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Still a little rough, but here's what to expect for the next one! I'll have a bigger update next week.

A reminder that this game is based on: https://www.deviantart.com/quillsman/art/Strategy-And-Submission-928324652

I think the game will be split into two, with one game for the Commonwealth Campaign and one for the Union one, with the former being the one I do first. Let me know if you have any questions :)


238.08 MB file on MEGA



Oh, very interesting gameplay concept you've got going for this one! I look forward to seeing how it develops!

Bob Show

This is the most unique scenario I've seen so far. I wonder if there are going to be more colourful characters (betrayers, lieutenants and spies) in the game other than the six listed in Quillsman's notes.


Yeah, I'm still tinkering a lot with the skills system and gameplay! You'll see what I mean in the next mission, where I went for a more focused approach but with more specialised tickle scenes as a focus. Love to hear your feedback then!


Yeah, I'm having lots of fun with it so far! As always, there will be adjustments from Quillsman's notes, and I have already made some changes regarding the units to add a bit more variety. For named characters, I haven't quite decided yet. Do you have anything particular in mind? Always love to hear suggestions!