is always fun to hear about) was so dope, I’d definitely enjoy seeing more of that. You also read my mind on explaining the sounds matching the lens tapping because you were pulling it off seamlessly holy what. I do enjoy a variety of triggers and mouth sounds lowkey are so dope sometimes but whether you make or not I’ll stick around and support! Love this video and all the content you’re putting out, hope the vacation goes (or went) well and you got to shred on the surfboard a tad 🤙🏾 thank you!!

Alicia Trumble

I’m wicked mad at myself for waiting this long to get Patron, I’ve been a subscriber since before you started talking about getting a Patron, back when we weren’t even 10k strong yet. So believe me when I say, please don’t stress about any of your perceived “imperfections “, I would never want to think I’m watching (and enjoying) something that caused you emotional turmoil... I don’t usually leave you suggestions, I’m such an ASMR novice; I don’t know anything besides what’s been in your videos and The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross. Lol. But since I’m doing this whole patron thing, I figured I’d take it seriously and throw you some comments/suggestions/feedback and you can do what you do with it. Lol Loves- whispers, that mouth click thing you do, tapping, your whispered book videos are my fav, the randomness/assorted trigger videos are my 2nd fav, and silliness/malarkey comments in the role plays make me chuckle. Dislikes- sound of cotton (personal pet peeve, don’t expect you to never use cotton again, just throwing it out there, lol) Drawing ideas (not sure what kind of art you draw, but these are some things I enjoy and love)- Bob Ross, sloths, elephants, unicorns, sunsets, the moon, psychedelic stuff... Hope this has been helpful?!?


Thank you Daniel!! Love this feedback! :D Surfing actually didn't go that well, it's WAY harder than I remember hahaha I definitely wiped out


Oh wow, welcome Alicia!! :D I can't believe you've been around that long, that's so cool! Thank you. :) I totally get the cotton thing , in real life I don't like the sound, but in videos I kinda like it - it's weird haha. And those are excellent drawing ideas, I'll definitely have to do one of those in a future thank-you note. :) Thank you for the feedback!!