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Hello, everyone! I know the Tomb levels are a little spars, so in additional to collectible paintings portraying unnerving tickle scenes of the heroes, I’m thinking of putting ‘tickle coffins’ on each floor for them to stumble across victims.

Here’s what I’ve got so far. I need ten, and I’m not a huge fan of the final few ones. Any suggestions, everyone? Love to hear your ideas!

Feet coffins:

1. Feet of the Great Druid of Farbane (tickled by roots)

2. Elegant feet of Noblewoman/Duchess (Graverobber knows her?)

3. Mother Superior of Silverlight Nunnery (scrubbed, Vestal knows her)

4. Merling Princess (blue, webbed feet, PD finds her fascinating)

5. Alpha Female Warg (large, long feet, some hair on the tops, with long toenails)

6. Ishvalan Priestess (Like Ishizu Ishtar, SB knows her)

7. Amazonian Champion (big feet, Hellion knows her tribe?)

8. Tattooed feet of Pirate Queen (toe-flossing with seaweed, tickled by crabs/shells)

9. Coven Leader Witch Feet (Crusader heard of her?)

10. Talented Seamstress

11. Fanatical Dark Cultist



Haha yes my name would usually be Dexterity, but I either made a typo when writing it (im smoothbrained, wouldnt surprise me) or It was taken so feel free to call me dexterity. And always up to help with ideas, I got too many of em flying around my head anyways so I'll happily dump some of them on you if it helps you with inspiration. Im happy to hear some of them made it in too haha, makes me feel like im also a small part of the game c: Glad some of my coffin ideas caught your fancy too ^^ About the timer, i had it in mind like this, it will only count down as long as players are moving on the map, as soon as a text field comes up the timer is temporarily stopped until the text field dissapears, this way players can take their time reading, but still have the sense of urgency when moving about. Some events that pop up (like traps) might reduce the timer by a set time, wich could also be displayed visually immediatly. Im also very exited to hear that theres lava and Ice levels, I already love the visuals of the normal map, nice and spooky. Ah yes on a sidenote, when I tried the game it would kinda mess itself up after the second stairway was reached, not moving me from the map after reaching it, and I would have to restart. I just assumed that was because its still in beta but I still thought id let you know in case thats an unforeseen issue. And hey im always happy to help, I love what you're doing here and im happy to be apart of it c: And sure, If you have any other ideas that you'd want an input on or if I get another idea I'll gladly provide it , though for now I think its in a pretty great place already ^^


Hi! I wish I could come up with more but I don't think many of my ideas would fit a horror game Broken Apprentice - A frustrated fledgling mage who dared to brave the area to conduct a powerful ritual that she wished would give her limitless power. However in the middle of the ritual she is knocked out and taken away to the coffins. Because the ritual was broken and never completed, only part of her mind and soul remained in the mortal plane. After only a few days of torture she is easily driven mad by the tickling and raves how she can only be saved by being tickled and how the sinuous touch will consume all who enter. Spider Queen - Once the queen of a long forgotten but thriving kingdom, she was cursed by a treacherous court mage who staged a successful coup to usurp the king. The mage had a huge foot fetish and made her his plaything by giving her ageless immortality , 8 legs and 4 pairs of feet When encountered in her coffin, 4 pairs of feet (one pair on top of another) poke out at the bottom of the coffin. The Antiquarian notices her ornate toe rings and anklets (the ones the mage forced her to wear), and questions the former queen of their origin. Nurturing Spirit - A playful spirit of mirth that gains power from laughter of all kinds. Teasingly she beckons to the player to tickle and play with her feet and in exchange she fully heals all party members with her mirth energy (There's only a few of these spirits of mirth left in this world due to the severity of the current times. Lucky encounter that comes in handy).


Dex! Very good, haha. I'm not sure the time thing would work like that, but I promise that I will look into it. I haven't used a time-based mechanism in one of my games since I did the first LoL one (with Katarina), so it would be interesting to explore. And I'm sorry to hear you couldn't experience more levels in the earlier version of the beta. I was able to go through four levels when I was testing, but the randomised nature means it's a bit tricky to test certain things sometimes (the order in which you go through the 4 levels are always random, out of a total of 10). Anyway, I'll have an update ready tomorrow so check that out and hope you enjoy the new sections :)


Ade! How lovely to hear from you too. Some really interesting ideas and I appreciate the effort in coming up with some little backstories for them. The Spider Queen idea reminds me a little of this: https://www.deviantart.com/pirata3/art/4-toys-4-a-Succubus-447431885 It's definitely quite intriguing! I'm not so sure about the other two (especially since I don't want to emphasise magic that much in this one, since it's quite a low fantasy setting), but I'll definitely give them all serious consideration. Thanks for sharing :)