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Hello, and happy early Halloween, everyone!

I just thought I’d update you on Episode 15 and future plans for Episode 16, because creativity is an unbridled horse that gallops wherever it pleases.

For Episode 15, the upcoming ninja game, progress has gone well! I’m still ironing out the kinks of a short little introductory scene that shows the new characters and systems in the game (and having a bit of rest from the fatigue of an episode release by playing Darkest Dungeon), but it should be ready in the first few days of November. I’m especially curious for feedback on the musical direction and design of the characters.

As for Episode 16, some of you may know I’ve been quite hyped for the upcoming vampire survival game, V Rising: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZt90OPsxdc

And I think it would be one of those games that would be fun to remix into an entry into the To-Tickle List. I mean, I haven’t really made a game with such a baroque, gothic setting before, and a story about Vampire siblings Brandon and Cissy rising to power with some castle-building elements sounds fun.

The only problem is that is feels a little similar to Episode 6, the Demon Overlord one, but perhaps I could replicate the deuteragonist structure of Episode 15 and have half the focus be on Vampire Brandon and half the focus be on Vampire Hunter Cissy as she joins the inquisition? Perhaps, but there’s no need to make a firm decision now. It’ll be a while before we get to that stage, and I’ll be running a poll before we get there to see if you guys like this idea or would prefer something based on Yakuza, Cyberpunk 2077, LoL, or etc. Just some food for thought for the future :)


V Rising - Official Gameplay Trailer

Get your first look at the action-RPG gameplay and crafting gameplay in the latest trailer for V Rising. #IGN #Gaming


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