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Hello, everyone!

This is something I’ve meaning to do for a while now. When I first started making games on Patreon, the tiers made a lot of sense -- when I only had about 3-4 short little games, 15 USD to play them all seemed pretty fair (in fact, I think it was 10 USD right in the beginning)! But as the games grew in scope and content and I’m spending 3ish months on one game instead of 2-3 weeks, the model seems a bit outdated.

It doesn’t seem very right that you can buy Pokémon Underground on Itchio for 14.99 or you can get access to Pokémon Underground AND 10 more games by joining the Gamer Tier on Patreon.

It’s a bit hard to balance it for people that buy games directly on Itchio, people that support once or twice a year to download the newest games, and the loyal supporters that are here every month.

I also don’t really want things to change that much... I want people to feel like they’re getting the same value as before. I'm very grateful to all of you guys here, and I don't want to scare you off! I want to continue offering outstanding value for my humble tickle games.

With that in mind, here are my updated tiers. I’m gonna start at the Gamer tier, because that’s where the main differences are.

Gamer: 12 USD

You get access to my latest game release.

Avid Gamer: 15 USD

You get access to my three latest games.

Sneak Peeker: 17 USD

You get sizeable weekly updates on the next game.

Completionist: 30 USD

You get full access to all my games.

Commissioner: 50 USD

You can request characters/events/changes with exclusive tickle scenes.

So you can see, the biggest change is the Gamer tier, but if you’ve been supporting me for a while and are up to date on all my games, you’re actually getting a discount!

I don’t really want this to be a surprise out of nowhere if you haven’t downloaded all my games yet, so I’ll be implementing the changes tomorrow.

Thank you for your understanding. I hope you guys get where I’m coming from with the changes and I hope they seem fair to you. If you have any suggestions or feedback, I'd appreciate hearing it. Have a great Sunday!


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